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Is 9 inches too big?

I've always heard bigger is better! But I have a 9" dick and I've never been completely satisfied in bed. I could never put it all in either in a girl's pussy or while oral. Is there something wrong with me or is it the girls that I've been with? Can anybody help me?
Moreover because of the big size ut takes too long to cum and my partner usually gets tired
Most Helpful Girl
- The big problem is very few girls can take 9 inches. The average is about 6 inches. Your extra 3 inches is a total waste. It ain't gonna go in!
As far as I am concerned, I would rather have one below average, as a bad lover with above average is gonna hurt.
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Most Helpful Guy
- That's to much for a woman. Only a few of them can take 9 inches and those are queen size, but I think that if you get involve in a serious relationship there are certain thing you can do to normalize your sexual life, for example use positions that wouldn't let you go deep, or aloud your partner to use positions that will help her control the dept. If you want to go deep wrap a towel around your buddy, or something that will limit the amount of lenght. Use tons of lube and foreplay, always communicate with your partner. Now, if the girth is also extremely above average, you'll more problems. From 5.5 inches your partner may feel more pain than pleauser.
Women this is sensitive 9 inches too big for most women or is it juust right?
Follow4 answersReport AbuseBest Answer: 9 inches is the large side for guys and most women will not be able to get all of it in. Just make sure that you are gentle with the woman and let her adjust to you if she hasn't had someone that large before. Make sure she is really turned on by the time you get to intercourse so that her vagina can stretch to accommodate your size.Source(s):experienceAngel of Death · 10 years ago0Thumbs up0Thumbs downReport Abuse- Well considering that most woman only have a cervix of about 3 to 5 inches, when aroused it jumps to 6 or 7 inches.....what would you do with the other 3 or 2 inches? I would say it is a lot, but hey some woman like them huge.
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What Girls Said6
- I think that your dick size is very special size. You need a special type of girl to really appreciate your bigger size dick. Find a girl who has a bigger and a deeper vagina and a girl who can suck in a bigger dick size.
- For me 9 inches was too much but other woman may be different. My husband is 7 and with about 3 inches or so of girth and that is perfect for me.
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- @smt133 I would say 5 inch. But that is just me. Some woman like smaller. Also thickness makes a big difference as well.
- Bigger isn’t always better
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What Guys Said5
- None of these statements are founded in reality. A woman's cervix is like 16 inches up in there. I'm 11" and never had any problems like that even with women that are 5 feet tall you just start to touch the cervix. Maybe if you were 20" this could be a problem. I've seen a woman take every inch of a 2 and a half foot horse penis. Finally size and stamina are unrelated.
- Oral usually doesn't go further then vagina to begin with so , or you should just own that dick and be like HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ME , its bigger then your face or something like that , Wrong why do people say that so quick all the time on here , like damn.
- It's all in your head, there's lots that can take it, especially at the right angle.
- AnonymousIt's all in your head.
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Home > Sexual Health > Is 9 inches too big?