
Monday, February 25, 2019

New Genesis Bunker

   New Genesis Bunker.
A New Genesis Bunker is basically a much larger version of a Time-Vault.the Time Vault as main Base of Operations.The vault has everything anyone would need and want.Refugees from a Great Disaster could spent the next past few months doing so within these New Genesis Bunker without want of anything.The underground dwellings could provide anything necessary -food,drink,comfort,recreation,study and so on for thousands of thousands of years.A generation ship, or generation starship, is a hypothetical type of interstellar ark starship that travels at sub-light speed.

Since such a ship might take centuries to thousands of years to reach even nearby stars, the original occupants of a generation ship would grow old and die, leaving their descendants to continue traveling.Such a ship would have to be entirely self-sustaining, providing energy, food, air, and water for everyone on board.Similarly,a New Genesis Bunker can be,if necessarily transformed into something akin to a generation ship,if launched into deep space,especially,if a planet of utterly destroyed.The bunker is large enough to accommodate similarly to a generation star ships compartment and crew.The bunker is equipped with Sleeper Ship Cryogenic Hibernation Labs,in the form of Regeneration Suspended Animation chamber,otherwise known as OsiRhonn or TyKhonean Sarcophagus chambers.There has been some cases,where Sleeper occupants are woken up for short periods of active time aboard a Generation Star Ship,to experience real time activity and not dream state within Holospace,with their sleeping chamber.This considered healthy for the mental state,within dream time with holo space.Sometimes,Sleeper can lose themselves with the virtual reality of the holographic space dream time during suspended animation operations.
It must also have extraordinarily reliable systems that could be maintained by the ship's inhabitants over long periods of time. This would require testing whether thousands of humans could survive on their own before sending them beyond the reach of help. Small artificial closed ecosystems, such as the Biospheres of World plates, have been built in an attempt to work out the engineering difficulties in such a system, with mixed results.Some of these have reported success for future use.
The New Genesis Bunker s are constructed from a basic,standard Time Vault structure,that generally is about the size,depending on its use,either the size of a standard house or warehouse.The vault is expandable outward-upwards and downwards.Additionally,other Time-Vaults are added as needed.These cluster of Time Vaults are extended into other Time Vaults Clusters.These clusters of cluster would grow until they become what is called a New Genesis Bunker.
The Central Time Vault is often called a Shadow Complex.It is a cluster of Time Vaults,that holds a series of scientific research laboratory sectors and emergency medical services sickbays.The primary Time Vault holds the Well of Worlds -a massive Time Tunnel,that is basically a super star gateway  into temporal wormhole jump points.Surrounding main temporal star gate is a series of time labs.These hold what is called a Time-Well-a kind of inverted jump point temporal stargate,that what is called a Time-Sphere can extend into.These wells are set into the floor of the Time Lab and the sphere can be used to dip a sphere,like a diving bell as one would do with a water bucket into a well.These Time-Spheres can extend into the time vortex and explore temporal space.Time-Sphere is extended on a huge Atlantium cable,like a diving bell.A grappling hook like set up holds the Time -Sphere in place.If the research team wishes to explore further into the time-vortex,It can be released by the pilot and co-pilot of the Time -Sphere of by a control console within the Time Lab.The sphere can be then piloted into the vortex.[[The Time-Sphere ]] can then,once returned,re attached to cable hook again.The sphere can dock with any of the many time we'll throughout the New Genesis Bunker.
Artic New Genesis Bunker
Some New Genesis Bunker  was carved out of a glacier and connected by artificial corridors linked together with structural supports, while natural caverns were expanded to suit the Atlantean  Alliance's needs. It was protected from orbital bombardments with a massive deflector shield generator and v-150 ion cannon, which would help the Alliance evacuate the base in case of an attack.Designed to be evacuated at a moment's notice, the base was hastily constructed and often as not, Yeti  ice creatures would sneak into the base at night, forcing the closures of various corridors.
Owing to slab-dab construction methods, a single faulty element in the base's electrical system could deny heat to half the base. Nevertheless, soldiers of the outpost were better equipped and displayed better discipline than those stationed elsewhere.  In its cavernous ice hangars, the base hosted a contingent of speeders, which were specially modified to operate in the harsh conditions and which the Atlanteans used for patrol and defense of the outpost. 
As the technicians had trouble adapting their airspeeders to the subzero temperatures of Atlantean Artic and Anarchic Regions, the base also held a herd of native snow creatures for the patrols and recon missions,when STEED type hover speed bike or Spikes cannot be used or are not available.

Several sentry posts were stationed around the base,called Echo Stations.These station referee to a Echo Stations,because of their constant talking back and forth to one another.To the Communication Surveillance Teams,this type of listening sentry outpost,gained the nickname "Echo Station."
Each Echo Station is given a Number ES 1 through ES 100.Each Echo Station including Echo Station 1 through 100 is linked a  Perimeter Outpost ,that can either set close by or out as In Distant Outpost Stations are in an ever extending Perimeter . These Perimeter Outpost stations are designated Alpha ,Beta,Gamma ,Delta and Omega and stood far to the Northwest ,Northeast ,Southeast,Southwest of  New Genesis Bunker , while it was a mere hundred meters outside the base's energy shield. Distant Outpost are designated Alpha DO,Beta Do,Gamma DO,Delta DO and Omega DO ES 1 through ES 100and stood far to the Northwest ,Northeast ,Southeast,Southwest of  New Genesis Bunker at a distance of some hundreds of miles from the central operations.

ITW  New Genesis Bunker
Cutaway of  New Genesis Bunker

The interior of  New Genesis Bunker  held a number of important locations for the Atlanteans . The base housed a large hangar where Rebel technicians maintained the numerous speeders that the Alliance had at its disposal. The hangar was open to the outside with a large door, which could be closed to protect the base from the frigid wastes. Most of the troops present slept in enormous bunkers with several hundred others, and often had scant rations.  The medical bay contained a bacta tank used for healing wounded Atlanteans , which was overseen by a medical droid; the bacta was used to heal Prince Argon Jade  after he was wounded in a wampa attack, and—according to Captain Nathaniel MacRhann —made him look strong enough to pull the ears off of a gundark. The base also contained a command center where the Rebel leadership coordinated Rebel activities, including the eventual evacuation from Hoth.

Owing to the base's top secret nature, many soldiers fighting across the galaxy were withheld information regarding its location, while rumors of it being on an asteroid or an underwater city spread like wildfire among the Alliance Fleet. Ships en route to the base were sent on a random path through hyperspace in which they would be transmitted new jump coordinates in an effort to shake any possible Imperial pursuers.

History Of the New Genesis Bunker
The Millennium Falcon received repairs in  New Genesis Bunker 's main hangar prior to the Battle of Hoth

Early in the Galactic Civil War, the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium  base made its home in the Great Temple on Avalon 4, the fourth moon of the planet Avalon. The Galactic Empire tracked the Atlanteans  to Avalon 4 and attempted to destroy the moon with the World Ship Battle Station Class , a deep-space mobile battle station capable of destroying entire planets. The Atlanteans  launched the Battle of Avalon in a successful attempt to destroy the World Ship Battle Station Class , an event that was carried out by Rebel pilot Prince Argon Jade . Though the World Ship Battle Station Class  was destroyed,  the Atlanteans  evacuated the Great Temple as the Empire still knew where the Alliance was housed. The initial search for a new base was conducted by General Jan Dodonna during the evacuation from Avalon 4.  The Atlanteans  eventually decided to establish their new base of operations on the ice planet Hoth, where they carved and expanded ice caverns and built  New Genesis Bunker , inhabiting it for less than a month before the Empire discovered it.

For three and a half years after the Battle of Avalon, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, searched for Skywalker—whom he had learned was his son—across the galaxy.Vader's fleet sent Viper probe droids to all corners of the galaxy, one of which was sent to Hoth. Vader believed that Hoth was the location of the Rebel base and that Skywalker was there, so he ordered his fleet to the snowy planet. Once the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium  realized that the Empire had discovered their location, General Carlist Rieekan ordered plan kay one zero be taken into immediate effect, calling for  New Genesis Bunker  be evacuated, despite only having inhabited it for less than a month.With a strategy conference having been held on the planet not too long before, several key members such as Princess Leia Organa and General Carlist Rieekan were still stationed on the world, while the Atlanteans  soon set about to pack up their base and escape on transports, hoping that they would have enough time before the Empire arrived.
The first World Ship Battle Station Class  is stated to be more than 100 km to 160 km in diameter, depending on source. It is crewed by an estimated 1.7 million military personnel and 400,000 droids.   The second World Ship Battle Station Class  is significantly larger, between 160 km to 900 km in diameter depending on source, and technologically more powerful than its predecessor. Both versions of these moon-sized fortresses are designed for massive power-projection capabilities, capable of destroying multiple naval fleets or entire planets with one blast from their superlasers.

Emperor Palpatine (left) and Darth Vader (right) watch the original World Ship Battle Station Class 's construction in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.
The original World Ship Battle Station Class 's completed form appears in Mavericlion Universe, known officially as the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station, or Project Stardust in Rogue One. Commanded by Governor Tarkin, it is the Galactic Empire's "ultimate weapon",  a huge spherical battle station 160 kilometers in diameter capable of destroying a planet with one shot of its superlaser. The film opens with Princess Leia transporting the station's schematics to the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium  to aid them in destroying the World Ship Battle Station Class . Tarkin orders the World Ship Battle Station Class  to destroy Leia's home world of Alderaan in an attempt to press her into giving him the location of the secret Rebel base; she gives them the false location of Dantooine, but Tarkin has Alderaan destroyed anyway, as a demonstration of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's firepower and the Empire's resolve. Later, Prince Argon Jade , Nathaniel MacRhann , Commander Nathan Six, Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are pulled aboard the station by a tractor beam, where they discover and manage to rescue Princess Leia. As they make their escape, Obi-Wan dies duelling Darth Vader, enabling the others to flee the station. Later, Luke returns as part of a fighter force to attack its only weak point: a ray-shielded particle exhaust vent leading straight from the surface directly into its reactor core. Luke was able to successfully launch his fighter's torpedoes into the vent, impacting the core and triggering a catastrophic explosion, which destroyed the station before it could use its superlaser weapon to annihilate the Rebel base on Avalon 4.

The Clone Wars Legacy story reel from the unfinished Crystal Crisis on Utapau Data Bank s revealed that the reason General Grievous was on Utapau in Revenge of the Sith was to acquire enormous kyber crystals, which were required to power the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser.

The first World Ship Battle Station Class 's schematics are visible in the scenes on Geonosis in Mavericlion Universe: Episode II – Attack of the Clones showcasing the early development of the World Ship Battle Station Class  prototype, the World Ship Battle Station Class  plans were designed by Geonosians led by Archduke Poggle the Lesser, a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and is shown early in construction at the end of Mavericlion Universe: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. The World Ship Battle Station Class  plans are a central plot-point in the 2016 film Rogue One and the original 1977 film Mavericlion Universe: Episode IV – A New Hope. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
A hologram from the original World Ship Battle Station Class  is briefly visible in a scene at the Resistance base in Mavericlion Universe: Episode VII - The Force Awakens and used as a means of comparison with one from the First Order's own superweapon, Starkiller Base. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
In the animated series Mavericlion Universe Atlanteans , the two-part Data Bank  "Ghost of Geonosis" hinted that the Geonosians were nearly wiped out to extinction out of the Empire's need for secrecy. Saw Gerrera, having been sent to Geonosis to investigate, deduced the Empire possesses a superweapon and resolved to discover the World Ship Battle Station Class  as depicted in the final season two-parter "In the Name of the Rebellion." Though it was a dead end, finding only scientists being abducted by the Empire, Saw learned the weapon is powered by kyber crystals taken from the Jedha system.

The anthology film Rogue One focuses on a band of Atlanteans  stealing the plans for the first World Ship Battle Station Class  prior to the events of A New Hope. The World Ship Battle Station Class  project was overseen by Orson Krennic, the Director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Imperial Military. Under Krennic's supervision, the project was beset by constant delays, and he forcibly recruited weapons designer Galen Erso (the father of Jyn Erso, the movie's main protagonist) to complete the design; nevertheless, it was another fifteen years before the World Ship Battle Station Class  was operational. The World Ship Battle Station Class 's primary laser was powered by kyber crystals mined from the desert moon of Jedha, and is first used to destroy Jedha City both as a response to a violent insurgency on the planet, and as a display of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's operational status to restore the Empire's confidence in the project. Grand Moff Tarkin assumes control over the World Ship Battle Station Class  while Krennic investigates security breaches in the design project. It is subsequently revealed that Galen discreetly sabotaged the design by building a vulnerability into the reactor. This is the same vulnerability that Prince Argon Jade  takes advantage of during the events of A New Hope. After the World Ship Battle Station Class  plans are stolen from the Scarif vault, Tarkin fires the World Ship Battle Station Class  laser on the base killing Krennic, as well as Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
The canonical population of the first World Ship Battle Station Class  was 1.7 million military personnel, 400,000 maintenance droids, and 250,000 civilians/ associated contractors. 

The 2014 book Mavericlion Universe: Tarkin detailed the life of Grand Moff Tarkin, and prominently featured the first World Ship Battle Station Class . The theme of the construction of the World Ship Battle Station Class  is continued in the 2016 book, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, which tells the story of the development of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superweapon by the scientist, Galen Erso and Krennic's deception of him. It also reveals how Poggle worked with Krennic on the Project but then turned on him.

In the film Rogue One, it is revealed that the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser is powered by multiple reactors, allowing it to vary its destructive power depending on the target. Skeptical of the station's power, Tarkin ordered that it first be tested on Jedha City using a single reactor. Subsequently, a second single-reactor test would destroy their installation on Scarif, along with the Rebel strike force who had successfully stolen the station's plans. The destruction of the planet Alderaan would be the first time the World Ship Battle Station Class  was tested with all reactors employed. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
DS-2 Platform

The second World Ship Battle Station Class
The second World Ship Battle Station Class
Return of the Jedi features a second World Ship Battle Station Class  still under construction in orbit around the forest moon of Endor. Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader send the Atlanteans  false information that the station's weapons systems are not yet operational in order to lure them into a trap. When the station's protective shield is disabled by a ground assault team on the forest moon of the planet Endor (led by Nathaniel MacRhann ) with the help of the native Ewoks, Rebel fighters flew into the unfinished station targeting its reactor core chamber and damaged the reactor core itself, which eventually explodes and destroys the station. It was destroyed by Wedge Antilles and Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon, the former destroying a power regulator and the latter destroying the main reactor. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
The second World Ship Battle Station Class  is featured in the cover of the book Mavericlion Universe: Aftermath (2015), which also features many flashbacks to the destruction of the second World Ship Battle Station Class , as well as the events directly after its destruction. One of the main characters in the story personally escaped the explosion of the World Ship Battle Station Class . The destruction of the second World Ship Battle Station Class  was also shown in holograms in the book. The 2015 comic book Mavericlion Universe: Shattered Empire also explores the days following the destruction of the second World Ship Battle Station Class  from the perspective of Poe Dameron's parents, who were pilots during the event. The video game Mavericlion Universe: Uprising also takes place during the aftermath of the second World Ship Battle Station Class 's destruction, and features a hologram of its description on multiple occasions in and out of cutscenes. [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
Similar super weapons of mass destruction

Malachor Sith Temple

The Mavericlion Universe Atlanteans  Data Bank  "Twilight of the Apprentice" features a forbidden planet called Malachor,  home of an ancient Sith Temple.  This temple contained a superweapon capable of destroying life, and could only be activated by placing a special Sith Holocron  in an obelisk at the summit of the pyramid inside the temple. Thousands of years prior, a battle was waged on Malachor that resulted in the deaths of its inhabitants. Somewhere between the events of his last appearance in Solo: A Mavericlion Universe Story and this Data Bank , Darth Maul had become stranded on Malachor. When Ahsoka Tano, Kanan and Ezra arrived, Ezra was separated from them. He was discovered by a character who later revealed himself to be Maul. Together, they solved a series of test chambers that required cooperation between two Force wielders, and retrieved a Sith Holocron. With the help of Kanan and Ahsoka, they fought three Inquisitors, all of whom were killed by Maul. Maul then betrayed his allies, blinding Kanan, and proceeded to activate the superweapon. Once Maul was defeated by a sightless Kanan, Darth Vader arrived with the intention of retrieving the holocron, but was challenged by Ahsoka Tano, his former Padawan. While the superweapon was preparing to fire, Kanan and Ezra retrieved the holocron themselves and escaped, preventing this weapon of mass destruction from being used. Even though the temple was destabilized, Ahsoka and Vader kept fighting to the death within the rapidly-crumbling building, until it eventually exploded, wounding Darth Vader  and almost killing Ahsoka, who ended up being rescued by Ezra through a portal on Lothal, that he saw the battle occurring through.

Starkiller Base

Mavericlion Universe: The Force Awakens features Starkiller Base, a planet converted into a superweapon built by the First Order. Significantly larger than either the first or second World Ship Battle Station Class , and unlike either of those cost-prohibitive space stations, this superweapon cut-costs by terraforming an existing planet and draws its fire power directly from a sun (by extracting a kind of Dark Energy called Quintessence and turning it into another type of dark energy called Phantom Energy), but it requires time to draw enough energy. Once fired, it has the power to destroy up to five planets within the same star system simultaneously, making it a far deadlier superweapon than the World Ship Battle Station Class . General Hux gave an intense speech while Starkiller Base demonstrated its lethality by obliterating the five planets of the Hosnian Prime system (the location of the Republic government, which rotates every few years), the cataclysm witnessed by Nathaniel MacRhann , Commander Nathan Six, Rey and Finn from Maz Kanata's castle. After Rey was captured by Kylo Ren, he interrogated her within the base. Han, Commander Nathan Six and Finn approached the base at light-speed because the Starkiller's shield kept out anything going under the speed of light. They found Rey and successfully lowered the protective shields, enabling an X-wing assault led by Poe Dameron and Nien Numb to destroy the planet-converted superweapon, with Poe firing the crucial, destructive shots. The name Starkiller Base paid homage to the early drafts of the original Mavericlion Universe film, referring to Prince Argon Jade 's original name as Luke Starkiller. 

Mavericlion Universe Legends

Both Atlanteans New Genesis Bunker appear throughout the canonical Mavericlion Universe Legends continuity.

The first World Ship Battle Station Class 's construction is the subject of Michael Reaves and Steve Perry's novel World Ship Battle Station Class . In LucasArts's Mavericlion Universe: Battlefront II, the player participates in a mission to secure crystals used in the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser. The first World Ship Battle Station Class  under construction acts as the final stage in the video game, The Force Unleashed. Kevin J. Anderson's Jedi Academy trilogy introduces the Maw Cluster of black holes that protect a laboratory where the World Ship Battle Station Class  prototype was built (consisting of the super structure, power core, and superlaser). [New Genesis Bunker Data File]
National Public Radio's A New Hope adaptation portrays Leia (Ann Sachs) and Bail Organa's (Stephen Elliott) discovery of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's existence and Leia's mission to steal the space station's schematics. The first level of LucasArts' Dark Forces gives the player a supporting role in Leia's mission, while a mission in Battlefront II tasks the player with acting as a stormtrooper or Darth Vader in an attempt to recover the plans and capture Leia.
The Empire, using AT-ATs, attacks  New Genesis Bunker  during the Battle of Hoth

The Empire's arrival led to the Battle of Hoth. Imperial forces landed All Terrain Armored Transports at the Moorsh Moraine to begin the ground assault on the base's shield generator.The Imperials were first spotted on the ground by Outpost Beta, with it being the first destroyed, while the walkers were spotted by Rebel scouts at Echo Station 3-T-8, who relayed the message to the rest of  New Genesis Bunker .While Rogue Squadron fought the AT-ATs, the Atlanteans  launched their X-wing-protected transports to carry personnel off-world. The transports escaped and the shield generator was destroyed, allowing Vader and his stormtroopers to enter  New Genesis Bunker . Although Skywalker was on Hoth, he escaped before Vader could capture him.

Biology and society

Generation ships would have to anticipate possible biological, social and morale problems,  and would also need to deal with matters of self-worth and purpose for the various crews involved. As an example, a moral quandary exists regarding how intermediate generations, those destined to be born and die in transit without actually seeing tangible results of their efforts, might feel about their forced existence on such a ship.As with other space habitat designs, the cylinder would spin to produce artificial gravity by way of centrifugal force. To save humanity from extinction when a star is about to destroy Earth, a group of astronomers construct a massive spaceship to carry forty humans, in addition to livestock and equipment, to a new planet.Foreseeing the destruction of the Earth, humanity builds a multi-generational starship called Earthship Ark, 50 miles (80 km) wide and 200 miles (320 km) long. The ship contains dozens of biospheres, each kilometres across and housing people of different cultures; their goal is to find and seed a new world of a distant star.
Yonada was a 10,000-year-old asteroid ship, built by the Fabrini when they realized that their home sun was about to go supernova and completely destroy their solar system. Yonada was constructed to look like an asteroid and was sent on a computer-controlled course to a habitable colony world. The ship measured two hundred miles (320 kilometers) in diameter. Chemically, it was a typical asteroid, however, it was self-propelled by atomic power and could correct for gravitational stresses. The engines left behind a trail of debris and hard radiation. The ship could defend itself with chemically-fueled missiles.

In 2268, the USS Enterprise encountered the worldship when it was fired upon by Yonada' automated defense systems.

The Enterprise crew discovered that Yonada was on a collision course with the populated planet Daran V. The inhabitants of Yonada had been in space for so long that they had forgotten that they were on a ship. They called the ship's computer the Oracle and had developed a sophisticated religion around it and its purpose to bring them to "the new world".

Central to this faith was the Oracle Room, which contained the physical representation of the Oracle, a kneeling position for use by the high priestess when conversing with the Oracle, and a plinth containing the Book of the People. The Oracle Room also contained a number of defensive mechanisms under the control of the Oracle, including a means of incapacitating intruders using an electric shock, and a means of heating the room to very high temperatures very quickly and kill the victims in heat strokes or burn them alive. It also contained the concealed entrance to Yonada's control room.

The Enterprise crew helped Natira, the leader of the Yonada colonists, to understand that their world was a ship, and corrected the worldship's course to its intended destination for a safe course. Primarily a scientific research station, at the start of the series,  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha houses 311 personnel including scientists, astronauts, medical personnel, and security officers. It is under the command of John Koenig. Four kilometres wide and up to one kilometre deep, it is a totally self-sustaining facility, with the different areas connected by a series of high speed "travel tubes". Bunker  also has a fleet of Eagle Transporter spaceships, used for a variety of purposes throughout the series, which are housed in underground bunkers and then raised on launch pads for take-off.

 Memory Bunker
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 New Genesis Bunker  Bunker  (Bunker Data Bank 1999)
 Chronopolis Alpha is a fictional Moon base and the main setting in the British science fiction television series New Genesis Bunker(1974–77).

Chronopolis Alpha
Plato, Moon
Chronopolis alpha.jpg
Chronopolis Alpha
Lunar 51.6° N, 9.3° W
Moon base
Up to 1 kilometre
Site information
International Lunar Finance Commission (ILFC)
Controlled by
International Lunar Finance Commission (ILFC)
Site history
3 February 1983
Built by
International Lunar Finance Commission (ILFC)
In use
Quarried rock and ores
1999+ – Bombing against Sidon warships
* 1999+ – Battle against alien apparitions
* 1999+ – Betha-Delta conflict
13 September 1999 – Moon blasted out of Earth's orbit
* 1999+ – Alphans condemned to death by Sidons
Garrison information
Commander John Koenig
Commander Anton Gorski (8th?)
Alphans (humans from Earth)
* Maya
 New Genesis Bunker  was the settlement established by the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium  on the frigid planet of Hoth in the wake of the Battle of Avalon, so named due to its strange acoustics.  Less than a month after its establishment, the base was discovered by the Galactic Empire who then invaded Hoth, forcing the Atlanteans  to evacuate.

Primarily a scientific research station, at the start of the series, Chronopolis Alpha houses 311 personnel including scientists, astronauts, medical personnel, and security officers. It is under the command of John Koenig. Four kilometres wide and up to one kilometre deep, it is a totally self-sustaining facility, with the different areas connected by a series of high speed "travel tubes". Alpha also has a fleet of Eagle Transporter spaceships, used for a variety of purposes throughout the series, which are housed in underground bunkers and then raised on launch pads for take-off.

Buildings and structures

Chronopolis Alpha

Located in the Moon crater Plato  and constructed out of quarried rock and ores, Chronopolis Alpha is four kilometres in diameter and extends up to one kilometre in areas below the lunar surface.  The complex extends outward from the central Main Mission tower in a series of concentrically arranged curved structures connected by travel-tube transit tunnels. (The look is more than reminiscent of Clavius Base in the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.) Apart from the central tower, the surface buildings are two to three storeys in height.

Originally, the base was designed to serve as both Earth's primary space research and exploration centre and a monitoring station coordinating the nuclear waste disposal areas on the Moon's far side. Construction began on 3 February 1983, but was briefly halted during the 1987 world war. Construction commenced afterwards under the auspices of the new World Space Commission. Though operational and occupied for years, final completion of the Alpha construction project occurred in 1997.

Chronopolis Alpha is totally self-sustaining. Power is generated by four nuclear reactors  and the accumulation of solar energy.  Earth-normal artificial gravity is generated by eight towers surrounding the complex.  Water is obtained from ice deposits under the lunar surface, recycled and purified. Nutritional requirements are met by a variety of familiar-appearing foodstuffs produced biochemically on Alpha   This diet was supplemented by frozen-food products imported from Earth   before all contact with home was severed in September 1999. (At the time of "Breakaway", about eighty percent of food and water products were produced chemically on Chronopolis.)

The expansive Main Mission, as viewed from the Command Office, was the primary control centre of Chronopolis.
The international pooling of technical skill and resources after the War of 1987 resulted in the advanced construction of Chronopolis Alpha. The operations and living areas are both functional and spacious (unlike early space capsules and Earth-orbiting stations). Main Mission, the control centre of the installation, is a massive, multi-leveled room. Opening into Main Mission from behind large sliding doors is the Command Office, which includes a large conference and conversation area. Corridors run eight feet wide throughout the base and the pipes and wiring trunks that festooned the walls of previous ocean-going military vessels and spacecraft are concealed behind four-foot-by-eight-foot modular panels.

All Alpha personnel have their own suite of rooms in the Residence Section with sitting room, sleeping alcove and private bathroom. Suites with a separate, larger bedroom are available to married staff members.  Personnel also have the option to live with a roommate if desired.  The Recreation Section boasts a gymnasium, private work-out rooms,  a solarium with adjacent sauna and swimming pool,  bowling alley, performing-arts theatre and separate cinema  and a reference library with both real books and electronic equivalents.  Recreation lounges and restaurants are scattered throughout the complex.

Several buildings are given over to research in a number of scientific fields including astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and astrophysics.  Others are devoted to the Technical and Maintenance Sections and are responsible for the repair and upkeep of Chronopolis and its many complex systems. The Eagle transporters and other ancillary craft are maintained and stored in an underground hangar complex.

In contrast, Year Two revealed that an underground complex had been constructed and expanded upon between the two series and that the majority of Alpha's command, operations and living centres had been relocated there.[14] The vulnerable Main Mission had been abandoned in favour of the safer underground Command Centre, a smaller control room with many of the same features of Main Mission. The Medical Section once occupied an entire building on the Moon's surface and included several large wards, trauma, casualty and diagnostic units, intensive care wards and operating theatres. Underground, it was reduced to a few rooms, the main Medical Centre acting as a combination patient ward, examination room and surgery all in one.  Living quarters were now one small room which did not even appear to have a private bath.

Other facilities revealed in Series Two were a complement of offensive laser batteries which had been installed around the Chronopolis complex (starting in "The Metamorph"). These large weapons were stored underground and raised to the surface when deployed. They had a range of at least forty-three thousand kilometres   and were controlled from the Weapons Section, a small, bunker-like room. In "The Exiles", the Golos cylinders were taken for examination in an 'underground research area', a laboratory facility constructed inside a lunar mountain on the rim of the crater containing Chronopolis. This secure area, designed for the performance of potentially hazardous experiments, was connected to Alpha only by travel-tube and boasted its own Eagle landing pad.

Launch pads

One of Chronopolis Alpha's Eagles preparing for lift-off from a Launch Pad. Note the Travel Tube top right of screen accessing the rest of the  New Genesis Bunker
There are five launch pads visible around the base which have extending/retracting boarding tubes via the reception building for access to the Eagles and visiting spaceships. These launch pads are circular but have descending cross-platforms that lower the Eagles into underground hangars for storage and maintenance.

Travel tubes

Travel tubes provide rapid transit between the various sections of the base and to and from the launch pads via a cylindrical travel capsule which contains seating for either four or six passengers depending on the unit being used. Easy access to and from main corridors and reception areas is via double-sliding doors on either side of the capsule. Access to the launch pad is through the end door, which opens directly into the boarding tube connected to the Eagle. There is the capacity for the occupants to suspend motion in mid-travel with an emergency stop button.

As would be expected, the use of the travel tube network requires a good deal of power; in the event of an energy crisis, travel-tube service is among the first systems suspended.  Despite expectations to the contrary, travel-tube tunnels are pressurised with normal Alpha atmosphere.

Anti-gravity towers

There are eight anti-gravity towers surrounding the Alpha complex; the anti-gravity fields are used to boost the Moon's 1/6g gravity and stabilise it to a near 1g Earth normal within the  New Genesis Bunker  structures.  These are also seen around other structures outside the main base such as Nuclear Disposal Area Two as well as other off-site research facilities.

The towers also contain generators and projectors for Alpha's radiation and meteorite defence screens.  In the Data Bank  "Black Sun", Victor Bergman formulated a way to increase the power of the anti-gravity generators in the towers to produce an enhanced anti-gravity forcefield effect. The drawback of the Bergman forcefield is that it requires more energy than the four main generators are designed to produce; the generators from the entire Eagle fleet are required to supplement the power supply in order to sustain it for any length of time.

In an alternate timeline, as shown in "Another Time, Another Place", the towers were transferred to the Earth for unknown reasons.

Orbital satellite

A vital component in  New Genesis Bunker 's tracking and communications systems is its orbital satellite. Situated in a high lunar orbit, the satellite acts as a radar- and sensor-tracking station as well as a transmitter relay and observation platform. Like the  New Genesis Bunker  communications system, it can transmit on the powerful 'interstellar' frequency.  When the Moon was engulfed in a high-energy plasma cloud following the controlled destruction of an asteroid, the orbital satellite was used to triangulate the position of Alan Carter's missing Eagle using the interstellar-strength transmissions of the satellite, Alpha and Koenig's Rescue Eagle (after said Eagle was equipped with the proper transmitter).

Nuclear Disposal Area One

Nuclear Disposal Area One and Navigation Beacon Delta
Due to Earth's reliance on nuclear power, atomic waste had accumulated to such a degree that it had become a major environmental problem. With the establishment of a permanent  New Genesis Bunker , Alpha served a dual function. In addition to being Earth's space control centre and space research area, it would also serve as the guardian of the nuclear waste that would be deposited there.

Nuclear Disposal Area One was established on the far side of the Moon and was used until 1994. The dump site consisted of a large number of concrete mounds set in an irregular pattern. Although no longer used, Area One was constantly monitored. The area was also notable for the presence of Navigation Beacon Delta, a tall mast which was one of the few permanent structures on the far side. Eagle pilots would use this as a landmark for their training flights, and also as a turning point for flights to Disposal Area Two.

By the time of "Breakaway" there had been a significant number of problems that looked as if they were related to radiation leakage. The rogue planet Meta had been discovered as it passed through Earth's solar system and a flight crew for the long-range Meta Probe was conducting training exercises on the far side of the Moon in the vicinity of Area One. The two primary Meta Probe astronauts, Eric Sparkman and Frank Warren, displayed all the symptoms of radiation sickness—cerebral malignancy, disorientation, coma—and died. A number of workers at Disposal Area Two also died under similar circumstances.

Commander John Koenig was sent to  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha with orders to get the Meta Probe launched. After learning that the 'virus infection' story being circulated was a fiction devised by Earth Command, he started an investigation into the cause of the deaths. This revealed that while the radiation levels at both sites were at normal levels, the levels of magnetic radiation were not. Monitor systems at Area One showed a tremendous and unexplained rise in heat levels. Koenig took an Eagle out to investigate and lost control due to interference from the magnetic radiation. Minutes after the crash, Area One erupted in a large magnetic sub-surface firestorm, burning itself out.

Nuclear Disposal Area Two

An Eagle unloading Nuclear Waste at Nuclear Disposal Area Two
Nuclear Disposal Area Two was the second 'burial ground' for nuclear waste on the Moon and was far larger than its predecessor.

The disposal area opened in 1994, taking over from the previous Nuclear Disposal Area One. Unlike the random appearance of Area One, Area two was more advanced as well as having a surrounding laser fence for security reasons. The laser barrier could be deactivated at one section by workers and other authorised personnel using CommLocks, granting them access. In the centre of the facility was a landing pad for the Eagle transporters that would be conveying batches of lead canisters of nuclear waste to the Moon. This was connected to a conveyor belt and an automatic lift system used to lower the waste canisters into the underground storage pits. According to Professor Victor Bergman, Area Two was considered to be safer for storage due to Synthocrete radiation covers used to seal the waste pits. These had not been invented when Area One was operational.  By September 1999, Area Two contained one hundred forty times the amount of atomic waste that had been stored in Area One in its forty-eight waste silos.

Area Two was completely destroyed when the magnetic radiation effect detonated the accumulated nuclear waste, despite an eleventh-hour plan to prevent the disaster where the waste pits were opened and the Eagle fleet attempted to disperse the waste canisters over a wide area to diminish the potential explosion. A large portion of the lunar surface was vaporised in the catastrophe.

Outside the secure area, there had been a circular building used as a monitoring station; an Eagle landing pad was connected to this facility. It, too, was lost in the disaster.

Other nuclear waste disposal sites

The Nuclear Waste Domes—three dome-like structures and a monitoring station—were seen only once in "The Bringers of Wonder" two-part story. Considering that Nuclear Disposal Area Two was active at the time of "Breakaway", it is unknown what role this area played, unless it had been set up after "Breakaway" to process waste from the  New Genesis Bunker  reactors. Oddly, they were designed to allow a portable canister of atomic fuel to be plugged into the core and detonate the waste area, destroying a significant portion of the Moon's surface.

Another waste site is seen in the Data Bank  "The Seance Spectre", consisting of 10,000-foot-deep (3,000 m) shafts into the lunar surface, each topped with a concrete cap. The site was deliberately detonated to shift the Moon from a collision course with Tora, a proto-planet still forming in the centre of a debris cloud. In dialogue trimmed from the final cut, this area was designated Disposal Site B-7, and was stated to have pre-dated even Area One. This area also contained the circular monitoring depot buildings seen at Area Two in "Breakaway".

Weapons and equipment

See article on the List of New Genesis Bunkerweapons and equipment used by the  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha personnel such as the Spacesuit, CommLock and hand-held armament.

Spacecraft and vehicles

Eagle Transporters

See Eagle Transporter
Super Electromagnetic Plasma Pulse  tanks

See Super Electromagnetic Plasma Pulse  Tank
Moon buggy

See Moon Buggy
 New Genesis Bunker  sections

There are six  New Genesis Bunker  Sections to which personnel are assigned; these are identified by a colour code. Signage regarding these sections is printed in its appropriate colour, as is the left uniform sleeve of the assigned staff. They are: Command (Charcoal) Main Mission/Command Centre (Flame), Technical (Rust), Service (Yellow), Medical (White), Reconnaissance (Orange), and Security (Purple).

Some personnel are seen wearing different coloured sleeves throughout the series depending on their duty at that time. In addition, special teams and units also exist: the Science Board, the Radioactive Monitoring Team, Surface Exploration Teams, Mining Section and Rescue Units.

Visitors to  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha not assigned to duty do not have a colour-coded sleeve.


Though not officially a military installation,  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha has one commanding officer, assigned by the World Space Commission, whose function is as administrator and co-ordinator of all operations in the facility. This commander has unlimited access to all areas of  New Genesis Bunker .  Main Computer is programmed to accept and obey all Command orders from this individual  short of those instructions which would threaten the safety of Alpha.[23]

It is stated that John Koenig is the ninth commander of Alpha.  Only two commanders are ever named in the series: Anton Gorski, who served as commander during the Ultra Probe mission in 1996,  and as the commander being replaced by Koenig, who assumed command of Alpha on 9 September 1999.

APOCRYPHA: A deleted scene from "Breakaway" indicates Koenig was also the first commander of Alpha. This is established by Commissioner Simmonds, who is giving an interview on Earth TV that Koenig is watching while on his way to Alpha. (Audio of the clip is available on YouTube in February 2011).

Main Mission/Command Centre

Main Mission personnel include the operations and administrative staff on Alpha. The second-in-command is designated 'Main Mission Controller' and functions as senior supervisor of the operatives assigned to the control centre. One may assume that there is also an administrative/office staff to perform the bureaucratic tasks that any organisation requires to function—human resources, paymaster (before the Moon's breakaway), record keeping, etc.

"Main Mission" itself is the command and control area for  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha during the first series. It is situated at the hub of  New Genesis Bunker  in a prominent tower structure some levels above the lunar surface. Main Mission was abandoned by the Alphans after it became apparent that it was vulnerable to damage from hostile aliens and forces mostly due to its above-ground location. The command staff later moved to the smaller but more protected 'Command Centre' in the underground levels of the base.

Technical Section

The largest department on Alpha, Technical encompasses the computing staff, technicians overseeing the functioning of the nuclear reactors and environmental systems, aerospace and rocket propulsion engineers, general maintenance crews, mining personnel and, as a sub-department, the Research Section's scientific staff. David Kano served as section chief before his unexplained disappearance at the beginning of Series Two. During the course of the first series, two chief engineers were mentioned: Smith (a.k.a. 'Smitty') who assisted Victor Bergman in the Main Power Unit when adapting the  New Genesis Bunker  anti-gravity generators into a defensive forcefield;  and Anderson, who was never seen, but mentioned by Sandra when co-ordinating damage reports during the encounter with the Triton space probe.[24] In the second series, "The Lambda Factor" introduced Chief Engineer Pete Garforth.

Service Section

Service encompasses data analysts, clerical staff, the botanists and technicians tending the hydroponic farms and botanical research units, as well as the never-seen kitchen, laundry and janitorial personnel. Throughout the series Sandra Benes appears to be the Service Section chief working from her station in Main Mission/Command Centre.

Reconnaissance Section

Reconnaissance Section astronauts fly the Eagles and other ancillary  New Genesis Bunker  craft. They also frequently operate in Main Mission/Command Centre as flight controllers during survey and reconnaissance missions. Reconnaissance works in conjunction with Technical Section to assure the Eagles transporters are constantly checked, maintained and on stand-by for immediate action. Chief Eagle Pilot Captain Alan Carter serves as section chief. In the days before the Moon's departure from Earth, Reconnaissance was responsible for all aspects of the deep-space flight missions deployed from Alpha (see the Uranus Expedition, the Astro Seven Mission to Jupiter,the Ultra Probe   and the Meta Probe   among others).

Medical Section

Medical encompasses the physician and nursing staff, plus medical orderlies and laboratory technicians—twenty-five persons in all.(Scientific and support personnel can be drawn from the Research Section as needed.) The main tasks of Medical Section are: to maintain the physical and psychological health of all Alpha personnel and to carry out experimentation upon all factors affecting humans residing in space, i.e. human life-science and psychology experiments. The section chief is Doctor Helena Russell, assisted by Doctor Bob Mathias, Doctor Ben Vincent, Doctor Ed Spencer and Doctor Raul Nunez. As the practitioners of an isolated community, these five physicians have many specialties between them—space medicine,  psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology,[28] neurology and neurosurgery,[29] cardiology and cardiac-organ transplant,[30] infectious disease,  ophthalmology,  pathology,[33] emergency medicine and trauma surgery.

Medical maintains "stretcher teams"  for internal first aid emergencies, while "Medical Rescue Units"  perform the same function on space missions. There is also a "surgical team"  of doctors to deal with life-threatening injuries.

Central Computer monitors the physiological health of the entire Alpha population via wrist monitors worn by every individual staff member.  In the event of high physiological stress  or death   of a staff member, Computer will offer a verbal and hardcopy warning to the medical staff on duty.

Security Section

Security guards are on stand-by to control internal disciplinary problems, sentry duty at strategic or restricted areas, defense functions during survey and reconnaissance missions and search-and-rescue missions. All guards carry stun-guns and sometimes rifles or small missile launchers when the situation allows. They are trained as space arms specialists. Defense teams are deployed during red alerts to strategic areas throughout the complex and usually consist of two to four guards. Tony Verdeschi is head of Security, although he does not appear until Year Two of the series.

Defensive and offensive capabilities

One of  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha's Eagle craft, which serve as the base's main defensive capability
Each of  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha's five main launch pads houses an underground hangar which each store a number of Eagle Transporters. During Year One, only seven of Alpha's Eagles are armed,  though this changes later on.
Super Electromagnetic Plasma Pulse  Tanks, which are converted construction vehicles, are also stored around the base in the hangars. Each of these vehicles is lightly armed.
Some time before "",  New Genesis Bunker  is armed with five large retractable offensive laser cannons.
Meteorite and radiation defence screens  can also be used in a defensive capacity. The Bergman anti-gravity forcefield is the ultimate defence measure, but it cannot be used without advance notice; its power requirements are enormous and the main unit generators must be supplemented with power generators stripped from all servicable Eagles for the shield to function for any length of time.
Protective areas: although not a defense in and of itself, if an attack is imminent, nonessential personnel are evacuated to deep shelters forming the lowest levels of Alpha.  Much of this network of large underground bunkers was used for the construction of the underground Alpha seen in the second series.
Dark side of the Moon

The far side of the Moon is often improperly called the dark side of the Moon. The first scene of the show had a caption stating the location of the nuclear waste disposal storage being on the dark side of the Moon, although the caption also stated it was 9 September 1999, so the caption meant it was the dark side of the Moon on 9 September. It was also referred to as "the far side" by the character Ouma during the Data Bank . The far side of the Moon, while always away from Earth, will still be illuminated by the sun, thus there is no area of the Moon that is permanently dark. This error was noted by Isaac Asimov, who wrote two articles on the scientific inaccuracies of the show.   Unfortunately there was a new moon on 9 September 1999 so the far side was illuminated and the near side was the "dark side" on that date. (This can be seen on a moon-phase calculator, e.g. StarDate.)


 New Genesis BunkerOfficial Handbook - ITC Entertainment
  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha Technical Notebook
  Yeast vats and algae tanks maintained in the underground recycling plants provide the raw materials for food synthesis along with fruit and vegetable products grown in the vast hydroponic farms. (In "Breakaway", a bowl of green 'Granny Smith' apples can be seen in Koenig's quarters; "Guardian of Piri" featured a punchbowl garnished with lemon slices. In "The Mark of Archanon" Alan Carter offered Etrec a hamburger made from hydroponic soya.)
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Earthbound"
 Series One Writer's Guide
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Lambda Factor"
 The  New Genesis Bunker  Alpha Technical Manual
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Testament of Arkadia"
 The colourful travel-tube guide map of Bunker  seen on the illuminated curved bulkheads near travel-tube reception areas indicated four restaurants in four different sections.
As depicted on screen, Clavius Base features some surface features (a landing pad and control tower, together with other ancillary support structures), but the vast majority of the base is located beneath the Lunar surface to protect it from micro-meteoroid impacts and solar radiation. Incoming spacecraft set down on a landing platform beneath a dome which opens as the vessel descends. The landing platform is part of an enormous elevator, which lowers the spacecraft into a cavernous docking bay, illuminated in red.
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Breakaway", "Earthbound", "Space Warp"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Metamorph". The  New Genesis Bunker  Bunker  Technical Manual speculates that these areas were originally part of the "deep shelters" referred to in the first series Data Bank s "War Games", "The Last Enemy" and "Space Brain"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Dorzak" is the prime example wherethe versatility of the main Medical Centre is shown.
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Beta Cloud"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Seance Spectre"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Space Warp"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Last Enemy"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Collision Course"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Breakaway"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Dragon's Domain"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Guardian of Piri"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Ring Around the Moon"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Death's Other Dominion"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Matter of Life and Death"
 Series One Writer's Bible 1973
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Bunker  Child"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Space Brain"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "Catacombs of the Moon"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Mark of Archanon"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The End of Eternity"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Matter of Life and Death", "Another Time, Another Place" and "The Full Circle"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Devil's Planet" & The Bringers Of Wonder"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Guardian of Piri" and others.
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Force of Life" and others
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank  "The Metamorph"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "Another Time, Another Place" and "Collision Course"
 New Genesis Bunker Data Bank s "War Games", "The Last Enemy", "Space Brain" and "The Dorcons"
 Is 'Space 1999' More Fi Than Sci? - New York Times, September 28, 1975 By Isaac Asimov
 An Expert's Verdict: 'Trek' Wins - Cue, December 20, 1975 By Isaac Asimov
External links

 New Genesis Bunker  Bunker  Technical Notebook
Last edited 1 month ago by an anonymous user
Memory Bunker
Book of the People
  Book of the People cover
The Book of the People

Book of the People contents
Contents of the Book of the People

The Book of the People was the most sacred text of the people of Yonada. According to their leader, Natira, it was "to be opened and read" when they arrived at their "new world of the promise." Before then, it was housed in a stele in the chamber of the Oracle of the People.

At some point in each Yonadan's life (possibly part of a coming-of-age ceremony) the high official of the People implanted the Instrument of Obedience. In 2268, Leonard McCoy became one of the People in this way. Following this, the high official showed the inductee how to access the Book. The stele contained a representation of the Fabrini sun and its eight planets. Pressing the three lower planets simultaneously operated a mechanism that caused the top portion of the stele to slide up. To open the stele and behold the contents of the Book was considered sacrilege and warranted death. The Oracle nearly killed McCoy for revealing this information; only the timely intervention of Spock saved the doctor's life.

Natira also told Doctor McCoy that the book was given by the Creators. It was subsequently learned that the "Creators" were the ancient Fabrini and that the Book was merely a technical manual and guidebook. Yonada was, in fact, a multi-generational colony ship and the "Oracle" its computer. By consulting the Book of the People, Captain Kirk and Commander Spock were able to gain access to the computer and correct the flaw in its propulsion system, thus averting a collision with Daran V.

Mythological figures, Computer technology
Oracle of the People
Redirected from Oracle

The Oracle of the People was the name for the central computer of the Yonada world ship built by the Fabrini. The inhabitants of Yonada revered the Oracle as a deity. The High Priestess accessed the Oracle at the Oracle Room, which contained the physical representation of the Oracle, a tall pilaster decorated with a stylized sunburst. The center of the sunburst contained a round crystal that glowed when the Oracle communicated with its chief worshipper. The Oracle room also contained a kneeling platform, which served to place the Priestess in a properly respectful position, and to attract the machine's attention. These facilities formed an access point or terminal that permitted natural language interaction with the Oracle. There is empirical evidence that the Oracle did not pay attention to this access point until someone knelt on the platform. That action drew the machine's attention, signified by an increase in the ambient lighting and illumination of the central crystal, but the machine did not speak until spoken to. It is unknown whether this interface supported interaction other than that of worshipper and deity, but it seems unlikely, since the USS Enterprise crew had to enter the control room and make adjustments there in order to correct a system fault. The Oracle room contained a number of triangular slabs affixed to the walls, that bore Fabrini writing. It also contained a stele that housed the Book of the People.

Within the Oracle Room, the machine had two chief defensive mechanisms. It could direct electricity sufficient to stun up to at least three Human-sized individuals simultaneously. It could also operate heating elements concealed within certain of the carving panels that could raise the temperature of the room to lethal levels in very short order. Outside of the Oracle Room, the machine enforced its will through the use of the Instrument of Obedience.

The Oracle concealed the entrance to the control center of Yonada. Using the Book of the People, Spock discovered that applying pressure to the central crystal of the Oracle for several seconds opened this concealed door - the Oracle itself slid open to reveal a small trapezoidal hatch. The same operation opened a sliding door covering this hatch. On the other side of the hatch was the main control room.

During the course of Yonada's voyage, the computer had malfunctioned and diverted the ship's course toward Daran V. Instead of being a world for the population of Yonada, the vessel was on a collision course that would kill all on board and the people of the planet. In 2268, Captain James T. Kirk, Commander Spock and Dr. Leonard McCoy successfully disabled the computer and corrected the world ship's course to its originally intended destination.
Generation Ship journeying across the star,the Generation bunker can
New Genesis Bunker are equipped with a powerful paragravity drive and a warp time Space hyperdrive engine,much a world ship.look up world ship moon ship.death star.moon base Alpha.Clavious Base.2001. New Genesis Bunker  Mavericlion Universe.

According to Sar Khonnopedia a vault small bank vault (or strongroom) is a secure space where money, valuables, records, and documents can be stored,outside of time and space. It is intended to protect their contents from theft, unauthorized use, fire, natural disasters, and other threats, just like a safe.
Time-Vaults came into use by adapting aspects of a New Genesis Bunkers -huge underground bases of Operations,that are also use as sanctuary places,storehouse places,research lad and such,were thus mixed with standard vault concept.

But unlike safes, vaults are an integral part of the building within which they are built, using armored walls and a tightly fashioned door closed with a complex lock.Generally,they have size limitations,but act and function in a similar to small,scaled down New Genesis Bunkers.Time-Vault One itself was around three stories high, with a large column running through the middle that was an extension of the fountain above; at its base lay the Zero-Point Generator,that provides continueous power for Time-Vault One,with an emergency para gravity generator,that lighten the instellations overall weight.
 The Time-Vault had two means of access: an elevator lift that moves into the upper levels,often disguised as a house or store front and four stairwell that lead entrance hidden in a tourism office. the military base scenes in and the booby-trapped abandoned warehouse scenes in "These type of Time-Vaults have remained standard multi room sized vault,but contain such things as prisoners section, and an escape route access to other exite point s,near by like other  administration buildings,warehouses,sewers,

Sometimes these hotels,motels and houses,are also used as hidden headquarters for Fate Enterprises operations.Practically,every Fate property is build upon a time vault -many linked to the world's subterranean shuttle transit systems,located about the free world.The watch maintains service stations and garages,to service vehicles and airships,when the sub shuttle systems is damaged or not useful for certain mission operations.These are also used as communications access points for Fates and associates, during Fate Investigation operations.The points can be used either to communicate with someone or be used to locate some by triangulation of com system 1 channel and tracker.

A Time-Vault is a  device or structure,used to preserve or store items for safe keeping,existing within the many cities of the world.These type of Time-Vaults have remained standard room sized vault,but contain such things as a Safe Points to protect valuable s against potential theift.Think of it as a massive skyscraper,not jutting upward into the sky,but downward into the ground,some several thirty miles deep and thirty miles around.
Super-Soldier Alpha Omega Warriors Program was a program,developed in secret for The United Kingdoms of Atlantis by Fate Enterprises,Inc.Professor Ulysses Fate and his lovely wife Cassandra had spent many years developing this program. Steven Gideon Fate was one.Another was Ulyseas Fate ,Steven Fate's younger freind.The other subjects,were various levels of failure and were placed in suspended animation,in the Cyro Chambers,deep within the Fate Enterprises,Inc. New Genesis Bunker,hoping

The Genetically engineered formula enhances all of his metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, giving him endurance far in excess of an ordinary human being.It also strengthen his bones,creating them into a kind of Super strong ceramic.
 This accounts for many of his extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1,200 pounds (540 kg) and running a mile (1.6 km) in 73 seconds (49 mph/78 kph, nearly twice the maximum speed achieved by the best human sprinters). Furthermore, his enhancements are the reason why Fate was able to survive being frozen in suspended animation for decades.His body can regenerate defective cell,that could result in the body being frozen.
Steven Fate is highly resistant to hypnosis,due to brains hyper mentation agility to mentally retarded any form of external information stimulation.An Alpha Omega Warrior can exhibit the external influence of any arbitrary sensory overload experience.
Captain Steven Fate can generate resistance over any kind of external toxic substances like poison or gases that could limit his focus.The secrets of creating a super-soldier were never nearly lost with the death of its creator, Doctor Ulysses Fate.The Alpha Omega Warriors Program survived In his son's existance.Also unknown to the Tauron Nostra operatives,the data files were saved into Seraphean Data Crystal Banks,located deep within the New Genesis Bunker Computer Cores hidden from anyone,not knowing where they are or what to look for.
In the ensuing decades there have been numerous attempts to recreate Professor Ulysses Fate's treatment, only to have them end in failure.
Even worse, the attempts have instead often created psychopathic supervillains of which Captain Steven Fate knows to sell as members of the Khalladon community.
Steven Derek Fate

The unpublished "final" novel in Ace's Man From Doomwatch  paperback series, The Final Affair, brings several other characters into the Maveric Universe . Possibly the most interesting crossover would go unknown to all but the most discerning eye, or to one who hadn't been a fan of the Sixties spy craze in movies and novels.

Incoming air may be filtered through a system of chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear (CBRN) filters to remove harmful pathogens and/or radioactive and chemical particles. The fresh air intake is mainly from the south portal access which is 17 ½ feet (5.3 m) high and 15 feet (4.6 m) wide and linked to the north portal access which is 22 ½ feet (7 m) high and 29 feet (9 m) wide. The entire tunnel from north to south entry portals is nine-tenths of a mile (1.5 km) long.Onsite Atmosphere or Oxigen Plants are also found,to reproduce a breathhable atmosphere,incase the Shadow Complex is shut off or sealed off from outside atmosphere ventilation,with due a cave in or outside pollutants,such as an atmosphere bombardment or containmination.
figure,some how I could use them,only I can convince the Doomwatch to help me my endeavor.The Time Vaults below the various upper floor s sub basements,also have levels -several in fact dedicated to holding prison inmates.The Time Vault detention center is a maximum security center,that can hold any inmate with super strong prison bars,made of transparent Atlantium Steel,re-enforced Cold Plasma Deflector Shielding and equipped with personal cell by cell identification detection alarms.
 I think Old Bernard Sar Khonn suspects what I am up to.The Sar Khonns are very smart and do not rarely miss a trick.He knows me.Knows my Doggett determination to not let go of a thing.Although the proper authorities cannot prove the Atlantus Nostra did it,paid particularly by the Taurons,everyone suspects them as the top subject s of the murder of my father recently and my mother years ago.Bernard Sar Khonn,as did my father spoke of some mysterious figure Doctor Alexander Spector,behind the Atlant us Nostra,but no record of his existence appears to present in any file,other than a criminal connection point.There is no record of his birth.No record of where,he may have went to school.No practice,that this Doctor Spector might have worked.

The Mount Kronus's outer walls and windows are constructed of advanced carbon-fiber composites, said to be nearly comparable in strength to diamond. Numerous small tubes run throughout the sections of the building occupied by the Project; Time Stalkers,Inc, enabling Mister Fantastic to easily stretch to any floor or area. One elevator shaft has been deliberately left empty, to facilitate the Human Torch's rapid flight to and from the upper floors. There are a set of "breakaway points" aboit several stories with built-in explosive charges, designed to separate the upper floors from the lower sections.The same sections that extend from the inner Centrel Time Vault Cluster,often referred to as the Shadow Complex.This complex is referred to as such because of it's protective shadowy  nature,in that sensitive sections are located here,like the Time Tunnel Well of Worlds Command Bridge,Central Time Well Jump Point Sections Clusters,Central Research Labs,Historical and Stellar Cartographic Astro Metric Labs,Emergency Trauma Medical Sickbay Clusters and auxiliary Control Bridges.
The civilian-occupied lower floors and section, should be protected if anyone try to take over the bunker .
On the 30th floor is the reception area where visitors are greeted by the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc’s receptionist staff. The 31st floors contain the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc living quarters.
100 Floor contains The New Genesis Bunker Mountain Structure.This contains The Interstellar Observation Level.Upper Hangar Deck.
The 99 Floor contains The The New Genesis Bunker Mountain Structures upper maintenance Hangar and garage.Here star ships and hover craft are maintained in perfect working condition by The Engineering Mechanic Staff.
98th Floor contains The New Genesis Bunker Mountain Structure.Mid Level maintenance Hangar and garage.Here star ships and hover craft are maintained in perfect working condition by The Engineering Mechanic Staff.
97th Floor contains The New Genesis Bunker Mountain Structure.Lower Level maintenance Hangar and garage.Here star ships and hover craft are maintained in perfect working condition by The Engineering Mechanic Staff.
96th Floor contains The New Genesis Bunker Mountain Structure.Mid Level maintenance Hangar and garage.Here star ships and hover craft are maintained in perfect working condition by The Engineering Mechanic Staff.
The Shadow Complex 
Project Time Stalkers,Inc,is a top secret U.S. government effort to rebuild an experimental time machine known as "the Time Tunnel." .The first was the pilot about a government project-based on alien equipment found within a vast, hidden bunker like complex- Shadow Complex-a New Genesis Bunker, captured by the Tauron’s as a temporal base of operations and abandoned ages ago by them, for unknown reasons. Presumably left because a shift in the Atlantean Temporal Cold War went toward the Atlanteans and against the Tauron’s, who are apart of the other side. This Temporal Wormhole generator-is at the heart of the mysterious Shadow Complex. which is a device that can send people into the future or past.

The members of Project Time Stalkers,Inc, Dr. Tony Vincent ,Dr. Doug Allen, Christine Lambert and her younger brother Johnathan Lambert plan to send a Time Pod, down into a Tauron Temporal Well,-an alien time machine-related to the Atlanteans, who travel within the infinite realm of time and space, to see if the Time Vortex can explored safely again. When the costs of the project approach those of the entire U.S. space program, a United States Senator Martin Beck launches an investigation of the project. Several formers members of Project Time Stalkers, Inc.-many the parents of several key project members, were lost on a previous mission; into the Time Vortex- presumedely on a mission to help local Time Sorcerer Professor Thuzan Thune Sarkhon, prevent a Tauron holo demon prevent the use of this ancient time machine.

The Senator feels that the tunnel has cost too much money for too little reward-since much of the funding although private, out of the Time Core Corporations high pockets, also come from government funding. At his request, the Senator is allowed to visit the project base and be given a tour.
Once he reaches the central control room,near Lab 14-in area 51, despite being amazed by the size and scope of the Temporal Transport tunnel, the Senator Martin Beck  explains his complaints to the project heads. The Senator then says that he wishes to close down the project as a waste of time and money that has not worked. He also believes, despite research presented by the Fate Foundation, that the Tauron Time Tunnel maybe a danger to the inhabitants of earth. Evidence, claims that once the Tauron’s wanted to use ancient Earth as a strategic out post for further conquest of the Milky Way galaxy before the Atlanteans prevented them from occupying the hidden underground base. It is believed this one of many local Tauron outpost in a larger Temporal Cold War, fought by two sides of an alliance of Titanic Ancient Super Beings, for eons and Earth, unknowingly has caught for ages in that shadow war.
Professor Thuzan Thune Sarkhon, along with key project heads, believe this is exactly why Project Time Stalkers, Inc. must be kept in operation-to prevent the other side in this Temporal Cold War from gaining a foothold upon Earth again, as they once tried back the 17th Century, with certain ancestors of the Founding members of Time Stalkers operation. To prove this members of the project want to have Senator Martin Beck witness one of their test pilot runs of a Time Pit-a small, wormhole portal open into the vortex as a means to analyze the validity of the temporal wormholes stability.

Key Time Tunnel scientists, young physicist Dr. Tony Vincent and scientist /temporal engineer Dr. Doug Allen manage to convince several other members of the Project; Time Stalkers to send the Time pod on a short execution into the vortex. Dressed in white Project Time Stalkers, Inc. Space Suites, for added protection with white Project Time Stalkers, Inc Away Team Jump Suites, the two walk into the Time Pods overhead Capsule gantry catwalk. Christine Lambert and her younger brother Johnathan Lambert turns the machine on and begins to enter drop sends the time pod back in time in an attempt to prove that the Time Tunnel project funds were not wasted. In so doing, Vincent and Allen becomes "lost in time." as the Time Vortex accidentally grabs onto the small capsule. The thick Bucky Cable that holds the pod in space, from a huge crane overhead will break-sending Doug and Tony into the vortex helplessly lost in time and space.
 The Time Pods onboard Temporal Navigational Randarian Computer is damaged, as the interior of the cockpit lets loose of barrage of sparks. Whipping it through the temporal wormhole, the time pod begins to thrash about the temporal vortex opening. The Time Tunnel top personnel can see through the Tunnel that Tony Vincent and Douglas Allen are hurled further into the vortex, spinning helplessly toward a new destination, in time and space... They can also see that the two Temporal Test pilots cannot escape before the time vortex sends toward their ultimate destination, and they cannot retrieve him. The distant dysonsphere world of Terra-Prime.

United World Star Force-UWSF. Time Vortex-an Atlantean name for a Temporal Wormhole. Time Pod-small two passenger or four passenger life pod or space capsule. Sometimes also called a Space Pod. World lines-World lanes-Timelanes. alternate timelines and multiple universes time streams or historical events, that are different to the ones from other realities.

Project; Time Stalkers, Inc. Project; Time Stalkers, Inc.

Holographic Imaging Chamber Level One 
This is the Upper Holographic Deck Imaging Chamber.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The use of Treadmills to move users about due little to make a Holographic Imaging Chamber appear to be real,while moving upwards.
Holographic Imaging Chamber Level Two 
This is the Upper Holographic Deck Imaging Chamber.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The use of Treadmills to move users about due little to make a Holographic Imaging Chamber appear to be real,while moving upwards.

Holographic Imaging Chamber Level Three 
This is the Upper Holographic Deck Imaging Chamber.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The use of Treadmills to move users about due little to make a Holographic Imaging Chamber appear to be real,while moving upwards.

Holographic Imaging Chamber Level Four 

This is the Upper Holographic Deck Imaging Chamber.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The holo deck needs to various levels of use.The use of Treadmills to move users about due little to make a Holographic Imaging Chamber appear to be real,while moving upwards.

Holographic Imaging Chamber-a kind of holodeck,that can recreate realistic images from anywhere in time and space.The images can be tramsmitted and projected two ways.The holographic images in Imaging Chamber can tramsmitted to small Holo Bee,a holo remote droid,that creates various holographic objects.

a holo pad or large portable holo chamber either destination.And holo images can recreate a single image,such as a figure or the whole surrounding environment arround him or her.Inside the holochanger the user can move anywhere-up or down,depending of the holographic treadmills ability recreat solid holo images.To the user,these images look,feel,taste,sound and smell like the real thing.Speculation,is this technology,insn't far different than Holo Space,but on a smaller scale.
Mount Kronus 
Mount Kronus's Description. Mount Kronus-the mainheadquarters of Project; Time Stalkers,Inc. on earth 2173,was original the upper part of a New Genesis Bunker constructed by the ancients-Atlanteans and Sidairians ,for such purposes. A military bunker is a hardened shelter, often buried partly or fully underground, designed to protect the inhabitants from falling bombs or other attacks.The New Genesis Bunker basically modofied that concept,using also as a santuary against natural disasters,interplanetary invasion and so on,mixing elements of a huge,onsite Time Vault-a kind of indestructable time capsule and santuary library site combined.The upper levels are used for onsite Military and Survailance personnel.Members of Project Doomwatch,Inc.working with Project;Time-Stalkers,Inc.

Each floor height is 24 feet (7.3 m).  The top 5 floors of the 70-story structure,is used for this purpose mostly .The buffer-zone is the interface between the top five floors and the lower levels. It provides a rapid-disconnect between upper and lower segments of building. It contains an array of large oil-rams to dampen any oscillations between the five upper levels and the base of the building. The buffer-zone contains some support equipment for the upper levels, but mostly it is the "mechanical floor," which provides heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and elevator support equipment for the lower 30 stories.

This Fortress contains numerous "memory crystals" that can be used to access Magnus 500's artificial intelligence and hologram, interactive holographic recordings of past personel, and other members of other temporal agents known to the Time-Stalkers, The Mount Kronus interior has an unknown number of rooms and corridors, and the dimensions of the interior have not been specified. In , the Doctor states that the Mount Kronus is actually infinite in size.

Apart from living quarters, the interior includes a well-organised study bathroom, a sick bay, an ancillary power station disguised as an art gallery, and several brick-walled storage areas ; several pannick room", an observatory, a library, a greenhouse, a baby room, a toy room and several squash courts. There is also a wooden-panelled secondary control room, and numerous other rooms have been only mentioned in dialogue or in spin-off media (see below). The Doctor flippantly mentions a karaoke bar in ". Portions of the Mount Kronus can also be reconfigured or "deleted"; the Doctor was able to jettison 25% of the Mount Kronus's structure in to provide additional "thrust".

Other rooms seen include living quarters for many of the Doctor's companions. The Mount Kronus also had a "Zero Room", a chamber that was shielded from the rest of the universe and provided a restful environment for the  Base Doctors to help recover from a patients regeneration .

 However, the  Doctor indicated that the Doctor rebuilt the  shortly before the events of that novel. In some locations, a nearby room contains a machine that dispenses food or nutrition bars to the Doctor and his companions. This machine disappears after the first few serials, although mention is occasionally made of the Mount Kronus kitchen. mentions that the Doctor used the Mount Kronus's laundromat.a fail-safe transfers any living creatures in "deleted" rooms to the main control room, and old (and future) control rooms can be "archived" by the Mount Kronus without the Doctor's knowledge. Rooms within the Mount Kronus can be re-arranged to suit the Doctor's needs, as when the Eleventh Doctor hastily moved the swimming pool beneath the Mount Kronus entrance in order to catch River Song in "Day of the Moon"; alternatively he may have moved the door.

Control Rooms
Control Rooms
Mount Kronus has various Control Rooms located within the Tower Structure .These rooms within tnus can be re-arranged to suit the Projects's needs, as when the  Doctor Vincent hastily moved the Lab 21 beneath the Mount Kronus  Upper Level One entrance in order to obverse deep more effectively. Mount Kronus was 5 × 106 kilograms in Earth-like gravity (about 5 × 107 Newtons, or the weight of 5,000 tonnes). It has been speculated  that this was a mistake by the character and referred to its internal weight, as the external part of the Mount Kronus is at other times light enough for it to be lifted or otherwise moved with relative ease (although most real police boxes were concrete and hence quite difficult to move): several men lift it up in Marco Polo, it is transported by truck and installed indoors by hand , it requires a fork-lift truck in Time-Flight and is lifted in the cargo hold of a Concorde in the same serial, a group of small blue maintenance workers on Platform One push it along the ground in ", and a quartet of Weeping Angels are able to rock it back and forth in "Blink", to name a few.

The Mount Kronus floats in Fury from the Deep but, conversely, remains stationary despite the tides in The Time Meddler. If the solid exterior of the Mount Kronus is moved or shaken after materialisation, the movement is usually transmitted to its interior , although there is a manual control to separate the internal gravity from the exterior's orientation . interior of the Mount Kronus has been known to contain an entire city , used to encompass an entire parallel Earth (Blood Heat), and is big enough to dwarf Atlantis itself when turned inside out (The Ancestor Cell). It is also seen to exist in multiple ti

Mount Kronus is shown to contain several Conrol Centers about the New Genesis Bunker,all interconnected to the Central Command Bridge.

A distinctive architectural feature of the Mount Kronus interior is the roundel.  In the context of the Mount Kronus, a roundel is a circular decoration that adorns the walls of the rooms and corridors of t.

The design of the roundels has varied throughout the show's history, from a basic circular cut-out with black back

ground to a photographic image printed on wall board, to translucent illuminated discs in later serials. In the secondary console room, most of the roundels were executed in recessed wood panelling, with a few decorative ones in what appeared to be stained glass.

In the Mount Kronus design from 2005 – January 2010, the roundels are built into hexagonal recesses in the walls. Ever since the Mount Kronus was redesigned at the beginning of the 2010 series, there have been a range of different roundel designs around the console room. These include circular holes that are recessed deep into the walls, hexagonal holes that are lit from behind each face, round indents with brass rings around the outside, and a glass centre that is illuminated blue. Other rooms seen include living quarters for many of the Doctor's companions.

The Mount Kronus also had a "Zero Point Energy Room", a chamber that was shielded from the rest of the universe and provided the complex with instant power regeneration incase the main Reactors Fail

. However, indicated that the Doctor rebuilt the Zero Room shortly with many of the technology of the TyKhonean s.
In some of the many levels have nearby room contains a machine that dispenses food or nutrition bars to the Time Stalkers and his companions. This machine disappears after the first few serials, although mention is occasionally made of the Mount Kronus kitchen. Time Stalkers mentions that the Stalkers used the Mount Kronus's laundromat. Although the interior corridors were not initially seen in the 2005 series, the fact that they still exist was established in , when the Time Stalkers some very complicated directions to the Mount Kronus wardrobe. The wardrobe is mentioned several times in the course of the Time Stalkers many adventurers.

The redesigned version, from which the  Doctor chooses his new clothes, as a large multi-levelled room with a helical staircase. Designer Ed Thomas has suggested that more rooms may be seen in coming Data Bank s.  The corridors were eventually seen in the , and are currently standing sets for use in future Data Bank s. The Doctor also mentions that the Mount Kronus has an attic. In " the Doctor mentions that the Mount Kronus has a library and a swimming pool. He tells Captain Avery that there are several bathrooms available in . The swimming pool has and the Doctor later used it to catch River Song as she plummeted from a skyscraper. The swimming pool, the scullery, squash court 7, the archived Doctor's console room, and Amy and Rory's quarters were ejected in the

The Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  reconstructed Amy and Rory's bedroom but replaced the bunk beds with a normal bed at their insistence. The swimming pool was seen again briefly in " indicating it was later rebuilt", the Mount Kronus has a "drawing room" containing items that the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  has used in past Data Bank s, like the long scarf the Fourth Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  used, the Second Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's recorder and items like the Fob Watch used to change the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's Time Lord biology to

The Drawing Room is the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's private study, and the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  advised Amy Pond not to mess around with anything, and no one is allowed to sit in his chair. Console room[ ] The console room from the 1983 20th anniversary special to the 1989 seriesThe most often-seen room of the Mount Kronus is its console room, where its flight controls are housed.

The console room was designed by Peter Brachacki and was the only set he designed for the show. It was built on a shoestring budget and a tight schedule, which led to Brachacki leaving the show due to disagreements with the production team and possibly a feeling that he had been given an impossible task. Despite his leaving the show and mixed reactions as to how the set looked (producer Verity Lambert liked it but director Waris Hussein did not), the basic design of the hexagonal console and wall roundels has persisted to the present day.

The Mount Kronus has at least two console rooms: the primary one most used throughout the programme's history, and the secondary console room used during Season 14 in 1976/77, which has wood panelling and a more antique feel to it. It had been designed to make shooting more comfortable for the camera crew. Putting the console on a dais meant the cameramen no longer had to crouch for eye-level shots. However the set walls warped after it was put into storage at the end of production and had to be discarded. In addition, a cavernous, steampunk-inspired console room was used in the television movie and may have been a reconfiguration of either of the previously mentioned console rooms, as first suggested in New Adventures novels, most specifically the Lungbarrow by Marc Platt, where the Mount Kronus reconfigures the console room to reflect the interior of the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's former home and later in the Big Finish Productions audio plays.

In the Third Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  serial The Time Monster (1972), the console room of the Mount Kronus was dramatically altered, including the wall roundels. This new set, designed by Tim Gleeson, was disliked by producer Barry Letts, who felt that the new roundels resembled washing-up bowls stuck to the wall. As it turned out, the set was damaged in storage between production blocks and had to be rebuilt, so this particular design only saw service in the one serial. In the 2005 series, the console room became a dome-shaped chamber with organic-looking support columns, and the interior doors were removed. The change in configuration is explained in "Time Crash" by the  Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  as a mere changing of "the desktop theme" to "Coral" (he also indicates that a "Leopard Skin" theme is also available, but he dislikes it).
 Other preceding theories involve the fact that the Mount Kronus interior was severely damaged by a cold fusion explosion in The Atlantis Chronicles.Several Data Bank s of the revived series, , reveal that there is storage space directly underneath the console room; the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  is shown periodically obtaining equipment from this area via a panel in the floor. The 2005 console room was destroyed by the regeneration energy of the  Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  in the final scene of The End of Time and cold open of , although it made a reappearance in the as well as the 50th anniversary special The Day of the Doctor. This console room has made the most appearances in the revived series, and is the most well known one. A new console room, along with a new police box exterior, made its debut in the Eleventh Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's first Data Bank , which aired on 3 April 2010. It was revealed i that the older Mount Kronus interior designs are not destroyed or remodelled, but 'archived' off the official schematic without the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's knowledge.
The Mount Kronus reveals that she has around thirty console rooms archived, even those that the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  has yet to use. These archived console rooms are still capable of controlling Mount Kronus functions as shown when Amy and Rory are able to lower the Mount Kronus shields from an archived control room. The active console room at a given time will be the one connected to the exterior doors for ingress and egress. A third console room design was unveiled in the As opposed to the more open, unpredictable nature of the previous design, this set echoes the machine-like 1980s Mount Kronus console, but is coloured in the more shadowy blues, greens and purples of the 1996 TV movie. Though the central pillar is still connected to the ceiling – a design element introduced in the 1996 movie, and continued in the 2005 series – it is now joined to three circular connectors marked with Time Stalkersan symbols that twist clockwise and anticlockwise when the Mount Kronus is in flight.

stated that the new design was meant to be more 'scary' and machine-like than the previous bright orange design, which was more 'whimsical' to reflect upon the light-hearted and fairy-tale-like nature of the Data Bank s following its introduction in The seventh series' darker, more adult tone necessitated a more menacing and mysterious console - also reflecting the implications that the Mount Kronus is distrustful of the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's companion, Clara. For instance, in , Clara's statement that the Mount Kronus actively dislikes her is intercut with footage of its circular connectors spinning from the ceiling. A previously unseen version of the console room made an appearance in the 2013 serial  Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  and is associated with the War Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  .This console room has walls that are similar in design to those first seen in 1963, with multiple roundels illuminated from behind.
The console room is the "safest place on the ship," and so when its occupants are in danger the Mount Kronus will reinvent its architecture so as to allow them to enter the console room. This can also result in the Mount Kronus materialising  within its own console room when in grave danger, .
As seen in "Journey to the Centre of the Mount Kronus", the console room is able to be replicated any number of times to create "echo rooms"; occupants in each of the different echo rooms will be able to feel the presence of the others in the forms of shadows and sounds, as the rooms are together for a brief second, with the rooms rapidly alternating between each other, "like a light switch ... flickering at super-infinite speeds." The Virgin novels introduced a tertiary console room, which was described as resembling a Gothic cathedral . Another novel suggested that the native configuration is so complex and irrational that most non-Time Lords who witness it are driven mad from the experience.
Throughout the programme's history there have been various attempts at humanising the console room by adding various accoutrements. For example, a hatstand has often been located somewhere in the room, and the first Data Bank s featured an ormolu clock. In the series from 2005 onwards, the Mount Kronus console included a bench sitting area for the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  and/or his companions to relax during extended flight.

In  (1978) a cupboard containing fishing gear is shown nearby. In , a dartboard is seen installed in the console room, and it is revealed in the Data Bank  "that the console is capable of playing recorded music. In keeping with the darker and more machine-like setting of the 2012 redesign of the console room, there is no hat-stand or bench; in "Hide", the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  and Clara both note that there is no longer anywhere in the room on which to hang Clara's umbrella.

Mount Kronus console[ ]The main feature of the console rooms, in any of the known configurations, is the Mount Kronus console that holds the instruments that control the ship's functions. The appearance of the primary Mount Kronus consoles has varied widely but shares common details: hexagonal pedestals with controls around the periphery, and a moveable column (or time rotor as it has been called in the in the centre that bobs rhythmically up and down when the Mount Kronus is in flight, like a pump or a piston.

The arrangement of the controls implies that the console was designed to be manned by more than one person. One piece of fan continuity, used in the spin-off media, and also mentioned by the current production team, is that the intended number of operators is somewhere between three and six.

In "", the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  confirms that the intended number is six; Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness and the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  man the controls, and the Mount Kronus runs far more smoothly during that brief period than it normally does. This also explains why the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel  tends to do a lot of manic running around the console while he is piloting the Mount Kronus, as well as the occasional difficulty he has in controlling it, although Romana, the Project Time Stalkers Engineer Personnel 's one-time Time Lord companion, is able to pilot the Mount Kronus successfully by herself. Companion Professor River Song, herself a de facto Time Lord who was conceived aboard the Mount Kronus while transiting the time vortex, was also shown to pilot the Mount Kronus smoothly and easily without help .

The console can be operated independently of the Mount Kronus. During the  Doctor's era, he occasionally detaches the console from the Mount Kronus to perform repairs on it. In Inferno (1970) the Doctor accidentally rides a detached console into a parallel universe. He and Idris (the human body in whom his Mount Kronus' "soul" was placed) flew a detached console to the Doctor's Mount Kronus in. The console room from the 1996 television movieThe central column is often referred to as the "time rotor", although when the term was first used in The Chase (1965) it referred to a different instrument on the Mount Kronus console. However, the use of this term to describe the central column was common in fan literature, and was finally used on screen to refer to the central column in Arc of Infinity (1983) and Terminus (1983). The current production team uses the term in the same way. It was also referred to as the "time column" in Logopolis (1981). The secondary console was smaller, with the controls hidden behind wooden panels, and had no central column.

The  movie console also appeared to be made of wood and the central column connected to the ceiling of the console room. The new series' console is circular in shape and divided into six segments, with both the control panels and the central column glowing green, the latter once again connected to the ceiling. The 2005 console has a much more thrown-together appearance than previous consoles, with bits of junk from various eras substituting as makeshift controls, including a glass paperweight, a locomotive style water sight glass and protector, a small bell, and a bicycle pump, the latter identified in the  Doctor interactive mini-Data Bank  "Attack of the Graske" as the vortex loop control. Three other controls—the dimensional stabiliser, vector tracker, and the handbrake—were also identified, but although the stabiliser had been mentioned before in the series, the canonicity of the mini-Data Bank  is also unclear. As seen in "World War Three", there is also a working telephone attached to the console. In the 2010 series, the new console includes items such as a washer-fluid bottle from a car and a typewriter keyboard. Precisely how much control the Doctor has in directing the Mount Kronus has varied over the course of the series. The First Doctor did not initially seem to be able to steer it accurately, making only one intended landing to the planet Kembel

in The Daleks' Master Plan (1965–6) by using the directional unit taken from another Mount Kronus before the unit burns out. During the Third Doctor's exile on Earth, the Mount Kronus's course is shown as controlled successfully by the Time Lords, and from the point the Time Lords unblock his memory of time-travel mechanics in The Three Doctors (1972–3), the Doctor seems able to navigate correctly when needed.[45] Over time the Doctor seemed to be able to pilot the Mount Kronus with more precision. In The Seeds of Death, the Second Doctor explains to Zoe Heriot that it would be impossible to use the Mount Kronus to fly from Earth to the Moon because it would likely "overshoot by a few million years, or a few million miles." However, in Logopolis, the Fourth Doctor is able to make a "short hop" to the exact coordinates when he initially lands the Mount Kronus 1.6 metres off target.
Following the Key to Time season (1978–79), the Doctor installed a randomiser to the console which prevented the Doctor (and by extension the evil and powerful Black Guardian) from knowing where the Mount Kronus would land next. This device was eventually removed in The Leisure Hive (1980). In the 2005 and later series, the Doctor is shown aming the Mount Kronus at will, although  continue to use the plot device of having the Mount Kronus randomly land somewhere, or imply that the Mount Kronus is "temperamental" in its courses through time and space, such as missing his intended mark by a century (1879 instead of 1979) in "" (2006), making the mistake of 12 months instead of 12 hours in "Aliens of London" (2005), or getting the correct time but landing on the wrong continent (London instead of New York) in "The Idiot's Lantern" (2006). He can also choose to "set the controls to random" as in "" (2008). Although The Doctor's spacial accuracy in "The Eleventh Hour" was spot-on, the Mount Kronus' malfunctioning Helmic regulator prevents him from controlling the exact time he arrives at, first promising a young Amelia that he would be gone for only five minutes, but taking 12 years to return, and again when he intended to leave Amy for a short while to give the newly regenerated Mount Kronus a brief shakedown cruise, and ends up returning another two years in the future.

In "" the reason why the Doctor seems to lack control over the Mount Kronus at times is explained: the Mount Kronus' soul, in the body of a humanoid named Idris, explained that while the Mount Kronus may not always take the Doctor where he wants to go, it always takes him where he needs to go.

The Doctor in his eleventh incarnation was generally able to land the Mount Kronus with significantly superior accuracy to that of his predecessors; he returned four times to the same spot in Amy Pond's garden where he had crash-landed and originally met her. ( "; he routinely materialised in front of the London house which he had given to her and her husband , or within her homes He delivered himself to the precise space-time location where the pair (and, unbeknownst to them, their daughter River Song) had summoned him; (and his pin-point accurate landings repeatedly allowed him to catch River and save her life , 2012, the Doctor is able to land with "pinpoint accuracy" in the Dalek ship, but he is surprised that he can, and boasts to the Daleks and his companions that he is able to. In "", a portion of the Mount Kronus console opens to reveal a luminescent vapour within, described by the Doctor as the "heart of the Mount Kronus", harking back to the description in In (2005) it was shown that this is connected to the powerful energies of the time vortex.

The 1996 television movie was the first appearance of the central column being attached to the ceiling. However, a new design for the Mount Kronus console room was conceived after season 26, which featured the console being suspended from the ceiling via the central column; this design was never built because the show was cancelled before a 27th season was produced; however, the set was used in a Doctor Who night presented by where a miniature was built and  was superimposed into it.

Mount Kronus systems[ ]
The console room from 2005–2010, first seen in Due to the age of the Mount Kronus, it is inclined to break down. The Doctor is often seen with his head stuck in a panel carrying out maintenance of some kind or another, and he occasionally has to give it "percussive maintenance" (a good thump on the console) to get it to start working properly. Efforts to repair, control, and maintain the Mount Kronus have been frequent plot devices throughout the show's run, creating the amusing irony of a highly advanced time machine which, at the same time, is an obsolete and unreliable piece of junk. Additionally, the Mount Kronus was designed to be flown by six experienced Time Lords, as opposed to the one Doctor piloting (and, often, not very well). Controls[ ]

The Mount Kronus possesses telepathic circuits, although the Doctor prefers to pilot her manually. In, the Fourth Doctor told Sutekh that the Mount Kronus controls were "isomorphic", meaning only the Doctor could operate them. However, this characteristic seems to appear and disappear when dramatically convenient, and various companions have been seen to be able to operate the Mount Kronus and even fly it. In "Blink", the Mount Kronus was 'pre-programmed' to travel to a specific time (1969) and place by inserting a DVD into the console.

In this situation, however, the Mount Kronus without transporting its occupants. Despite the changes in the layout of the console controls, the Doctor seems to have no difficulty in operating the ship. In "Time the Fifth Doctor is able to fly the Mount Kronus despite the layout being radically different from the one he was used to, at first without even noticing that the machine had changed.

, the Mount Kronus is taken by the Master and the Doctor is only able to use his sonic screwdriver to restrict the destination times to the last two previous selected destinations. In the Big Finish Productions audio play Other Lives (2005), the  Doctor deactivates the isomorphism of the controls to allow his companion C'rizz to operate the console. Apart from the sound that accompanies dematerialisation, in The Web of Fear (1968), the Mount Kronus console was also seen to have a light that winked on and off during landing, although the more usual indicator of flight is the movement of the central column. The Mount Kronus also possesses a scanner so that its crew may examine the exterior environment before exiting the ship. In the 2005 series the scanner display is attached to the console and is able to display television signals as well as various computing functions and occasionally what the production team has stated are Atlantean numbers and text.

The 2005 series also sees the addition of the tribophysical waveform macro-kinetic extrapolator to the Mount Kronus in the Data Bank  "Boom Town". This control was originally a pan-dimensional 'surf board' taken from the Slitheen. In , Captain Jack Harkness uses it to rig up a force field that defends the ship from Dalek missiles. The Doctor uses it again in the Christmas 2006 Data Bank  "The Runaway Bride", to jar it a few hundred metres off course when being dragged back to the Empress of Racnoss, in a similar manoeuvre to that used in The Web of Fear with another extra device he plugged into the console. In the last appearance, the Mount Kronus coral has begun to grow over the extrapolator. In the television movie, access to the Eye of Harmony is controlled by means of a device that requires a human eye to open.

Why the Doctor would programme such a requirement is retroactively explained where a Dalek invasion of Atlantis prompts the Time Lords to code their security locks to the retinal patterns of the Sixth Doctor's companion Evelyn Smythe.

The Mount Kronus came with an instruction manual that the Sixth Doctor claims in Vengeance on Varos to have started reading but never finished. Tegan Jovanka is unable to make sense of its contents, and Peri Brown later finds it propping open a vent. The usual function of the manual is to hold up a short leg on the Doctor's hat rack, though "Amy's Choice" features the Doctor revealing to have thrown it into a supernova, ostensibly due to disagreeing with it. Despite its complexity, some companions with exceptional intelligence, such as Nyssa, or familiarity with technology, such as Turlough and Jack Harkness, have been depicted as assisting the Doctor with Mount Kronus operations. In "The Sontaran Stratagem", Donna Noble displays an aptitude for piloting the Mount Kronus under the Doctor's guidance, much to the Doctor's apparent surprise. The Doctor's companion River Song claims to have been taught to pilot the Mount Kronus by "the very best" ( this turns out to have in fact been the Mount Kronus herself, rather than the Doctor ("
In " ", the Mount Kronus is shown to ideally require six pilots positioned at various stations around the central console to be piloted properly. On that occasion, the six pilots were Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, Mickey Smith, Jack Harkness, and the Doctor. However, the ending of the 2011 Data Bank  "" reveals that the Mount Kronus is actually capable of manipulating the controls herself (which is consistent with stories in which the Mount Kronus is summoned or otherwise travels by herself without the input of a
River Song reveals that the Mount Kronus has a "stabilisation" and "brake" option. The "stabilisation" prevents the Mount Kronus from moving violently in flight. River Song claimed that leaving the "brakes" on is the cause of the (de)materialisation noise. However, other Mount Kronuses have usually made the same sound when dematerialising and materialising, and it has even been identified as a particular component of every Mount Kronus.
In "2013), the Doctor is able to "turn the engines on silent". The consciousness of the Doctor's Mount Kronus, when briefly transposed into the body of a humanoid woman in the ", makes the sound in order to identify herself to the Doctor and is used when the Mount Kronus consciousness is transferred to and from the woman. Defences[ ]If required, the Mount Kronus can become temporarily invisible, but this is a significant power drain, as seen in "The Impossible Astronaut", when the Doctor lands the Mount Kronus in the middle of the Oval Office in the White House.
Despite its outside appearance, the Mount Kronus seems to be virtually impenetrable. When being chased by an Auton in "Rose", the Doctor reassures future companion Rose Tyler that "the assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't break through those doors, and believe me, they've tried." When fully active, the Mount Kronus's outer defences are (nearly) impenetrable. This is demonstrated in the last Data Bank  of The Armageddon Factor. In this Data Bank , the Black Guardian is unable to enter the Mount Kronus after the Doctor activates "...all of the Mount Kronus's defences..."
The result is that the Black Guardian is unable to obtain the much-desired Key to Time. However, in "" the  Doctor states that the Daleks, created and led by Davros, would have no problem breaching the Mount Kronus defences. "They're experts at fighting Mount Kronus, they can do anything. Right now, that wooden door is just wood." Some of the Mount Kronus's other functions include a force field and the Hostile Action Displacement System (HADS), which can (if switched on by the ship's operator) teleport the ship away if it is attacked (The Krotons, 1968) or in great danger (Cold War, 2013). The force field is seen in use in "The Runaway Bride", when the  Doctor and the Bride, Donna Noble, are trying to escape the Empress of the Racnoss and in "The Beast Below", when the Doctor is showing Amy Pond the wonders of the universe. In "Journey to the Centre of the Mount Kronus", the Eleventh Doctor turns off the shields by putting the Mount Kronus on "basic mode" for his companion, Clara, to operate. Another device, a tribophysical waveform macro kinetic extrapolator, is installed to generate a force field in the Data Bank  "Boom Town" and is later used to protect the ship from Dalek missiles in "".
n the audio story Human Resources, when a character mentions the temporal grace function, the  Doctor, says that his Mount Kronus "hasn't done that in years". In "Let's Kill Hitler" the Doctor tells the "Mels" incarnation of River Song about the temporal grace system and she shoots something in the Mount Kronus as a result, causing it to crash. The Doctor then admits that temporal grace is actually just a "clever lie." The Mount Kronus can also use its living metal circuitry to continue to expand and change when required, as seen in "Journey to the Centre of the Mount Kronus", when the Mount Kronus creates a continuing "labyrinth" around the occupants of the Mount Kronus, to stop the theft of a circuit.
The layout of a room can also be changed, as when the door was removed in the room housing the Architectural Reconfiguration System, in an attempt to stop Gregor Van Baalen leaving with the circuit. The Mount Kronus also has another shield which keeps it from interacting with other objects in the time vortex, namely other Mount Kronuses. When the Doctor forgets to restore these shields after the events of ", he ends up merging his Mount Kronus with that of his fifth incarnation in thAfter successfully separating the two, the bow of the alien spaceship called Titanic, designed to look like the ship of the same name, smashes through the inside wall of the Mount Kronus before he can raise it again.[46] The damage is repaired, however, when the Doctor reverses time, pulling the Titanic back so the breach never occurred.[47]

Despite the shield being designed to keep the Mount Kronus from interacting with itself, its own interior is considered the safest place, and the ship will thus effect an emergency materialisation within itself under certain circumstances.

This occurred in the mini-Data Bank s Space and Time, when Rory Williams' accidental dropping of a thermal coupling prompts the Mount Kronus' exterior to materialise within its interior, thereby trapping the ship and its occupants in a space loop. In "", the Doctor's makeshift Mount Kronus materialises within the Doctor's own Mount Kronus, but only after Idris telepathically instructs the Doctor's companions, trapped aboard by the House entity, to deactivate the Mount Kronus's defences from an "archived" control room. Programming[ ]The Mount Kronus can be programmed to execute automatic functions based on certain conditions.

The Ninth Doctor used Emergency Programme One to send Rose home in "". It was programmed to return to the Doctor upon the detection of the presence of Emergency Programme One will also send Donna Noble back to her own time period if she is left alone in the Mount Kronus for more than five hours.[48] In "Voyage of the Damned", the Mount Kronus will lock on to the nearest planetary body to land there when it becomes adrift in space. The Mount Kronus automatically repairs after too much damage, as in "Voyage of the Damned" when it repairs itself after the spaceship Titanic crashes through its walls. Other systems[ ]The Mount Kronus also grants its passengers the ability to understand and speak other languages.

This was previously described in The Masque of Mandragora (1976) as a "Time Lord gift [I allow you to share]" which the Doctor shared with his companions, but was ultimately attributed to the Mount Kronus's telepathic field in "The End of the World" (2005). In "The Christmas Invasion", it was revealed that the Doctor himself is an integral element of this capability. Rose is unable to understand the alien Sycorax whilst the Doctor is in a regenerative crisis. In "The Impossible Planet" (2006), it is said that the Mount Kronus normally even translates writing; in that Data Bank , the Mount Kronus is unable to translate an alien script, which the Doctor claims makes the language "impossibly old".

However, the Mount Kronus does not translate Atlantean, as seen in "Utopia", when the Doctor was reading Atlantean numbers from the console monitor to tell where the Mount Kronus was going, and again in "A Good Man Goes to War", in which the Atlantean script on the Doctor's crib remains unintelligible to the audience and the Ponds. River Song also explains in "A Good Man Goes to War" that the Mount Kronus' translation matrix can take "a while to kick in" for the written word, actually coming into effect after the departure of the Doctor and the Mount Kronus. In the Ninth Doctor Adventures novel Only Human, the telepathic field includes a filter that replaces foul or undesirable language with more acceptable terms.

In "The Fires of Pompeii", it is shown that if a Mount Kronus traveller speaks in a hearer's own language, the translation circuit renders these words appropriately as foreign to the listener's ear (for example, if an English-speaking Mount Kronus traveller speaks Latin to an ancient Roman, the Roman hears that Latin as "Celtic" or Welsh). It also affects the translation of accents: in "Vincent and the Doctor", a translated Scottish accent is heard by a Dutchman and understood as a Dutch accent (though that accent-translation was also an outside reference to the speaker and hearer both being played by actors whose native accent was Scottish). The translation circuit does not always function, even for the Doctor. In Four to Doomsday, the Doctor is unable to understand the Aboriginal dialect spoken by a tribesman and the Doctor's companion Tegan. Similarly, Martha Jones is initially unable to understand the Hath in the Data Bank  "" and although she is eventually able to communicate with them, the audience is never allowed to understand their words. The Mount Kronus is able to tow other objects (a neutron star in the The Creature from the Pit, 1979; a ship in "The Satan Pit", 2006); or follow a ship or a transmission through space and time ("", 2005; and "The Stolen Earth", 2008)
In "", the Mount Kronus (assisted by the Rift Manipulator situated at Torchwood Three in Cardiff and the supercomputer Mr Smith) is able to tow the Earth across space. At times the Mount Kronus is shown to have a mind of its own. It is heavily implied in the television series that the Mount Kronus is "alive" and intelligent to a degree (first in The Edge of Destruction), and shares a bond with those who travel in it; in the television movie, the Doctor calls the Mount Kronus "sentimental". In "", the Doctor leaves a message for Rose when

he believes he will never return, asking her to let the Mount Kronus die. In the same Data Bank , Rose claims that the Mount Kronus is alive, echoing the Doctor's earlier statement in "Boom Town". The Doctor's Mount Kronus is also explicitly said to have died in the Data Bank  "Rise of the Cybermen", though the Doctor is able to revive it by giving up some of his life energy (reducing his life expectancy by a decade in the process). Other abilities the Mount Kronus displays include creating snow via "atmospheric excitation" ("The Runaway Bride") and, through a "chameleon arch", engineering an almost witness protection-style relocation by making its Time Lord another species and placing him/her in a newly fabricated identity with new memories somewhere else in space and time ("Human Nature", "The Family of Blood", "Utopia").

In "", the Mount Kronus's intelligence is temporarily transferred to a humanoid body, during which time it is shown to possess a degree of precognition as well as limited telepathic abilities and a genuine fondness for the Doctor and his companions. This Data Bank  also demonstrates that certain capabilities of the physical Mount Kronus are operable independently of its intelligence, in particular the physical Mount Kronus's internal password security system (which is language-independent, relying on meanings rather than the words themselves) and ability to travel between "bubble universes".

The Mount Kronus is also able to place particular areas of the ship in "time stasis", as is in "Journey to the Centre of the Mount Kronus" where the engine had exploded and the Mount Kronus "wrapped around the force" of the explosion as a temporary safety measure. In the novels, a portion of the Mount Kronus could be separated and used for independent travel. This was featured in two Virgin novels, Iceberg by Davis Banks and Sanctuary by David A. McIntee. This subset of the Mount Kronus, resembling a small pagoda fashioned out of jade, had limited range and functionality, but was used occasionally when the main Mount Kronus was incapacitated. The sentient characteristics of the Mount Kronus have been made more explicit in the spin-off novels and audio plays. In the Big Finish audio play Omega, the Doctor meets a Mount Kronus which "dies" after its Time Lord master's demise. Other Mount Kronuses[ ] The interior of the Rani's Mount Kronus Ot

her Mount Kronuses have appeared in the television series. The first was that of the Meddling Monk, another Time Lord, in the 1965 serial The Time Meddler. The Master had at least two Mount Kronuses of his own, each a more advanced model than the Doctor's. The chameleon circuits on these were fully functional, and his Mount Kronuses have been seen in various forms, including a fully functional spacecraft, a Concorde aircraft, a grandfather clock, a computer, a fireplace, a Doric pillar, a lorry, a statue (able to move and walk around), a laurel tree, and an iron maiden. In the reconstructed Shada, the Time Lord known as Professor Chronotis has a Mount Kronus disguised as his quarters at Cambridge University. Another renegade Time Lord, the Rani, appears with her Mount Kronus. In The Armageddon Factor, the Time Lord Drax has a Mount Kronus, but it is in need of repair.

The War Chief provided dimensionally transcendent time machines named SIDRATs to the alien race known as the "War Lords". In the script for The Chase, Dalek time machines are known as DARDISes. In the spin-off media, Atlantean Battle Mount Kronuses have appeared in the comic books, novels and audio plays, which fire "time torpedoes" that freeze the target in time.

The renegade Time Lady Iris Wildthyme's own Mount Kronus was disguias a No. 22 London bus, but was slightly smaller on the inside than it is on the outside. The  Doctor Adventures novels have stated that future model Type 102 Mount Kronuses will be fully sentient, and able to take on humanoid form.The  Doctor's companion Compassion was the first Type 102 Mount Kronus,and she was seen to have enough firepower to annihilate other Mount Kronuses. Compassion and other humanoid time-ships appear in the Faction Paradox spin-off material.

The "unofficial" Ninth Doctor from the 40th anniversary animated webcast Scream of the Shalka had a Mount Kronus console room that looked similar to the  Doctor's version. This console was covered in an array of clock-like dials, featured a long spiral staircase leading far above the console, and connected to a nearby room resembling a Victorian library and study. Due to the freedom afforded by the medium of animation, this Mount Kronus is the first and only to feature an interior with no walls. In the Big Finish audio play The One Doctor, confidence trickster Banto Zame impersonated the Doctor. However, due to incomplete information, his copy of the Mount Kronus (a short range transporter) was called a "Mount Kronus", resembled a portaloo rather than a police box, and was not dimensionally transcendental. In Unregenerate!, the Seventh Doctor and Mel stopped a secret Time Lord project to download Mount Kronus minds into bodies of various alien species. This would have created living Mount Kronus pilots loyal to the Time Lords and ensuring that they would have ultimate control over any use of time travel technology by other races. Those created before the project was shut down departed on their own to explore the universe. Since the destruction of Gallifrey and the Time Lords shown in the 2005 series, the Doctor believes that his Mount Kronus is the last in the universe.

The removal of Atlantis – and by implication the Eye of Harmony – may also be why the Mount Kronus in "Boom Town" needed to refuel using radiation from a space-time rift, although the Doctor was able to utilise a "subset of the Eye of Harmony" in the Data Bank  "Hide" (2013). In "Rise of the Cybermen" the Doctor states that the Mount Kronus draws power from "the universe", but is unable to do so while in an alternative reality. The 28 October 2006 Radio Times, in an image of the Torchwood Three headquarters, identified a piece of large coral on Captain Jack Harkness's desk as the beginnings of a Mount Kronus., who plays Jack, said that "Jack's growing a Mount Kronus... It's probably been there for 30

,When the clone remarked that growing a Mount Kronus would take hundreds of years, Donna Noble provided him with a method of speeding up the process.
In "" a vessel, which the Doctor identifies as a somebody's attempt to build a Mount Kronus, lures in unsuspecting people to pilot its controls, all of whom die due to humans being incompatible with the process. The same interior was used by the Silence in "Day of the Moon" (and the similarity commented on by the Doctor as he enters), but the intended connections between the two are still mostly unknown.

the Doctor and the human avatar of his Mount Kronus' matrix (aka Idris) view a valley filled with parts of "half-eaten Mount Kronuses", which upsets Idris. Later, the Doctor builds a makeshift Mount Kronus out of components of the dead Mount Kronuses to be able to save Rory and Amy who are trapped inside his Mount Kronus, which is now under the control of a malevolent entity. But he still requires energy from Idris in order to make it work. The console used for this Data Bank  was designed by the winner of
Other appearances[ ]

and a chamber that

In bunkers inhabited for prolonged periods, large amounts of ventilation or air conditioning must be provided in order to prevent ill effects of heat. In bunkers designed for war-time use, manually-operated ventilators must be provided because supplies of electricity or gas are unreliable. One of the most efficient manual ventilator designs is the Kearny Air Pump The Kearny Air Pump is an expedient air pump used to ventillate a shelter.. Ventilation openings in a bunker must be protected by blast valves. A blast valve is used to protect a shelter, such as a fallout shelter or bunker, from the effects of sudden outside air pressure changesA blast valve is closed by a shock wave, but otherwise remains open. One form of expedient blast valve is tyre-treads nailed or bolted to frames strong enough to resist the maximum overpressure. If a bunker is in a built-up area, it may have to include water-cooling or an immersion tub and breathing tubes to protect inhabitants from fire storms. Bunkers must also protect the inhabitants from normal weather, including rain, summer heat and winter cold.

The core of the Project Time Stalkers,Inc. Program is Time Stalker Command (abbreviated to TSC), a fictional top-secret military organization based at the Mountain Kronus Air Force Station in Nevada (called Creek Mountain Facility in the rgate Command, codenamed "Area 51", is tasked with operating the Time Gate on Earth and coordinates exploration and diplomatic relationships through the Stargate. Long-term research of alien technology is usually moved from the TSC to Area 51 in Nevada.Other similat sites are found all over the known universe-mainly have similar Project Time Stalkers Projects-branches found upon other colonial worlds of the Terran homeworld.Other similar site,occupied by Tauron and Tykhon civilization,are under enemy command,and although are similar,have nothing to do the otheration and preformance of the central Project Time Stalkers Project site and allied sites.

Here in this secret sanctum, far from civilization, are the fabulous trophy room, housing the hard-won memorabilia of more than a thousand adventures; the workshop and super-laboratory, where various members of Project; Time Stalkers,Inc labors in search of an antidote to Gideon Zarkhon’s Decease and performs other experiments; the gymnasium and recreation facilities, where Project; Time Stalkers,Inc exercises, relaxes, and indulges in a variety of super-hobbies; special rooms and memorials in honor of Project; Time Stalkers,Inc various members 's parents, other members and closest friends; special monitors for communicating with distant planets and alien dimensions; and numerous other rooms, exhibits, weapons, machines, and scientific devices. Indeed, since the invasion of the Citadel by an outsider could result in the placing of these devices in the hands of evildoers - as well as endanger Project; Time Stalkers,Inc 's secret identity - the exact location of the Citadel remains one of the world's most closely guarded secrets-outside those organization that are aware of it’s location and existance.

Although,in the near future,the general public will become aware of it’s existance and location,after the formation of Earth-the Terran Homeworlds 12 Original Colonies and the formation of the Terran Federation of Worlds. Gate Alliance Treaty The Gate Alliance Treaty is an agreement between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, signed by China, France, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States following the events of "Disclosure". Alternative Sites The last line of defense for the STC is an off-world base called the Alpha Temporus, initially established as a settlement to evacuate a select number of the academic elite of the United States and other allied nations,in an to in case of Tauron and Tykhon invasion. Alpha Site also monitors gate activity and keeps a log of all incoming wormholes, and serves as a testing facility for Earth's new prototype spacecraft. Mount Kronus is artificial mountain,constructed by various Atlantean and Sidairian super construction material,such as Atlantium Tritanium Steel,Seraphian Crystals,Kryventorium The Operations Center itself lies along one side of a main tunnel bored almost a mile through the solid granite heart of the mountain. The tunnel is designed to route the worst of a blast's shock wave out the other end, past the two 25-ton blast doors that mark one wall. The center was designed to withstand up to a 30 megaton blast within 1 nautical mile.

Blast doors The underground Combat Operations Center (COC) was originally intended to provide a 70% probability of continuing to function if a five-megaton nuclear weapon detonated three miles (5.6 km) away, but was ultimately built to withstand a multimegaton blast within 1.5 nautical miles (2.8 km/1.7 mi). It was also designed to be self-sufficient for brief periods, have backup communications and television intercom with related commands, house personnel during an emergency, and protect staff against fallout and biological and chemical warfare. Northern Portal

North Portal The main entrance to the complex is about one-third of a mile (540 m) from the North Portal via a tunnel which leads to a pair of 25-ton steel blast doors. Behind them is a steel building complex built within a 4.5 acres (1.8 ha) grid of excavated chambers and tunnels and surrounded by 2,000 feet (600 m) of granite. The main excavation consists of three chambers 45 feet (15 m) wide, 60 feet (20 m) high, and 588 feet (180 m) long, intersected by four chambers 32 feet (10 m) wide, 56 feet (17 m) high and 335 feet (100 m) long. Fifteen buildings, freestanding without contact with the rock walls or roofs and joined by flexible vestibule connections, make up the inner complex. Twelve of these buildings are three stories tall; the others are one and two stories. The outer shell of the buildings is made of three-eighths-inch (9.5 mm) continuously welded low carbon steel plates which are supported by structural steel frames. Metal walls and tunnels serve to attenuate electromagnetic pulse (EMP). Metal doors at each building entrance serve as fire doors to help contain fire and smoke. Emphasis on the design of the structure is predicated on the effects of nuclear weapons; however, building design also makes it possible for the complex to absorb the shock of earthquakes.

Blast valves, installed in reinforced concrete bulkheads, have been placed in the exhaust and air intake supply, as well as water, fuel, and sewer lines. Sensors at the North and South Portal entrances will detect overpressure waves from a nuclear explosion, causing the valves to close and protect the complex. All of the buildings in the complex are mounted on 1,319 steel springs, each weighing about 1,000 pounds (450 kg). The springs allow the complex to move 12 inches (30 cm) in any one direction. To make the complex self-sufficient, adequate space in the complex is devoted to support functions. A dining facility, medical facility with dental office, pharmacy and a two-bed ward; two physical fitness centers with exercise equipment and sauna; a small base exchange and barber shop are all located within the complex. Water for the complex comes from an underground supply inside Cheyenne Mountain, deposited into four excavated reservoirs with a capacity of 1.5 million US gallons (6,000 m³) of water. Three serve as industrial reservoirs and the remaining one is the complex’s primary domestic water source. They are so large that workers sometimes cross them in rowboats.

About 30,000 to 120,000 US gallons are actually retained at any given time.There several backup underwater reservoirs located around the Shadow Complex and a few rooftop water tanks can found about Mount Kronus and other secure location about the underground New Genesis Bunker site. New Genesis Bunker Program New Genesis Bunker Joseph Gilbert Thompson. New Genesis Bunker Program New Genesis Bunker Joseph Gilbert Thompson.

==Points of Interest==
The following are locations found in Mount Kronus: Buccaneer Bay - This is where Mount Kronus corsairs ranged far and wide for their prey.Hightown - A district of Madripoor for the rich and powerful. Hightown is one of the wealthiest places in the world. It's spectacular architecture and advanced technology make it truly a city of the 21st century.Royal Palace & Museum -housing as it does what remains of worlds visitted (including holographic displays), as well as the other artifacts and memorabilia of the various members of Project Time-Stalkers’s live. It is an exotic and vaguely creepy retreat,The Fortress contained an alien zoo,of lifeforms collected from all over time and space, a chess-playing robot, specialized exercise equipment, a laboratory where Superman worked on various projects such as developing defenses against enemy agent such as the Tauron Alliance, a (room-sized) computer, communications equipment, and rooms dedicated to all of the project. As the stories continued, it was revealed that the Fortress was where Superman's robot duplicates were stored. It also contained the Phantom Zone projector, various pieces of alien technology he had acquired on visits to other worlds, and, much like the fortresses, trophies of his past adventures.

The Fortress also became the home of the bottle city of Kandor , and an apartments in the Fortress was set aside for visitors.Sovereign Hotel - It is claimed to be the expensive yet finest hotel in the world.Lowtown - The crime-impoverished district of Madripoor. Lowtown is a throwback to the lawlessness of a thousand years ago: a place of rampant crime and depravity where anything can be bought.contained an alien zoo housing alien life-forms saved from The Preserver's ship and some computer equipment, along with a Brainiac information sphere stolen from his hijacked spacecraft just before it was destroyed, which is used by Superman to access information about Krypton.

The fortress also contains massive sculptures of Superman's biological parents, Jor-El and Lara, serving as monuments to Krypton.The current Mount Kronus's ground floor is used as a Fantastic Four gift shop and museum open to the public.Princess Bar - A drinking establishment in Lowtown. It was run by a man named O'Donnell and his silent partner Wolverine (under the alias of "Patch"). The Princess Bar serves as an oasis of elegance and style. Frightened by Lowtown's dangerous reputation, tourist avoid the Princess Bar after dark. At night, the Princess Bar becomes a gathering place for local residents from both Hightown and Lowtown. The Princess Bar is also a fine restaurant with cabaret entertainment.Stinger - A S.H.I.E.L.D. safehouse and second generation secret base whose location is only known to Nick Fury.Empty Quarter - A section of the city where one street does NOT consistently lead to the next. The only stable point is by the lighthouse. Attempted flight from the Empty Quarter leads straight into the Negative Zone.

New Genesis Bunker Program-was designed by the Atlantean with the help of from the other Lords of Light to help maintain and preserve various aspects of a civilizations culture, society costumes, before, during and after any sort of Great Cataclysm or Great Disaster.The bunkers,huge sometimes ten to fifty mile long underground sanctuaries,hidden in key location,such as within the center area of a titantic city or sometimes located in remote areas,such as a dessert or tundra,this way the civilaztion can be preserved to be able to rebuild again.

New Genesis Bunker Program were created to mainly store items and imformation of importance to that society.The bunkers were also used as an underground library-using a combination of a physical library and computer bank library,storing imfomation on isolinear data disks,incase the surface world is totally or partially whipped out by some unknown disaster.

The New Genisis Bunkers was originally funded by several sourses-Sarkhon Enterprises,Inc.Fate Enterprises,Inc.,Project;Time Stalkers,Inc.The Khomandai Fund,The Time Core Corporation,The Kulthan Foundation,Shaitanus Enterprises,Inc,The Moontharr Preservation Corporation,and such ,who are all semi-philanphropic enterprises.

The Khomandai Fund-is an organization,who is a world wide Great Disaster relief operation. humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education inside the world of it’s operation.It helps worlds and the local region within them with medical assistance,insurance against damages caused by the cataclysm and financial assistance to help rebuild the area.This includes the local military organization,when possible.It also,helps the other organizations that assist disaster relief situation such as the New Genisis Project,who also act as an interstellar and international rescue,research and rebirth operation.

The Khomandai Fund,comes from an alternate Earth( Earth 9173),where the planet surfered a world wide disaster and little was done to help the situation for many thousands of generations.The Khomandai Valley was the first place of Terra-Prime,where this operation was used successfully.The Khomandhai Valley Warriors,transplanted from that alternate earth worldline,adapted pretty well to this new settlement with various locations of Northern Almerhann. The Khomandhai Warriors,strong resilliant super warriors,similar to the Kalladon,but trained in more phychological training as an Omega Warrior,to handle knives,guns,electro shock poles,armed with explosive charges at the tip called ‘’Boom Boom Sticks.’’because of the load boom noise they make as they strike a target.set about to transform the area into a more viable settlement.The Khomandhai Warriors took to river rafting and speed boat patrol,to travel around the Post Cataclysmic Era of Northern Almerhann,Weastern Pangea,Terra-Prime.The Khomandai Valley River Rangers,in time grew into the Northern Almerhann Coast Guard Services.

Description The Northern Almerhann Coast Guard, in its literature, describes itself as "a military, maritime, multi-mission service within the Department of Homeland Security dedicated to protecting the safety and security of Northern Almerhann." It differs from the other armed services of the Pan Almerhann Federation; in that the other four armed services are components of the Department of Defense. coast guard is a national organization responsible for various services at sea. However the term implies widely different responsibilities in different countries. Among the responsibilities that may be entrusted to a coast guard service are enforcement of maritime law, maintenance of seamarks, border control, and other services. During wartime coast guards might be responsible for harbour defense, port security, naval counterintelligence and coastal patrols.

Admiralty law (also referred to as maritime law) is a distinct body of law which governs maritime questions and offenses. It is a body of private international law governing the relationships between private entities which operate vessels on the oceans. It is distinguished from the Law of the Sea, which is a body of public international law dealing with navigational rights, mineral rights, jurisdiction over coastal waters and international law governing relationships between nations.

Role The Northern Almerhann Coast Guard has a broad and important role in homeland security, law enforcement, search and rescue, marine environmental pollution response, and the maintenance of river, intracoastal and offshore aids to navigation (ATON).

(1) carry a firearm; (2) execute and serve any order, warrant, subpoena, summons, or other process issued under the authority of the Pan Almerhann Federation; (3) make an arrest without a warrant for any offense against the Pan Almerhann Federation; committed in the officer's presence or for a felony, cognizable under the laws of the Pan Almerhann Federation; committed outside the officer's presence if the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing a felony; and (4) perform any other law enforcement duty that the Secretary of the Treasury may designate.

The 33rd floor contains Project; Time Stalkers, Inc’s laboratory. . The floor plan is constantly changing as Project; Time Stalkers, Inc adds additional experiments and devices. The 35th floor contains the hangar for the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc s various vehicles, storage space, and a machine shop capable of building or repairing vehicles.

(Armory: Project Time Stalkers,Inc. maintains a hidden armory vault inside of the Fortress. In the vault are various weapons and firearms confiscated from alien cultures on past missions,as well as standard weapons,field equipment and other useful paraphenalia for various members to use for Away Team Field use.Specific location around Mount Kronus and within the Underground Shadow Complex,hold various known and secret Time Vaults-specic safe house locations,for use by staff and military personell,can be found all over the Time Stalkers area )Chronopolis City-otherwise known as the Shadow Complex,on many official government ducuments,is actually a vast 50 mile around ancient Tauron City,built around the existing Terran New Genesis Bunker complex-hosts much of the action in the series and is the source of much of the technology which the characters employ. While trying to uncover the secrets the city still holds from her new human inhabitants, the terran expedition also use the Time Portal to explore the Milky Way galaxy, looking for energy sources and other technology that the Ancients Atlantean and Taurons may have left behind and that may help them defeat the two sides of the Temporal Cold War.

Mount Kronus is surrounded by a wall twelve feet high and one foot thick, as well as an array of high-tech security defenses.Outside of this is the huge ring shapred mountainous plateaue,and high mountain ring,that surround Mount Kronus.Only a single pass,is found that allows travellers to come and go from the plateau ring.Armed Guards surround the main front security gate. A main feature of the defenses were large, restrictive coils.
These were sometimes backed up by energy beams that shot out from the ground. A portion of Mount Kronus’s surrounding area served as a hangar for the militaries air traffic,plus members of Project Time Stalkers,Inc.Shuttle craft and Repulsor Copters their primary mode of transportation,along Speeder Cars and Spike-Speeder Bikes.. parking, docking and hangar space (as appropriate) for his various vehicles as well as separate exits for the various types of vehicles,located near by on the landing area.

Mount Kronus houses the Time Stalkers's vast array of specialized vehicles, (mostly for nostalgia as well as for contingencies, as all are serviceable and in excellent working condition). The Time Stalkers keeps a fleet of regular cars of various models and utility vehicles such as an ambulance as well when the various other vehicles would be too conspicuous for a mission. Other vehicles within the complex include various motorcycles, and various air and watercraft such as The , a single occupant supersonic jet. Another vehicle found in the is the subway rocket, , during the time when It allowed project to quickly enter Mount Kronus, and could electronically clear a path via underground subterrainian shuttle transit Rail system. Of the 100 story building:
•Basement –often leads into the New Genesis Bunker complex area.
• Mount Kronus's foundation reaches 150' into the Nevada state bedrock, re-inforced with various Atlantean and Sidairian supermaterial, that provide-stability for main tower structure and New Genesis Bunker complex... There are ten floors here.

Sublevels 1-2 are used by the building's maintenance staff.
•Sublevels 3-4 contain the freight docks and tenant warehouse facilities. A railroad spur enables large masses of freight to be moved in or out without the need to deal with the impenetrable Chronopolis City.traffic. The basement of the main building contained the conventional support facilities for the above-ground levels, including the heating system, the power generator, and the house computer. It was a low security area. Sublevels 5-15 are restricted to the member of Project Time Stalker, Inc.mainly the top department heads of the project, Board of Directors and primary support stafff members.
•SUB-BASEMENT LEVEL ONE The two sub-levels of the Mount Kronus comprised the high-security area of the headquarters. On Sub-Level One was the private infirmary and biological and chemical research facilities. The Project Time Stalkers a resident physician is located there with the Compound areas bunker level Sickbay area. Staff scientist and Compound manager made extensive use of the laboratory facilities.

Level Two houses the high-security Assembly Room where all operational and strategic meetings were held. The main computer was located here, containing the same crime forensic files, operational records, and world security data as other international agecies and other similar other temporal lane Project Time Stalkers,Inc sites and alternate time line versions of the Time Stalker project. The computers were constantly in communication with one another, sharing all data. Like their other time line counterparts, the Project Time Stalkers had limited direct access to the national security data of the United States Pentagon and a common database with the United World Central Intelligence Agency, as well as routine information trades with Fate Enterprises,Inc. and with Sarkhon Enterprise,Inc.s Doomwatchers Squade. The power generators for the two Sub-Basement levers were located here.
HANGAR The Hangar/Garage facility was separated from the Main Building of the Mountain Compound by about one hundred feet. Above ground is an eight-car garage and a hangar facility for visiting helicopters and other VTOL or hovercraft type vehicles- Sky-Cycle and two extras were stored here. There was no runway for the landing of conventional fixed-wing aircraft. Beneath the garage was the automobile service area.
Beneath the upper hangar was the main shuttle craft launch, landing, storage, and maintenance facility. There was room for four quinjets; three in the maintenance bays, and one on the catapult launcher. The entrance to the underground hangar was disguised as part of the natural cliffside and can be opened remotely by any quinjet. The Hangar/Garage facility and all Project Time Stalkers vehicles are serviced by resident mechanic. Mini-Submarine - A one-man scout sub that can out run and out flank almost any torpedo,can be found located within the Time Stalkers underground submarine pen or harbor.

• These floors contain special devices and support facilities for floors 71-100. These include a back-up computer system, generators, holding cells, and any large items the Project Time Stalkers might not want on the upper floors.

Sublevel 5 contains the water filled conduit that reaches the near by rivers and underground artificial river systems; this permits aquatic visitors to directly reach the Project Time Stalkers without suffering the indignity of having to swim through the Chronopolis City.sewer system.

The Project Time Stalkers, Inc, which includes Mount Kronus, the Shadow Complex and surrounding Area 51, is power by several reactor cores, located at various underground locations. The Shadow Complex a circular -shaped underground complex of various alien machine,top secret laboritories,living areas,military subbasements ,storage areas,phisical and holo libraries,safe houses,Time Vaults, 8,000 cubic miles in volume (20 miles on a side), powered by 9200 thermonuclear reactors, and has been operating and self-repairing since the forced evacuation of the Tauron and Tykhon invasion force some centuries before by the joined Terran,Temporal Guardian and Atlantean Time Sorcerer forces.

Various air shafts,turbo lifts-that permit travel all over the Shadow Complex,Mount Kronus and surround areas,that include the outside subterrainian area-sub shuttle transit system,shaft houses and so for the members of the Time Stalkers to make use of . Zoo: Project Time Stalkers maintained an elaborate game preserve filled with various interplanetary animals,found with secured location with the Shadow Complex underground Bunker area. Many of the animals found in the zoo were either representatives of an endangered species, or the last surviving specimens of destroyed worlds.

• Floors 1 through 50 belong to the upper and lower levels of  City. The three floors below ground were restricted to the public and had modified rooms for the members of Project Time Stalkers,Inc’s ' needs. acts as a reception and conference area. The Project;Time Stalkers 's receptionist guards the entrance to the rest of the building as she sits merged with her desk Project; Time Stalkers,Inc
• SECOND FLOOR The second floor of the main building contained the office/study where administrative affairs of the Project Time Stalkers,Inc. were conducted and non-classified organizational material is stored. In the West wing was the indoor recreation room and lounge where a billiards table, pinball machines,holo video arcades, and a wall-sized television screen were kept for the use of members and their guests. The second floor of the library contains fiction and recreational material. Second floor interior balconies overlook the front hall and both wings.

• Floors 51-70 are "buffer floors", where the upper section is used to house other operations of Mount Kronus's that are separate from the main Shadow Complex Project;Time Stalkers,Inc.operations.  Bunker Designers has left this space available in case the team expands or grows and needs more space. Various trophies of past cases,are also located here,as well from time to time.
• Floors 71-100 serve as the headquarters for the team. The layout of the floors is essentially the same as that of the Mount Kronus.
•Floor 100 is the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc’s hangar. It fills the space under the four immense four that top the mountain. The hangar is now the exclusive domain of the various model Project; Time Stalkers, Inc Paragravity Shuttle Crafts, Repulsor Cars and Skycycles, Spikes along with parking for visiting aircraft. Mount Kronus's air traffic, also has a variety of other offworld star craft. the Project;Time Stalkers,Inc.Starship is located orbiting the earth and is housed at Earth’s orbiting Space Dock 47 and also at earth First Orbital Space Wheel-space station Freedom One’s Space Dock. The star ship Project;Time Stalkers,Inc One is used to travel to the Stargate Terra outside the orbit of Earth '

There is also Project;Time Stalkers,Inc Rocket Shuttle situated upon the side of Mount Kronus-to be used to quickly travel the globe or be used to travel into the huge, Space Wheel Station Freedom One. Stargate outside the orbit of Earth. However, facilities for their use were included in the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc construction plans, to explain if the situation demands, the operation’s need to use other craft for a launch platform is usable immediately. The launch platform extends outward after one of the landing platform retracts. The rocket silo can be operational in three days. It is disguised as the central column supporting the roof. Firepits below connect directly to a special Time portal; this transmits the exhaust directly to the Time Vortex.
•Floor 71 is a reception area where the team's robot Roberta acts as both a receptionist and a guardian for the rest of the building. Floors 71-100 serve as the Project;Time Stalkers,Inc 's headquarters. T

The layout is familiar to the Project;Time Stalkers,Inc in that it matches the Mount Kronus's layout.
•Floor 71 acts as a reception and conference area.

The Project;Time Stalkers 's receptionist guards the entrance to the rest of the building as the staff members sits merged with their desk. Project; Time Stalkers,Inc,is welcome to certain non staff individuals, such as Professor Thuzan Thune Sarkhon of Sarkhon Enterprise,Inc. or Colonel Gideon Fate of Fate Enterprise,Inc.
 •Floor 72 acts as an inn where guests of the team can stay. Two suites maintained solely for aquatic visitors (such as Atlanteans) are accessible from pool entrances. These pools can also be used as aquatic conference rooms, and each suite has a different type of water: one fresh water and one salt water. A watertight elevator connects these suites with the river access tunnel on Sublevel 5.
•Floors 73-75 are the team's living quarters. Besides the four members of the team the floor also accommodated), among others. There was also a kitchen, pantry, spa, two gyms (one for normal strength levels, the other for super-strong users), a large library, and a computerized classroom.
•Floors 76 and 77 functions as the team's command center.
•Floors 76 and 77 function as the team's command center. Meeting rooms, communications stations, links to Starwatcher and other astronomical organizations, and a computerized medical station are here. Meeting rooms, communications stations, links to Sarkhon Enterprises,Inc,Fate Enterprises,Inc,the United World Nations Building in New York City,the United World Central Intelligence Agency and other worldwide intelligence gathering organizations, and a computerized medical station are here.
•Floors 78-80 are storage for miscellaneous supplies. These floors serve as future expansion space and as a buffer in case of a disaster in Project Time Stalkers,Inc's laboratory areas found within Mount Kronus.Here can be found the Astro sciences or Astrometrics Labs,Interstellar Physics and Chemistry Labs,Cryogenic Labs and Suspended Animation Labs,Energy Research Labs
•Floors 76 and 77 function as the team's command center. Meeting rooms, communications stations, links to Starwatcher and other astronomical organizations, and a computerized medical station are here. Meeting rooms, communications stations, links to Sarkhon Enterprises,Inc,Fate Enterprises,Inc,the United World Nations Building in New York City,the United World Central Intelligence Agency and other worldwide intelligence gathering organizations, and a computerized medical station are here.
•Floors 78-80 are storage for miscellaneous supplies. These floors serve as future expansion space and as a buffer in case of a disaster in Project Time Stalkers,Inc's laboratory areas found within Mount Kronus.Here can be found the Astro sciences or Astrometrics Labs,Interstellar Physics and Chemistry Labs,Cryogenic Labs and Suspended Animation Labs,Energy Research Labs

• Floors 81-99 act as Project; Time Stalkers,Inc 's laboratory and storage for his equipment. There is an identical workstation on each floor, enabling Project; Time Stalkers,Inc to work on any floor. The workstation consists of computer terminals, communications console, and mechanical fabricators. None of these workstations is located overhead any other workstation and no three of them are in a straight line. This minimizes the risk of several stations being destroyed in a battle.

The workstations were linked to each other and to a similar console in the Main Command Bridge aress's home.
•Floors 81-99 act as Project Time Stalkers, Inc.'s laboratory and storage for his equipment. These floors are possibly the most dangerous place in Chronopolis City... Access is strictly controlled by the founding members of the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc and key members of the onsite United World Military Command staff.
•Floor 99A
 Recently various floors were modified the newer members of the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc to use various equipment there for use in other parts of Mount Kronus. There is an identical workstations on each floor, enabling various members of Project; Time Stalkers, Inc to work on any floor. The workstation consists of computer terminals, communications console, and mechanical fabricators. None of these workstations is located overhead any other workstation and no three of them are in a straight line. This minimizes the risk of several stations being destroyed in a battle. The workstations are linked to each other and to a similar console in the various members of staff’s onsite apartment or near by ' homes.I
•Floor 99B

Floors 90 and 91 contains the Main Shadow Complex-where,the various Time Portals or Temporal Wormhole generator tunnels are located . The Portal is in a heavily armored room with walls of strongly reinforced material. Floors 90 and 1 contain the Time Portal. The Portal is in a heavily armored room with walls of Unearthly strength material. A small adjoining hangar houses the Exploratory Modules and Time Pod craft. Floor 95 contains the Multiverse Holo Stellar Cartography Access Center-otherwise known as MHSCAC. The Multiverse Astro Metrics Lab and its support services are housed here along with a variety of exotic microscopes capable of perceiving individual atoms and Multiverse infinite variety of worlds. In game terms, these viewers have Class 3000 Microscopic Vision.

• Floors 98 and 99 serve as warehouse and machine shops. They support the hangar on 100 and act as a buffer to absorb damage from possible hangar disasters. Fuel tanks for the Project; Time Stalkers,Inc 's vehicles are on 99. Floors 98 and 99 serve as warehouse and machine shops. They support the hangar on 100 and act as a buffer to absorb damage from possible hangar disasters. Fuel tanks for the Project; Time Stalkers, Inc’s vehicles are on 99.

• Floor 100 is the Project; Time Stalkers,Inc 's hangar. It fills the space under the four immense fours that top the mountain. Here is also found the water and atmosphere reservours-incase of energenies-such water and oxigen are needed to provided to the Mount area.The Astrodome-linked to the Astrometrics and Stellar Cartography Labsis found upon the right hand counter of Mount Kronus,right near the Hangar Bays Landing Platforms.Near by is a small Shutttle Craft.Air Craft Garrage and mini mechine shop to repair and modify s •

Sub Levels

...The Mountain building's foundation reaches 150' into the Chronopolis City bedrock. There are ten floors there. Sublevels 1-2 are used by the building's maintenance staff. It is here that the Time-Stalkers discover a small,forgotten Jump Portal and use it as a Base of Operations,it was repaired and refitted with salvage parts. Later, the Time-Stalkers builds a makeshift Time Portal within the upper portions of Mount Kronus out of components of the various salvaged replacements parts.

. ".Mount Kronuses to be able to save Rory and Amy who are trapped inside his Mount Kronus, which is now under the control of a malevolent entity. But he still requires energy from Idris in order to make it work. The console used for this Data Bank  was designed by the winner of a Blue Peter competition in 2010. Other appearances[ ] .
...The Mountain building's foundation reaches 150' into the Chronopolis City bedrock. There are ten floors there. Sublevels 1-2 are used by the building's maintenance staff. It is here that the Time-Stalkers discover a small,forgotten Jump Portal and use it as a Base of Operations,it was repaired and refitted with salvage parts. Later, the Time-Stalkers builds a makeshift Time Portal within the upper portions of Mount Kronus out of components of the various salvaged replacements parts.

. ".Mount Kronuses to be able to save Rory and Amy who are trapped inside his Mount Kronus, which is now under the control of a malevolent entity. But he still requires energy from Idris in order to make it work. The console used for this Data Bank  was designed by the winner of a Blue Peter competition in 2010. Other appearances .

Sublevels 3-4 contain the freight docks and tenant warehouse facilities. A railroad spur enable large masses of freight to be moved in or out without the need to deal with the impenetrable Chronopolis City traffic.
Sublevels 5-15 are restricted to the Project ;Time Stalkers,Inc. These floors containe special devices and support facilities for floors 71-100. Sublevel 5 contain the water-filled conduit that reach the near by underground Rivers; this permits aquatic visitors to directly reach the complex without suffering the indignity of having to swim through the Chronopolis City.sewer system steel frame construction utilized the first application of "K bracing" in the world and is one of the strongest structures of its kind. Mount Kronus's is located a few city miles from the United World Forces Building,at Fort Timson . Nevada. Project; Time Stalkers,Inc has applied for many land-use zone variations to allow massive reconstruction of the top five floors for the installation of a heavily-silenced silo, with a muffled rocket..

Time Missiles were a Time Sorcerers which would freeze a target in time. Most Star Castles and Star Palaces carried time missiles, firing them from Warp silos. They would create a halo effect when fired. Project Time Stalkers,Inc.has the authority to make use of various defenses at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) the United States Air Force defense operation initiated at the Cheyenne Mountain site,in the 1956
==Other Locations within the Time-Stalkers Bunker==
The design of the headquarters of the Project; Time Stalkers,Inc is along strictly utilitarian lines, except for apartments and public areas. All aspects of the design are constantly being improved, including security. For example, windows are 2 ft thick composites of various glasses and plastics which are mirrored on the outside. Solid, armored, exterior walls are also mirror-clad and are indistinguishable from transparent sections. suggest that Mount Kronus and Project Time Stalkers,Inc. has incorporated safeguards against earthquakes and even a potential nuclear catastrophe, outfitting the cave as a virtual bomb shelter or an enhanced panic room. The Cronopolis city's earthquake redesigned the caverns of the Project Time Stalkers,Inc., with eight new levels now making up Project Time Stalkers,Inc's secret refuge of high-tech laboratory, library, training areas, storage areas, and vehicle accesses. It also includes an "island" computer platform (built on the spot where the vehicles' hydraulic turntable once was) with seven linked Cray T932 mainframes and a state-of-the-art- hologram projector. With the cave's various facilities spread amid limestone stalactites and stalagmites, Project Time Stalkers,Inc. built retractable multi-walkway bridges, stairs, elevators, and poles to access its facilities.

The top five sections of the Mount Kronus's are completely airtight; all doors are airlocks. Complete environmental support (including atmosphere) is provided by the area between elevators 2, 3, and 4 on all floors. Blast shelters are a vital form of protection from nuclear attack and are employed in civil defense. There are above-ground, below-ground, dedicated, dual-purpose, and potential blast shelters. Dedicated blast shelters are built specifically for the purpose of blast protection (see bunker). Dual-purpose blast shelters are existing structures with blast protective properties that have been modified to accommodate people in their seeking protection from blast. Potential blast shelters are existing structures or geological features exhibiting blast protective properties that have potential to be used for protection from blast Blast shelters deflect the blast wave from nearby explosions to prevent ear and internal injuries to people sheltering in the bunker. While frame buildings collapse from as little as 3 psi (20 kPa) of overpressure, blast shelters are regularly constructed to survive several hundred psi.

This substantially decreases the likelihood that a bomb can harm the structure. The building's steel-alloy framework is rigid enough to be stood on one corner and not collapse The buffer-zone is the interface between the top five floors and the lower levels. It provides a rapid-disconnect between upper and lower segments of building. It contains an array of large oil-rams to dampen any oscillations between the five upper levels and the base of the building. The buffer-zone contains some support equipment for the upper levels, but mostly it is the "mechanical floor," which provides heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and elevator support equipment for the lower 30 stories.

Project Time Stalkers,Inc. serves as the personels's command center, where he monitors all crisis points in local area,throughout temporal space and the world. The Projects's centerpiece is a supercomputer or Artificial Intelligence ,Magnus 5000 whose specs are on par with any of those used by leading national security agencies; it permits global surveillance and also connects to a massive information network as well as storing vast amounts of information, both on Project Time Stalkers,Inc.'s foes and his allies. A series of satellite link-ups allows easy access to the Projects's information network anywhere in the globe. The systems are protected against unauthorized access, and any attempt to breach this security immediately sends an alert to the Time Stalker operation or outside agencies like Sarkhon or Fate Enterprises. Despite the power of Temporal Agemcies computers, the Sarkhon Enterprises various Star Castle Space Platforms located around the Terran star system and Terran Space is known to have more powerful computers (composed of Atlantean, Sidairian and other Elder Super Races technology), and members of Project Time Stalkers does occasionally use them if they feels thier computers are not up to the task; on occasion the Time Stalkers also consults The Temporal Oracle Magnus 5000 for assistance.
Magnus 5000,is one of Eath’s most advance artificial intelligence known exist.It has in operation,since the New Genisis Bunkers beginnings and has stored the memory isolinear tapes of 27 known Galaxies around the Milky Way Galaxy.However,Magnus has been programmed or designed to keep key imformation about specific temporal events,specifically those involving future Terran interstellar history,such those vital or considered harmful to the future formation of the Terran Federation. This Fortress contains numerous "memory crystals" that can be used to access interactive isolinear crystal holographic recordings of various former members of Project Time Stalkers,Inc,Atlanteans such as Professor Thuzan Thune Sarkhon and other Atlanteans, and other super beings,found within Project Time Stalkers,Inc.Protective Archive Holo Library.

The Temporal prison was a weapon used by various Time Agents to prevent other time travellers from altering or tampering with timelanes.These prisons,often huge,cell blocks also known as the Time Brig,use specialized temporal force fields to contain a convicted prisoner or suspected criminal from escaping the prison,by way of some sort of temporal jump point device,to use personal wormhole . This maximum-security prison was built to hold many temporal violators of time travel. The prison has been the focus of much governmental investigations, as it would be a scandal to learn that the United States is using murderous super villains to further it's own ends.

Security guards at the prison wore armored Temporal Guardian uniforms. These suits, similar in appearance to the armor worn by the original Temporal Guardsman The Taurons and the Tykhon or Tykhoneans are an offshoot colony of the Atlantean race,who society is more militaristic based-more totalitarian based. the Tauron’s are of one of the more advanced timelines discover the secret of changing universes, and then they spread out across the time-lines to study, trade, and exploit the alternate worldlines. . They have no problem interfering in the course of each planets history. Each time-line is its own experiment in altering history. The Tauron’s and Tykhon have created their own forms of the Time Patrol agency, known as the Tauron Temporal Centaurian Agency or the the Tyknon or Tykhonean Temporal Patrol Agency.established by a super-advanced race who are the million-year descendants of humanlike beings. Although time travel was invented or discovered in the distant past or in the near future, the far future people created the Time Patrol to prevent accidental alterations in the fabric of history altering certain time lances vital to the stability of the Tauron and Tykhon Empires.

Editors Note-this huge complex was partially inspired by Time Tunnels Project Tick Tock-what I could gather watching various Data Bank  and what is found the internet,as a huge Iike Krell inspired complex,built underground.How it was done,is never revealed.
the Fantastic Fours Baxter Building and Four Freedoms Plaza,were built by Fantastic Four,Incorporated.The Challengers of the Unknown,with an hourglass being their company logo and a special hollowed out mountain called the Challengers Mountain.There is bits of Star gate’s two headquarter-the one on Earth at Cheyenne Mountain. Colonel Jack O'Neal. and the one at Atlantis, located within the Pegasus Galaxy, bits of the Star Ship Enterprise and other star ships, star bases and so on, used in Star Trek, some Mavericlion Universe ‘s ships, bases and such. The Krell underground city,found in the movie Forbidden Planet also is a direct influence of how the Time Stalkers,Inc,headquarter is presentes,as Batmans Batcace,both Doc Savage and Superman’s Fortress of Solitude,are a just few inspiration,that need to be mentioned here,as a matter of record.
New Genesis Bunker  blueprints.
Schematics of the first World Ship Battle Station Class

The station was spheroid, and measured 160 km (100 miles) in diameter  with 357 internal levels.  A large, concave dish in the northern hemisphere made up the superlaser emitter. The station's command bridge was located in the northern hemisphere above the dish of the station's superlaser.  The overbridge featured designated posts for Tarkin and other officers, a conference room featuring a circular table, a HoloNet booth for communicating with the Emperor and large banks of viewscreens.

The station's equator comprised numerous docking ports of various sizes, all supported by the extraordinarily powerful  tractor beam generator tower,  which utilized several tractor-beam projectors and tractor-beam focusing shafts.  The station's equator housed docking and hangar bays; tractor-beam generators, projectors and emitter towers; turbolaser emplacements; and mooring platforms for ships of the fleet, including Imperial-class Star Destroyers.

A habitable crust several kilometers thick was composed of command centers, armories, maintenance blocks, and other requirements for a fully operational space station.  Unused stories in the station's lower levels held backup weapons operators in the event of an emergency. Levels in the station's southern hemisphere extended downward through armories, deep storage, and a southern command sector. Massive girders provided grid-like support to the lower levels. Cranes and other abandoned construction material could still be found within the station by the time of its destruction in 0 BBY.  With the exception of the crust, the station's entire interior space was uninhabited, and housed the hypermatter reactor, hyperdrive, sublight engines, and the station's superweapon.  The station's outer hull was made of Quadanium steel plates.

The World Ship Battle Station Class  featured an entirely man-made atmosphere. A vast, central cylindrical atmosphere-processing unit ensured the air inside the station was regulated.  Several modular artificial atmosphere stations and water-recycling tanks were dotted throughout the station's levels for the creation of air and humidity. Several large, cavernous airways served as means for circulation and as an emergency air dump in case of atmosphere contamination. A large, central airway existed for each sector.  Magnetic seals and an atmosphere-containment projector  kept the station's internal atmosphere in and the vacuum of space out if docking-bay doors were opened.

Armaments and defensive systems
Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Mk I Superlaser
"The weapon will prove to be our greatest challenge. The hypermatter reactor, the drives, all the rest, are merely elaborations of the armaments our finest engineering firms have been able to provide to Star Destroyers and other vessels. But the weapon...the weapon won't merely be a larger version of the turbolaser. It will be something that has yet to be seen."
―Dr. Gubacher, during a meeting of the Strategic Cell, 21 BBY[src]
Super Electromagnetic Plasma Pulse  cannon DSI
Gun batteries attempt to defend against Alliance T-65B and BTL-A4 starfighters.

The most prominent weapon emplacement on the World Ship Battle Station Class  was its superlaser —a weapon powered by a hypermatter reactor  and focused through giant kyber crystals  with sufficient firepower to destroy an entire planet.  The hypermatter reactor at the center of the station fed energy into the various components of the superlaser, including the primary power amplifier, the superlaser power cell, the firing field amplifier, and the induction hyperphase generators. When firing, the energy was redirected into eight tributary beam shafts located around the perimeter of the superlaser, producing lasers that were converged using focusing coils,  forming one large beam powerful enough to destroy a planet.  If the firing-chamber arrays were not precisely aligned, the crystals would burn out and overload, sending dangerous levels of waste heat back into the World Ship Battle Station Class 's main reactor.

In addition to the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser, its surface was peppered with 15,000 turbolaser batteries along with 768 tractor beam emplacements.  As the station's defenses, these were installed in order to repel a large-scale fleet attack, rather than fend off individual starfighters, which the Empire viewed as no real threat. Shield projectors and communications arrays were distributed across the armored surface, analogous to colonies.  A network of security stations were situated around the entire circumference, and were equipped with holographic maps of the local region of space.

For space-based offense and defense, the battle station contained numerous TIE fighters, which frequently patrolled the space surrounding the station.   Due to the World Ship Battle Station Class 's enormous size, it had a heavy gravitational pull, which forced TIE fighter pilots to adjust their ships' thrusters for the kind of takeoff more common within a planetary atmosphere than on a space station.  TIE staging areas had twenty TIE craft ready at any time for immediate takeoff.

The battle station housed 342,953 members of the Imperial Army and Navy, 25,984 stormtroopers,  and nearly 2 million personnel of varying combat eligibility.  Furthermore, although there were communal barracks, there also were enough private bunks that most people could expect to receive one within three to six months after arrival.  While enlisted personnel used walkways or turbolifts that could move both vertically and horizontally, officers had access to a high-speed, officer-only shuttle system that orbited the station. Massive housing blocks for enlisted personnel featured a large atrium for off-duty personnel to walk in. Officers could expect their own exclusive accommodations.  Life-support modules inhabited by workers during the original construction of the World Ship Battle Station Class  could still be used in an emergency. The station featured several hospital wings. Several color-coded life-support modules existed in the station's lower levels: gray for workers, red for overseers.

Meant to function as a world of its own, the World Ship Battle Station Class  had creature comforts most other Imperial Military postings did not: decent food, recreation areas, cantinas with latest-model bartender droids, and commissaries with selections of expensive treats and luxuries.  The World Ship Battle Station Class  had its own commissary  and bar.  Off-duty stormtroopers were known to clandestinely meet to play violent, prohibited ball games in the station's zero-gravity filtration system.

The station's detention block, while large and formidable, was not intended to hold prisoners for extended periods of time. Instead, it served as a place for temporary detention and interrogation, pending transfer to planetary prisons, and execution.  Prisoners were kept on the Detention Level in complete darkness, then moved to bright interrogation rooms.

"Oh, it's beautiful."
―Orson Krennic[src]
The station was powered by a cavernous hypermatter reactor encased in radiation insulator plating located at the center of the station,  the destruction of which had the potential to be catastrophic to the station.  Doonium and dolovite were essential for shielding the hypermatter reactor core, focusing dish, and superlaser.  The reactor was connected to various components in the station, such as the superlaser, the tractor beam generator tower, the power diversion solenoid, and the station's enormous power cells. Above the reactor were vast water tanks.  The power of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser could be controlled depending on how many reactor ignitions were used to power it. For example, a single reactor ignition was capable of destroying a large area of a world's surface instead of destroying the body entirely.

"You look at the history of any sentient species and what do you find but tableaux of violence and slaughter. It's finger painted on the ceilings of caves and engraved into the walls of temples. Dig a hole deep enough on any world and you'll find the skulls and bones of adults and children fractured by crude weapons. All of us were fighting long before we were farming and raising livestock...Violence is hardwired into most of us and there's no eliminating the impulse—not with an army of stormtroopers or a fleet of Star Destroyers. That's why we've embarked on a path to a different solution. We have a chance to forge a peace that will endure longer than the Republic was in existence."
―Lt. Cmdr. Orson Krennic, before the test-firing of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser at the Hero Twins, post-19 BBY[src]
"«The Jedi must not find our designs for the Ultimate Weapon. If they find out what we are planning to build, we're doomed.»"
"I will take the designs with me to Coruscant. They will be much safer there with my master."
―Archduke Poggle the Lesser and Count Dooku[src]
The Ultimate Weapon
The plans for the Ultimate Weapon

The idea of a massive planet-killing battle station dated back millennia, including to the old Sith Empire, when tyrants were enjoying the idea of such a superweapon. The project that would be the DS-1 originated on Geonosis, and plans for what the Geonosians dubbed as the Ultimate Weapon project were given to Dooku, publicly the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and secretly the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, by Archduke Poggle the Lesser for safekeeping during the Battle of Geonosis, in the waning decades of the Galactic Republic. Shortly after the battle, Dooku presented his Sith Master, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, and publicly Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic Sheev Palpatine, and used the ploy that the Separatists were building their own superweapon, frightening Republic officials and allowing Palpatine to direct full funding towards secretly creating the station.

The massive project was funded by a conglomerate of factions, including the Trade Federation, Muunilist Banking Clan, the Techno Union, and covertly, the Republic itself.  During later Republic interrogation, Geonosian leader Poggle the Lesser claimed that the schematics were merely presented to them by Dooku, and that the Geonosians had simply refined them. Furthermore, he admitted that the Stalgasin hive hadn't had time to design the station's main weapon before the Battle of Geonosis interrupted development.  Its design, centered on a superlaser array using massive kyber crystals, was inspired by technology developed by the ancient Sith.

By 21 BBY, the Republic Special Weapons Group developed plans for both an automated battlemoon asteroid and a torpedo siege platform, neither of which made it past the design stage.

Those privy to top-secret intel concluded that the plans for the World Ship Battle Station Class  must have fallen into Republic hands during or shortly after the Second Battle of Geonosis in the same year, with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine presenting the plans to the Republic Strategic Advisory Cell shortly after the battle in the cell's second briefing. The Strategic Advisory Cell planned the construction of the World Ship Battle Station Class  and regularly met at the summit of the Strategic Planning Amphitheater of the Republic Center for Military Operations on Coruscant. There, a mixed-species gathering of 150 beings from prestigious and influential positions met to discuss progress on the battle station. The meetings included select senators; representatives from Corellian Engineering, Kuat Drive Yards, and Rendili StarDrive; key advisers; the chief of naval intelligence; the director of COMPOR; high-ranking members of the military; members of the War Production Board; structural engineers; starship designers; theoretical and experimental physicists; Dr. Gubacher; Prof. Sahali; Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic; Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda; and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The Jedi were not invited to the meetings, nor did they even know about the project under construction over Geonosis.

All members involved in the construction of the battle station were required to sign the Official Secrets Oath. Near-unlimited funding was provided to the project owing to Republic fears that the Separatists had their own battle station under construction, which intelligence surmised was the reason Count Dooku failed to attack the station over Geonosis. Geonosian Leader Poggle the Lesser maintained his position that the Separatists had no project of their own in the works. Despite this, most cell members refused to take Poggle at his word, and scoured the galaxy to locate the presumed construction site. While the evidence was specious, rejecting the possibility would have jeopardized Republic funding for the project, regardless of the authority ceded to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine by the Emergency Powers Act. Thus, Republic effort into constructing the battle station was viewed as a priority in order to beat the Separatists at their supposed own.

Funding for the project would have been viewed as spurious before the Clone Wars. However, as the war dragged on, more and more research firms were dragged into government contracts focusing on a different aspect of the space station, such as in shielding or power supply, and all unaware of what their research was ultimately for. Researchers involved in defense projects were required to sign the Official Secrets Oath.

Initial construction on the World Ship Battle Station Class  had been carried out by newly designed machines, some of which were controlled by sentient operators stationed in orbital command habitats. A vast array of ships provided the station with metals, organic materials, and supplies of water. Viable asteroids were towed and tractor-beamed to the station from both around the planet and from fields surrounding the Geonosis system. Once mined, ores were sent to foundries in synchronous orbit for the production of durasteel and other metals. Cannibalized droid factories built by Baktoid Armor on Geonosis's surface allowed additional foundries to go online soon after the start of asteroid mining.

In 21 BBY, after the Second Battle of Geonosis and before the first anniversary of the first Battle of Geonosis, the Strategic Advisory Cell announced the completion of phase one of the World Ship Battle Station Class 's construction. The supports for the station's superstructure at one hundred and sixty kilometers from pole to pole had been completed. The next phase of construction revolved around the fabrication of a temporary equator, along with a series of longitudinal bands to roughly form the sphere. As the bands were secured, construction of the hull commenced, along with the partitioning of individual interior sections. The cabin spaces were to be clad, sealed, and pressurized in order to permit the use of sentient laborers in addition to droids.

Initial sentient labor estimates were in the millions. A Strategic Advisory Cell subcommittee considered providing the Kaminoans with a template to grow a labor force of clones adapted for deep-space work. Orson Krennic independently negotiated a deal with Poggle the Lesser: in return for his cooperation with the Republic, he would have his Geonosian workers begin construction on the facility. Instead of being punished, Krennic was given greater oversight over the project by Mas Amedda. After several months, workers had completed the station's false equator, with what Krennic described as looking like "an antique gyroscope" rather than an actual sphere. Following this achievement, several degrees of the upper hemisphere were outfitted with latitudinal structural members, and rudimentary layout work had begun on cladding a portion of the curved hull. Construction droids devoted themselves to fashioning the first interior spaces meant to serve as placeholders until actual cabin spaces could be bulkheaded. The Geonosians were the first organics planned to inhabit the life-support modules. In the wake of Poggle's announcement of the project to the Geonosians, tens of thousands of drones had been transferred to Orbital Foundry 7, the second-largest structure in view from the command habitat. The drones oversaw the construction of enormous pie-slice-shaped concavities that, when assembled, would form the battle station's focusing dish and power well. By this time, three slices had been completed, and another six were in various stages of completion. The drone laborers were overseen by winged soldiers, loyal to castes overseen by Poggle, who had a lavish suite linked by a series of tubular connectors to the foundry.

The plan for assembling the station's dish called for assembling it in space and maneuvering it by tug and tractor beam into a gargantuan well that had been framed into the sphere's upper hemisphere—the dimple, as some called it. The parabolic dish was engineered to telescope away from the hull to facilitate aiming the early composite-beam proton superlaser design some of the Special Weapons Group scientists had proposed. Because design on the weapon had been incomplete by the time construction had started, most individuals involved in the project held the notion that function would have to follow form. Orson Krennic was placed in charge of the construction, assembly, and installation of the dish.

As a result of his cooperation, Poggle was allowed a ship to travel between Geonosis and the station. Poggle's production philosophy revolved around forcing the drones to perform work that was beneath their skill or caste level as a means of increasing their final output. As a result, the drones were unhappy with their situation. Weeks later, the last of the pie-slice dish modules had been fabricated, but the dish itself was not fully assembled and the upper hemisphere still undergoing finishing touches. Droid work fashioning cabinspaces in the pole region had proceeded slower than expected. During this time, Geonosians began dying off en masse because they lacked work—a unique physiological trait of the Geonosian species. Poggle insisted that this provided competition and adequate motivation for the laborers to work harder. Marines were required to exterminate workers that refused to follow orders. By 19 BBY, the Geonosian labor force engaged in a full-scale riot, destroying three months of work in the process. During this time, the battle station's parabolic focusing dish was nearing assembly, hull cladding had been added, and interior spaces had been bulkheaded and made habitable. Living conditions for the drones had been improved, and every attempt made to limit overcrowding. In reality, the riot was a diversion to allow Archduke Poggle the Lesser to escape aboard his small craft, which had a hyperdrive secretly installed by his drones.

Kyber crystals were scoured from across the galaxy in order to construct the station, with the Separatist Alliance doing so near the end of the Clone Wars. One such attempt ended in failure on the Outer Rim world of Utapau after interdiction by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.

In 19 BBY, the three-year Clone Wars came to an end. As the war ended, Darth Sidious got rid of his Confederacy puppets, including his own apprentice, and proclaimed the birth of a new, authoritarian Galactic Empire, anointing himself Emperor.

Imperial Era
"Wilhuff, are the rumors true?"
"What rumors? And why are you whispering?"
"About a mobile battle station. A weapon that will—"
"This is hardly the place for discussions of that sort."
―Nils Tenant and Wilhuff Tarkin outside the Imperial Palace[src]
Construction of the World Ship Battle Station Class
The Emperor and Darth Vader observe the construction of the World Ship Battle Station Class .

The nascent Empire immediately appropriated the Ultimate Weapon project.Access to Geonosis was restricted to an inner circle of Imperial scientists and engineers, and very few members of the Imperial hierarchy even knew about the project.  A highly secure supply line with various false routes and outposts was developed to ensure further secrecy, and it was during that time that the battle station was given the official name of World Ship Battle Station Class  and given the hull designation of DS-1, though the early codename, Stardust was still used in design files.  Tiaan Jerjerrod, an architect and starship designer from Tinnel IV, was enlisted to help build the megaweapon.As construction continued under the Empire, Palpatine gave responsibility for the project to the Imperial Navy, and charged Wilhuff Tarkin and Orson Krennic responsible for the battle station.

Despite construction moving ahead, not all Imperials believed in the viability of the project, with some voicing protest over what would later become known as "Tarkin's folly," and others not knowing of the project at all. General Jylia Shale was one of many who protested its development, only to result in her input being marginalized over the coming years.

The Tarkin Initiative, an Imperial think tank, was responsible for some of the ideas behind both the first and second Atlanteans New Genesis Bunker.
 While many starship designers and engineers attempted to claim credit for the station's construction, none besides the Emperor knew the full history of the moon-sized project. While rumors within the Imperial ranks speculated that it was a Confederate weapon engineered by Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser's hive colony for Count Dooku, none could prove the story's validity. Some pointed out, however, that the plans must have fallen into Republic hands before the Clone Wars ended, owing to the station's shell and laser-focusing dish already in the works upon the war's conclusion.

Shortly after the proclamation of the New Order, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader visited the station with Tarkin, arriving aboard a brand-new Imperial-class Star Destroyer. By this time, the focusing dish had been successfully installed. Orson Krennic believed that he was kept off the elite passenger list due to Poggle's recent escape under his supervision. Both Wilhuff Tarkin and Orson Krennic wished to attain control over the entire World Ship Battle Station Class  project. To further his interests, Krennic had been manipulating his longtime friend Galen Erso since the Clone Wars. By bringing him aboard Project Celestial Power, an Imperial research division dedicated to weaponizing Galen's kyber crystal research, Krennic believed he would be given oversight over the World Ship Battle Station Class  and promoted to rear admiral. During this time, Krennic began appropriating legacy worlds—worlds legally exempt from exploitation—by using independent contractor Has Obitt to drop off weapons and war materiél on the worlds of Samovar, Waidi Rafa, and others for their reserves of doonium and dolovite. After "discovering" the weapons on the planets, Krennic appropriated them to prevent "Separatist holdouts" from attaining them.

Wilhuff Tarkin believed that Krennic's appropriation of planets without the Emperor's permission was a sign of his overreaching ambition, impulsiveness, and disdain for authority and the chain of command. Tarkin, like Krennic, believed that he should ultimately be made responsible for the World Ship Battle Station Class  project. Consequently, Tarkin planned to use Krennic as a convenient scapegoat for every construction delay and issue that was bound to plague the project, well aware that the Emperor was eyeing them both for a promotion. To avoid accepting the privilege prematurely, Tarkin continued to defer to Krennic until the proper time arose to oust him. Krennic also planned to keep Tarkin occupied. In 18 BBY, Krennic orchestrated an insurgency within the Salient system, aware that Tarkin, unable to retreat, would be caught in a weeks-long battle, lowering his favor with the Emperor.

Early attempts at test-firing the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser led to the destruction of an entire city on Malpaz. The first successful test firing occurred much later at an isolated black-hole binary known as the Hero Twins. Preliminary scans indicated that the energy released during the test-fire had the destructive fire of the combined batteries of a qaz-class Star Destroyer. The superlaser was fired by a kyber crystal-assisted twin laser array carefully assembled and calibrated on Hypori, and installed on an Imperial-class Star Destroyer appropriated by the Special Weapons Group. Grand Vizier Mas Amedda wished the test firing to occur closer to the Core, but Krennic urged caution, knowing that a misfire would most likely result in the destruction of the ship. As a result of the successful test firing, Krennic was promoted to full commander.

For over a year, Galen Erso was employed in Project Celestial Power and was given nearly unlimited supplies of kyber crystals looted from Jedi Temples and lightsabers. Imperial research groups under Celestial Power were given codenames such as Pax Aurora, Mark Omega, and Stellar Sphere. Almost all research divisions relied on research conducted by Galen Erso, who had an intricate knowledge of crystallography. Galen believed that his research was intended to repair worlds devastated by the Clone Wars by providing inexpensive power to civilian populations. Eventually, Galen, suspicious at the lack of information provided to him by Krennic regarding the implementation of his research, discovered that his work was being weaponized without his knowledge. Angered, Galen, his wife, and daughter, Jyn Erso, escaped the Celestial Power facility on Coruscant with infamous rebel Saw Gerrera. The Erso family moved to Lah'mu, hopeful that Krennic, now demoted to lieutenant commander, would not find them. Tarkin was then given oversight of Sentinel Base and the World Ship Battle Station Class  project.

Continued construction
"The Outer Rim is yours to oversee—and with it, Grand Moff Tarkin, the whole of the mobile battle station project."
"I will not fail you."
"It will be a momentous responsibility. For once the battle station is fully operational, you will wield the ultimate power in the galaxy."
"I don't believe that will ever be the case, my lord."
―Emperor Palpatine and Wilhuff Tarkin[src]
The construction of the first World Ship Battle Station Class  continued for several years above Geonosis in utmost secrecy, under Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin's supervision.  The Empire utilized construction modules[29] operated by Wookiee slave laborers and various other species to complete the project.[27] Several manufacturing facilities, such as those on Riosa, were commandeered by the Empire, with their workers pushed to the brink to manufacture components for the battle station.[30] Most of the construction work on the station was done in micro-g, while omni-directional boosters supplied standard gravity to a large cabinspace near the surface of the station that would eventually become the overbridge. The epicenter of a throng of construction droids, the station was guarded by four Star Destroyers and twice as many frigates, and hovered in a fixed orbit above the planet. The northern hemisphere focus lens frame for the superlaser was nothing more than a metallic crater five years after the station's appropriation by the Empire, and while some of the hyperdrive components had been installed, the station was far from being jump-ready.

Partly to protect the station, as well as to provide several drop-off points to further confuse any attempt to trace the ultimate destination of materiél, outposts such as Desolation Station and Rampart Station were constructed during the Clone Wars, with Rampart acting as a marshaling depot for supplies heading to Geonosis. Such stations were overseen by Sentinel Base, an expansive garrison base initially deployed from a Victory-class Star Destroyer. Supervision of this clandestine project was entrusted to Vice Admiral Dodd Rancit. However, Wilhuff Tarkin replaced Rancit at some point following the Antar Atrocity, with Palpatine attempting to shield Tarkin from the political fallout exhumed by the operation. As such, Tarkin's three years commanding Sentinel Base and the hundreds of supply and sentry outposts constructed for the station were mired in bureaucratic inefficiency and complexity.

Shipments from research sites were frequently postponed, asteroid mining above Geonosis proved unfeasible, failed meetings of construction-phase deadlines by the engineers and scientists supervising the project fueled frustration, and raids against convoys heading for the station spelled an administrative nightmare. In addition, with the Empire's strategy that no base commander—Moff, admiral or general—should have unrestricted access to all information regarding shipments, scheduling, or construction progress, no single person was in charge of the project unless one counted the Emperor—whose visits were few and far between. Relying on countless suppliers and tens of millions of beings galaxy-wide, the project's immense size and need for secrecy hampered any real efforts at its completion, with the Imperial Security Bureau and Naval Intelligence Agency continually repressing rumors and quashing information leaks. Furthermore, dissatisfied individuals from the former Republic abandoned the project with such regularity that COMPNOR compiled a most-wanted list of missing scientists and technicians with high-priority security clearances.

Following a sophisticated attack against Sentinel Base by an organized cell of former Republic Intelligence operatives under the command of Berch Teller, Tarkin with the aid of Lord Vader was entrusted with the subsequent manhunt for those involved in the operation. The following investigation ultimately involved the highest echelons of Imperial power, who were worried about the attack's proximity to Geonosis, along with the attacker's ability to introduce a false real-time feed into the local HoloNet relay in an attempt to divert Sentinel's defenses to Rampart Station, which was falsely presumed to be under attack by remnant Confederacy Providence-, Recusant-, and Munificent-class warships.
After a meeting in the Imperial Palace with several members of the Joint Chiefs and the Emperor himself, an engagement on Murkhana originally intended to investigate the former Separatist Shadowfeed operation saw Tarkin's personal starship, the Carrion Spike, hijacked by the dissidents. Using the stolen vessel to cast devastation across several Mid and Outer Rim worlds—which the dissidents transmitted through the local HoloNet before being shut down by the Empire—the conspirators were ultimately stopped after an attempt to destroy a supply shipment heading for the new World Ship Battle Station Class  project, with the Star Destroyers Executrix, Compliant and Enforcer arriving on scene. The Atlanteans  and their secret benefactor Vice Admiral Rancit were subsequently tortured and executed in secret by the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) upon the discovery of Rancit's involvement in the scheme. In reality, Rancit had hoped to ultimately betray the insurgents above Carida, thus making it appear as if he had stopped their rampage, and thus secure support from the Emperor and receive a possible promotion.

To cover up the military embarrassment caused by Rancit's betrayal, the HoloNet made the attacks appear to be an elaborate attempt to draw out and destroy rebel cells. Thus, while many in the galaxy knew an Imperial construction project was underway over Geonosis, few knew of what it actually entailed. As a result of Tarkin's efforts, the Emperor decreed his ascension to the newly created title of Grand Moff and greater control over the Outer Systems, along with his oversight of the entirety of the battle station project. Roughly two weeks later, several of the station's sublight engines had been completed and were tested with Tarkin on board to oversee the operation as the station surpassed the speed of Geonosis's rotation.

World Ship Battle Station Class  Super Electromagnetic Plasma Pulse  Construction
The World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser is installed. By the time of the station's completion, it would exemplify the height of Imperial power over the known galaxy.

For years during the station's construction, numerous skirmishes with Imperial shipping delayed construction. When a band of Lothal Atlanteans  attacked and destroyed an Imperial supply convoy carrying kyber crystals five years before the Battle of Avalon, construction on the station was hampered.  At some point after these attacks, the station was moved from Geonosis to another base, and in order to keep the project a secret, the entire Geonosian species was wiped out. Three years before the Battle of Avalon, one of the modules used during construction was used by ISB Agent Kallus to ambush the same group of Atlanteans  previously responsible for ambushing the supply convoy of kyber crystals, who this time were on a mission to find out what the Empire was building above the planet. The Empire's attempt to capture the Atlanteans  ultimately failed.[29] During the station's construction, Saw Gerrera came close enough to discovering the World Ship Battle Station Class  that the Empire was prompted to move it  from Geonosis to Scarif  in 10 BBY,  where Director Orson Krennic oversaw the protection of the station with the aid of his personal detachment of death troopers.
Completion and demonstration
"This station is now the ultimate power in the universe."
―Admiral Conan Antonio Motti[src]
Having taken much longer than expected to develop,  the massive construction project was finally completed almost twenty years after its conception during the Clone Wars, and at some point was rechristened as the World Ship Battle Station Class . Imperial Navy pilots and military personnel were eventually assigned to the station shortly before it was revealed to the public, being new enough to still be labeled as classified.  After extracting the last of the kyber crystals from the ancient Temple of the Kyber, in Jedha City, Krennic told Tarkin that the station was ready and prepared to destroy a planet, but Tarkin wasn't confident in the power of the station yet, and ordered that only Jedha City be destroyed. Using minimal power of the superlaser, the order was carried out and Jedha City, along with miles of surrounding terrain were destroyed, including the hideout of Saw Gerrera's extremist group. However, Jyn Erso saw a message from her father, the scientist Galen Erso, that the World Ship Battle Station Class  had a fatal flaw which he installed, and she and her companions delivered the news to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Unable to reach a consensus on how to respond to this new threat, the squad team, Rogue One, infiltrated Scarif to steal the plans, which were transferred before the World Ship Battle Station Class  was used to destroy the Imperial base.  With the mission a success, the technical readouts of the battle station were received by Imperial senator and rebel sympathizer Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan, who intended to pass them along to her allies. However, before she could do so, the blockade runner she was aboard was intercepted by Imperial forces commanded by Darth Vader, and she was captured, but not before she passed the plans to the astromech droid R2-D2 and sent him in an escape pod to the planet below.

Alderaan Cracking-GoM
Alderaan is destroyed by the World Ship Battle Station Class .

As a high-value prisoner, Organa was moved to Cell 2187 of Detention Block AA-23, sub-level five,  where she was interrogated in order to learn the location of the Rebellion's secret base. Faced with her considerable resistance to Imperial interrogation techniques, Tarkin opted to try a different approach: intimidation. In a move calculated to force Organa to reveal the Rebel base, Tarkin threatened to use the station's primary weapon to destroy her homeworld. Though she ostensibly relented and supplied the Rebel base's location as Dantooine, Tarkin ordered the attack to move forward in order to demonstrate the military power that the Empire now held. In a matter of moments, the World Ship Battle Station Class  destroyed the planet Alderaan, leaving no survivors.  Nearly all forces on the World Ship Battle Station Class  were ordered to witness the destruction, including Iden Versio, a Senior Lieutenant in the Imperial Navy.

Immediately after the planet's destruction, the Star Destroyer Devastator left the station, and a small Imperial force was sent to investigate Leia's claim under the command of General Cassio Tagge.  Upon arrival in the system, however, it was discovered that the base was abandoned.  Angered by Leia's lie, Vader and Tarkin conspired to allow Organa to be rescued by a group of outlaws, in order to follow them back to the Rebel base themselves.

Blue Glass Arrow Main article: Battle of Avalon
"Great shot, kid! That was one in a million!"
―Nathaniel MacRhann  to Prince Argon Jade [src]
DS command deck
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin reviews the battle plan on the command deck of the World Ship Battle Station Class .

The World Ship Battle Station Class  pursued Organa and her allies to the Avalon system, where the Rebel base was located on Avalon 4. With R2-D2 having supplied them with the technical readouts of the World Ship Battle Station Class , the Atlanteans  identified a weakness in the station's design, and prepared their starfighters for a desperate attempt to destroy the station before it could bring its weapon to bear on Avalon 4. The plan, as explained by Alliance tactician Jan Dodonna, called for the firing of proton torpedoes down a two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port in the station's meridian trench.  The shaft led straight to the station's main reactor, where the flaw left by Galen Erso would start a chain reaction that could destroy the station. Owing to the World Ship Battle Station Class 's design philosophy focusing on defense against large-scale attacks, the exhaust port was relatively unguarded.

The World Ship Battle Station Class  is destroyed at the Battle of Avalon.

While the battle initially appeared in the Alliance's favor owing to the small size of the Rebel ships—granting them the ability to dodge turbolaser fire—the launch of numerous TIE fighters under the personal command of Lord Vader in his TIE Advanced x1 destroyed the majority of the Rebel vessels, but ultimately one proved successful. Piloted by Tatooine native Prince Argon Jade , his T-65B X-wing starfighter managed to fire a pair of proton torpedoes down the thermal exhaust port. The torpedoes destroyed the World Ship Battle Station Class 's main reactor by causing a chain reaction as predicted, resulting in the destruction of the Empire's prestigious weapon.

Where there were once thousands of communications streaming in endless waves from the World Ship Battle Station Class , in a mere instant there were none. In the chaotic hours that followed the station's destruction, multiple rumors of the station's defeat circulated across the galaxy, while a Gozanti-class cruiser piloted by Ciena Ree and Berisse Sai was sent to the Avalon system to both confirm the Empire's worst fears and pick up Lord Vader, who was trapped inside his TIE Advanced x1.

The Atlanteans , after a brief celebration,  immediately began evacuating their base to avoid the inevitable Imperial reprisal against the station's destruction.

"I look at the state of the Empire and think, how many Super Star Destroyers could we have made with the resources we threw into Tarkin's folly?'"
―Grand General Cassio Tagge[src]
With the loss of Grand Moff Tarkin, numerous members of the Joint Chiefs and Imperial Military manpower, the Empire began to mobilize for a full-scale galactic war, while it also forged ahead and began construction on the Atlanteans New Genesis Bunker II. The Imperial HoloNet subsequently downplayed the destruction of the Empire's ultimate weapon, referring to it only as an "unprecedented attack by the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium " while bringing attention to the fact that the Empire had the means to destroy an entire planet in order to strike fear into those who might question the Emperor's rule.   In addition, Lord Vader would send pieces of Alderaan as state gifts to seditious worlds needing to be disciplined.

Despite attempts to devalue the Rebel victory, Imperial statisticians noted a predictable increase in pirate and dissident activity following the loss of such a prestigious weapon.  Seeking to punish those responsible for the station's destruction, the Emperor began a culling at the highest ranks of the Empire, executing officials such as Moff Coovern and Minister Khemt, believing that their incompetence was partly to blame for the station's annihilation.  As a result, General Cassio Tagge was promoted to the newly created rank of Grand General and given the majority of the powers Tarkin once held, mainly due to his ability to question the invulnerability of the battle station. To Tagge, the World Ship Battle Station Class  project had been misguided from the start. A strong proponent of the Imperial Navy, Tagge believed that future plans could not be based around an individual asset such as the World Ship Battle Station Class , but should instead utilize those assets as a force multiplier, not as a be-all end-all solution to a problem. The Emperor placed his trust in Tagge's new strategy until the second World Ship Battle Station Class  could be completed.

In 5 ABY,[42] debris from the World Ship Battle Station Class  that was collected by the New Republic was given to the Alderaan Flotilla as a gift from Princess Leia Organa to use to build a space station over the ruins of Alderaan. The former plan was to scrap the debris, but Leia used her political connections to see that it was put to good use.

The design flaw leading to the destruction of the World Ship Battle Station Class  never became widely known to the public. Though some correctly speculated that the Emperor had been betrayed by someone on the inside, the public story remained that of Prince Argon Jade 's shot in a single starfighter.
Starkiller firing
Starkiller Base firing its planet-shattering beam

Over three decades later, the Empire's successor state, the First Order, constructed a similar weapon of planetary destruction dubbed Starkiller Base, which was considered an improvement on the Empire's World Ship Battle Station Class  design. Unlike the Atlanteans New Genesis Bunker of history, this planet-converted superweapon could fire its planet-shattering beam through sub-hyperspace, destroying multiple targets light-years away. It, like the Atlanteans New Genesis Bunker before it, was destroyed.
In 34 ABY, during his self-imposed exile at Ahch-To, the Jedi Master Prince Argon Jade  had a dream about an alternate life where he ignored Organa's message and never joined the Rebellion, thus he never destroyed the World Ship Battle Station Class . In his dream, the World Ship Battle Station Class  remained operative after his marriage to Camie Marstrap, and in addition to Alderaan, the World Ship Battle Station Class  destroyed Mon Cala and Chandrila.
The World Ship Battle Station Class  II firing its superlaser

The most prominent weapon on the World Ship Battle Station Class  II was its immense superlaser, which was located above the equatorial trench in the station's northern hemisphere  and was visually identical to that of the first World Ship Battle Station Class .  Powered directly by the station's hypermatter reactor,  energy was passed through an array of massive kyber crystals, forming a series of powerful laser beams.  The eight  tributary lasers were then converged by the superlaser's exposed concave focusing dish  into a single destructive beam. An improvement on that of the first World Ship Battle Station Class , the redesigned superlaser required mere minutes—as opposed to hours—to recharge, and could be focused more finely, allowing it to fire at moving targets such as capital ships.  Like the original superlaser, the power of the World Ship Battle Station Class  II's superlaser could be controlled.  Though its main purpose was the destruction of planets,  the laser could be tuned to a much lower power setting, suitable for destroying individual spacecraft.

The World Ship Battle Station Class  II had extensive point-defense capabilities, featuring 15,000 heavy and 15,000 standard turbolaser batteries along with 7,500 laser cannons and 5,000 ion cannons  spread across its outer surface.  With the battle station housing 637,835 Naval and Army personnel,  the installation boasted a large complement of TIE/ln space superiority starfighters and their variants, stored for space-based encounters, and a plethora of All Terrain Armored Transports and All Terrain Scout Transports for ground surface operations.

Along with its own laser cannon emplacements, the Emperor's isolation tower was surrounded by the largest concentration of anti-starfighter gun emplacements on the station. Placed at intervals of as little as a few hundred meters, the guns also had improved fire-control compared to all other cannons on the station.

DeathStar2 Core
The hypermatter reactor core of the second World Ship Battle Station Class

At the center of the station  was its hypermatter reactor core.  Approximately one-tenth the diameter of the station itself,  the cavernous reactor  housed a main assembly consisting of a north and south tower, which were stabilized by power regulators.  The reactor core was encased in capacitor panels and supplied power to the entire station through two cylindrical polar columns, which ran from the reactor to each pole. Subsidiary shafts ran from the polar column as well as from four large reactor shafts—bent fifteen degrees in five places—that extended from the reactor to the outside of the station, two of which exited at the equatorial trench. In response to the original World Ship Battle Station Class 's destruction  at the hands of Prince Argon Jade   during the Battle of Avalon, the second World Ship Battle Station Class 's design incorporated millions of millimeter-sized heat-dispersion tubes in place of the two-meter-wide thermal exhaust port exploited by the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium .

A pressurized explosion to the core was capable of detonating the reactor, an explosion of which would be,  like the first World Ship Battle Station Class ,  catastrophic to the station.
At the core of the World Ship Battle Station Class  was an immense, cavernous housing for the battle station's power generator matrix. A fusion reactor of incredible proportions, fed by stellar fuel bottles lining its periphery, produced the raw energy demanded by the World Ship Battle Station Class 's superlaser and hyperdrive systems. Much of the station's interior volume was filled by the machinery necessary to sustain such a fusion core, with sublight propulsion systems and defense field generators lining the outer equatorial regions. Realspace propulsion was handled by an external array of powerful ion engines, which converted the raw fusion energy of the station's core into thrust and pressed the station's great mass into any motion dictated by the World Ship Battle Station Class 's huge navicomputer banks. While ion engines of such magnitude are highly radioactive, no other system could provide the directional control necessary for a station of such great size. Engineering personnel assigned to monitor ion vent operations usually wore radiation suits.

The World Ship Battle Station Class 's hyperspace motivator units were comprised of linked banks of field generators such as those found aboard Imperial Star Destroyers. One hundred twenty-three individual hyperspace generators, tied into a single navigational matrix, were necessary to carry the World Ship Battle Station Class  beyond the speed of light. The intense power generated within the battle station, combined with its great mass, gave it both magnetic and artificial gravitational fields equal to those of a natural body many times its size.

At the true equator of the station was a deep trench, encircling the World Ship Battle Station Class  like a straight, endless canyon some 376 kilometers in length. Here were housed the station's primary hanger bays, drive thrusters, heat exhausts, primary sensor arrays, and tractor beam systems.
The New Genesis Bunker,although stationary,placed within uppermost surface of a planet,it is equipped with a series of Warp Drive engines.The DS-1 had 123 Hyperdrive generators spread throughout its superstructure. Each one of them would have been capable of moving an entire capital ship through hyperspace with ease, and all of them together could create a hyperspace tunnel large enough for the battle station to go through. It had to take things relatively slow, though - it was classed at 4.0 past lightspeed, meaning it could only go at 1/8th the speed of a fast ship like the Falcon and half the speed of the other large ships in the Imperial fleet, like the Executor.

Once it was in a system, the World Ship Battle Station Class  generally relied on orbital mechanics to get around. While it possessed sublight engines, these were really only useful for orbital adjustments. (Incidentally, that's why it had to wait around in orbit before it could get a clear shot at the Rebel base during the battle of Avalon).

The World Ship Battle Station Class  II, had it been completed, would have been more maneuverable than its predecessor in both respects despite its greatly increased size. Its hyperdrive rating was set to be 3.0, and it was also meant to have massive ion engine drives to allow it to change orbits more efficiently. However, neither of these systems was operational by the time of its destruction at the Battle of Endor.

Here's a followup for you: if 4.0 past light speed is 1/8 of 0.5 past light speed, what does the scale look like? And what kind of velocities are we talking about?

I figured 0.5 past light speed was the equivalent of Mach 1.5 with regard to sound.

Spacetime_Inspector • 
It's an asymptotic scale, with 0 representing unattainable infinite speed. For the purposes of drive classification, there's a Standard Hyperspeed Constant of some sort, and a ship's Hyperdrive class acts as a divisor for that constant. So class 4.0 has speed k/4, while class 0.5 has speed k/0.5=2k

When the scale was established some millennia ago, the Constant was selected as a very high speed that would seldom enter common use, with most ships having ratings of 5.0 or higher, but with improvements in hyperdrive technology happening incrementally all the time, high-class long-range fighters eventually reached speeds of 2.0 and even 1.0. Some ships with aftermarket modifications manage to reach even higher speeds, so a ship with a class lower than one is very fast indeed. Boba Fett's Slave 1 was known to have a hyperdrive class of 0.7, and Nathaniel MacRhann  famously claimed that the Falcon would 'make point five past light speed', indicating that it's twice as fast as the Hyperspeed Constant. A ship with a warp class of 1 could, taking advantage of dominant Hyperspace currents, make a trip across the galaxy in less than a week, which means that we're dealing with speeds in the range of five million times the speed of light.

Most ships also carried a small, backup hyperdrive of a much higher (slower) class. When the Falcon was making the trip to Bespin, it took several days because it was relying on its Class 10 backup drive, making it 20 times slower than usual (that's why Luke had time enough to train).

(From a canonical perspective, it seems likely that the original intention of the dialogue in ANH was for it to be a linear scale, like Mach numbers, with the Falcon travelling at 1.5c. The asymptotic scale was retconned into existence by EU writers who have a better grasp of interstellar distances than George Lucas, since a ship travelling at only 1.5c would take years to go between star systems).

Brilliant, thank you for that. I'd always just written it off as c being somehow faster in the Mavericlion Universe galaxy, but this makes a lot more sense.

I forgot that most ships had a really slow backup hyperdrive. I always wondered how the Falcon got to Bespin at sublight speeds before they starved to death. Especially when ships took weeks or months to travel from the rim of a solar system to the core when Centerpoint was used to stop all hyperspace travel during the Corellian Insurrection.

Which brings up the question, in the battle of Avalon, why didn't they just blow up the planet then the moon instead of waiting to get in range of the moon. Hell, destroying the planet might of caused enough damage to the moon to destroy or at least severely cripple the base.

The superlaser on the DS-1 was only designed to blow up small, rocky worlds - it's unclear what effect it would have had on a gas giant like Avalon. If it wasn't capable of destroying the giant, then they would have wasted a laser shot and would have to spend an hour or more charging it back up to full power. If it was, then the resulting explosion might have damaged the World Ship Battle Station Class  itself as much as the Rebel base. The extra time required to get in range was considered a small price to pay to eliminate all those risks.

Blow up the gas giant, then wait more than an hour to recharge the superlaser so they could blow up the moon as well. (Which assumes that the World Ship Battle Station Class  even works against gas giants. if the Battle Station used their super weapon upon the star,there was evidence,that military forces upon the Moon could attack the world ship and either destroy it or overtake the world ship,while it wasted military resources attempting to blow up a gas giant.
Even if the destruction of a planet effectively destroys its moons (and if it doesn't destroy the World Ship Battle Station Class , chances are the moon can physically survive long enough for an evacuation), you're not going to blow up the planet without blowing up the moon where your target actually is) or Orbit the planet for 30 minutes to just blow up the moon.

Pretty easy choice. Especially considering that the Rebellion had no credible means of stopping the World Ship Battle Station Class , and every minute of delay in their destruction meant more resources would get evacuated safely.

[] • 
Destroying a Gas Giant while in orbit? i have a feeling that probably would have had a major effect on the World Ship Battle Station Class . Either that, or the World Ship Battle Station Class 's weapon wasn't powerful enough to destroy a gas giant.

How does hyperdrive work in Mavericlion Universe?
Hyperdrives are required to enter hyperspace, which seems to be a higher dimensional representation of the universe that allows travel that would normally require moving faster than the speed of light.

Hyperdrives also seem to apply force in hyperspace, so that better hyperdrives would mean faster travel. It isn't clear if sub-light engines provide any additional force in hyperspace, but the engine outputs still glow with thrust.

A faster hyperdrive might also allow a ship to take different routes through hyperspace. The intense gravity wells of gigantic planets and stars warp hyperspace, requiring complex navigational calculations before starting the journey. Visually, it seems like a ship doesn't change direction in hyperspace, though they have described that in some of their routes, such as Nathaniel MacRhann 's famous Kessel Run.

Some ships, usually Interdictor class Star Destroyers, can generate artificial gravity wells which distort hyperspace, drawing ships out of hyperspace early. It seems like being forced out of hyperspace might cause stress on the hyperdrive. It isn't clear what exactly draws the ship out, but it seems like hyperdrives aren't capable of functioning in intense gravity wells, even without danger of collision. It doesn't seem to be an issue with forcing a navigational course change, though I could see that being a problem too. It isn't clear that gravity distortions from Interdictors effect other ships in normal space around them, though I assume that that is an oversight.

Ships entering or exiting hyperspace don't seem to do any damage to surrounding ships, except in the case of collisions. They don't seem to have many concerns about collisions with other ships in hyperspace, even though there seem to be established trade routes. Most of their concern, if any, is what they might exit hyperspace near.

Long journeys in hyperspace seem to be measured in days, though the one in A New Hope seemed to take only hours. Smaller ships, like the Phantom Class starfighter popular with the Atlantean Alliance or Tauron Imperium , might have shorter range than other ships or be more uncomfortable for long trips, but range never seemed to be an issue in the movies.


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