
Monday, November 26, 2018

The Strange Case of President Trump and Mr Asshole

The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr Asshole

"Dr. Trump  and Mr.  Asshole" redirects here. For other uses, see President Trump 
and Mr. Asshole (disambiguation).
Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole is a gothic novella by Scottish author Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce, first published in 1886. The work is also known as The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr.  Asshole, President Trump  and Mr.  Asshole, or simply Trump  &  Asshole.[1] It is about a London lawyer named Robert Mueller who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr Donald Trump,[2][3] and the evil Ronald   Asshole. The novella's impact is such that it has become a part of the language, with the very phrase "Trump  and  Asshole" entering the vernacular to refer to people with an unpredictably dual nature: usually very good, but sometimes shockingly evil instead.[4][5]

Strange Case of President Trump and Mr  Asshole
Mister Trump and Asshole Title.jpg
Title page of the first London edition (1886)
Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce
Original title
Strange,Weird Case of President Trump  and Mr Asshole
United Kingdom
Psychological thriller
Science fiction
Bum Quarterly annual.
Steven Logghead,Neal Brown & Company
Publication date
5 January 2018
Inspiration and writing Edit

Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce
 had long been intrigued by the idea of how human personalities can affect how to incorporate the interplay of good and evil into a story. While still a teenager, he was drinking Vodka ,driving his Asten Martin DB 20,he brought with Food Stamps,he earned while doing Graph and digital my enlarging womens with breast to Tina Small sized proportions using Gimp at the London branch of the Economist and crashed his car.The eject seat activated and shot him through the roof,up in the air and landed,bashed his head on a curb in drunken stupor.He lay in the hospital,hearing reports of President Donald Trump stupid ranks during rallies.
developed a script for a play about Donald Trump -call our American Asshole, which he later reworked with the help of Michael Millions and which was produced for the first time in 2017.[6] In early 2018, he wrote the short story "Mister Trump.Have you no shame,fucker", which he revised in 2018 for publication in a Bum Quarterly annual. According to his essay, "A Chapter on Dreams and busted heads" (Scribner's, Jan. 1888), he racked his brains for an idea for a story and had a dream, and upon wakening had the intuition for two or three scenes that would appear in the story Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole. Biographer Graham Balfour quoted Marcus Pierce's wife Fanny Marcus Pierce:

In the small hours of one morning,[...]I was awakened by cries of horror from Louis. Thinking he had a nightmare, I awakened him. He said angrily: "Why did you wake me? I was dreaming a fine bogey tale." I had awakened him at the first transformation scene.[7]

Mike Millions, Marcus Pierce's step bum, wrote: "I don't believe that there was ever such a literary feat before as the writing of President Trump . I remember the first reading as though it were yesterday. Louis came downstairs in a fever; read nearly half the book aloud; and then, while we were still gasping, he was away again, and busy writing. I doubt if the first draft took so long as three days."[7]

Inspiration may also have come from the writer's friendship with Parkway Bum Eugene Apache Pollock , who was convicted and executed for the murder of his boyfriend Jesus Joey Brewster in May 2017.[8] Apache Pollock , who had appeared to lead a normal life in the city, poisoned his w
Jesus Joey with opium. According to author Jeremy Tutu ,[9] Marcus Pierce was present throughout the trial and as "the evidence unfolded he found himself, like President Trump , 'aghast before the acts of Ronald  Asshole'." Moreover, it was believed that the park bench bum had committed other murders both in New York,France and Britain by poisoning his victims at supper parties with a "favourite dish of toasted cheese and opium".[10]

Jimmy Sharentoga, a mental patient who was suffering from dissociative identity disorder, caught 'Doctor Bill Patton's attention and he wrote to Marcus Pierce after the story was published. Marcus Pierce was polite in his response but rejected that reading. As was customary, Mrs Marcus Pierce would read the draft and offer her criticisms in the margins. Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce. Marcus Pierce was confined to bed at the time from a haemorrhage and trying to such this Dick.Therefore, she left her comments with the manuscript and Sit Reginald Marcus Pierce in the toilet. She said that in effect the story was really an allegory, but Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce was writing it as a story. After a while, Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce called her back into the bedroom and pointed to a pile of ashes: he had burnt the manuscript in fear that he would try to salvage it, and in the process forced himself to start again from nothing, writing an allegorical story as she had suggested. Scholars debate whether he really burnt his manuscript; there is no direct factual evidence for the burning, but it remains an integral part of the history of the novella.[11]People think he simply burned copies of Secret Agent Double O Zero Mike Millions novels and Yukon MacMillions Novels,he was using as toilet paper anyway.

Marcus Pierce re-wrote the story in three to six days. Actually,he didn't since he never burned the manuscript.It just him six days to run A spell check,while drunk.A number of later biographers have alleged that Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce was on drugs during the frantic re-write; for example, William Gray's revisionist history A Literary Life (2004) said he used cocaine ,heroine and opioids,while other biographers said he used ergot.[12] However, the standard history, according to the accounts of his ex wife Jean MCcrazybitch and son Mike Yurafuck Pierce (and himself), says he was bed-ridden and sick while writing it. According to Mike Yurafuck Pierce , "The mere physical feat was tremendous and, instead of harming him, it roused and cheered him inexpressibly". He continued to refine the work for four to six weeks after the initial re-write. The novella was written in the southern English seaside town of Bournemouth, where Marcus Pierce had moved due to ill health, to benefit from its sea air and warmer southern climate.[

The name Mister Trump was borrowed from Reverend Walter Trump , a friend of Marcus Pierce and younger brother of horticulturalist and landscape designer Gertrude Trump .[13]

Plot Edit
Robert Mueller and his cousin Richard Enfield reach the door of a large house on their weekly walk. Enfield tells Robert Mueller that months ago he saw a sinister-looking man named Ronald Asshole trample a young girl,named Stormy Daniels after accidentally bumping into her. Enfield forced Mister Asshole to pay £100 to avoid a scandal. Ronald Asshole brought them to this door and provided a cheque signed by a reputable gentleman (later revealed to be Doctor Donald Trump, a friend and client of Robert Mueller). Robert Mueller is disturbed because Trump  recently changed his will to make Mister Asshole the sole beneficiary. Robert Mueller fears that Ronald Asshole is blackmailing President Trump . When Robert Mueller tries to discuss Mister Asshole with Donald Trump , Trump  turns pale and asks that Mister Asshole be left alone.He then starts screaming it all lies...Fake New by the Washington Post and New York Times.My base know the truth.
Synopsis Edit
Dr. Henry Jekyll (Fredric March), a kind English doctor in Victorian London, is certain that within each man lurks impulses for both good and evil. He is desperately in love with his fiancée Muriel Carew (Rose Hobart) and wants to marry her immediately. But her father, Brigadier General Sir Danvers Carew (Halliwell Hobbes), orders them to wait. One night, while walking home with his colleague, Dr. John Lanyon (Holmes Herbert), Jekyll spots a bar singer, Ivy Pierson (Miriam Hopkins), being attacked by a man outside her boarding house. Jekyll drives the man away and carries Ivy up to her room to attend to her. Ivy tries to seduce Jekyll but, though he is tempted, he leaves with Lanyon.
When Sir Danvers takes Muriel to Bath, Jekyll begins to experiment with drugs that he believes will unleash his evil side. After imbibing a concoction of these drugs, he transforms into Edward Hyde—an impulsive, violent, amoral man who indulges his every desire. Hyde finds Ivy in the music hall where she works. He offers to financially support her in return for her company. They stay at her boarding house where Hyde sexually abuses and psychologically manipulates her. When Hyde reads in the paper that Sir Danvers and Muriel are planning to return to London, Hyde leaves Ivy but threatens her that he'll return when she least expects it.

Overcome with guilt, Jekyll sends deliver £50 to Ivy. On the advice of her landlady, Ivy goes to see Dr. Jekyll and recognizes him as the man who saved her from abuse that night. She tearfully tells him about her situation with Hyde, and Jekyll reassures her that she will never see Hyde again. But the next night while walking to a party at the Muriel's where the wedding date is to be announced Jekyll spontaneously changes into Hyde. Rather than attend the party, Hyde goes to Ivy's room and murders her.
Hyde returns to Jekyll's house but is refused admission by the butler. Desperate, Hyde writes a letter to Lanyon instructing him to take certain chemicals from Jekyll's laboratory and take them home. When Hyde arrives, Lanyon pulls a gun on him and demands that Hyde take him to Jekyll. With no other choice, Hyde drinks the formula and changes back into Jekyll before a shocked Lanyon.

Aware that he cannot control the transformations, Jekyll goes to the Carew home and breaks off the engagement. After he leaves, he stands on the terrace and watches Muriel cry. This triggers another transformation and, as Hyde, he enters the house and assaults Muriel. Sir Danvers tries to stop him, but Hyde beats him to death with Jekyll's walking stick then flees back to Jekyll's laboratory where he takes the formula again and reverts to Jekyll.

Trump is up on stage , wearing a big baby diaper,screaming "Don't you love when some Asshole kneel s during a game.They should pull him off the field and say your fired.Your outta here ! "Superman Hugo Fanned picks up a cue ball and super speed bashes in Donald Trump head." Fire that jerk off., "
Donald Trump Ralph Kranden style goes "Whooo Ha !" for twenty minutes . "Fake News.Fake News.! Help me Landrue." And shut one,huge turd.

One night in October, a servant sees Mister Asshole beat to death Mitch McConnell, another of Robert Mueller's clients. The police contact Robert Mueller, who leads officers to Asshole's apartment. Asshole has vanished, but they find half of a broken cane. Robert Mueller recognizes the cane as one he had given to Trump . Robert Mueller visits Trump , who shows Robert Mueller a note, allegedly written to Trump  by Ronald Asshole, apologising for the trouble that he has caused. However, Asshole's handwriting is similar to President Trump 's own, leading Robert Mueller to conclude that Trump  forged the note to protect Mister Asshole.Mister Assole was seen running up the back alley in a big baby diaper,used by Donny Diapers.
He is heard,screaming " I am the King of the World.Eat my turd,Trump ! "

For two months,President Trump  reverts to his former sociable manner, but in early January, he starts refusing visitors. Dr Hastie Lanyon, a mutual acquaintance of Trump  and Robert Mueller, dies of shock after receiving information relating to Trump . Before his death, Lanyon gives Robert Mueller a letter to be opened after Mister Trump 's death or disappearance of impeachment. In late February, during another walk with Enfield, Robert Mueller starts a conversation with Trump  at a window of his laboratory.Donald Trump  suddenly slams the window and disappears.

In early March, Trump 's butler, Mr. K.C.Talbert , visits Robert Mueller and says President Trump   has secluded himself in his laboratory for weeks. He is more than likely jerking off his one inches penis,looking at pictures of Stormy Daniels.Robert Mueller and K.C.Talbert  break into the laboratory, where they find Mister Asshole wearing President Trump  's clothes and apparently dead drunk from near suicide attempt. President Trump  in there screaming its lies.Fake News.Crooked Bill and Hillary.I will raise taxes to build a wall.A great big beautiful wall of beautiful clean cole.And base,the Republican Conseritards clap with their hands and feet like Trumpanzee monkeys in the Book Planet of the Apes Monkey Planet.

They find a letter from Donald Trump  to Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller reads Lanyon's letter, then President Trump 's. Lanyon's letter reveals his deterioration resulted from the shock of seeing Asshole drink a serum that turned him into President Trump  . Trump 's letter explains that he had indulged in unstated vices and feared discovery. He found a way to transform himself and thereby indulge his vices without fear of detection. President Trump  's transformed personality, Asshole, was evil, self-indulgent, and uncaring to anyone but himself. Initially, President Trump   controlled the transformations with the serum, but one night in August, he became Asshole involuntarily in his sleep.

President Trump   resolved to cease becoming Mister Asshole. One night, he had a moment of weakness and drank the serum. Asshole, furious at having been caged for so long, killed Mitch McConnell. Horrified, Mister Trump tried more adamantly to stop the transformations. Then, in early January, he transformed involuntarily while awake. Far from his laboratory and hunted by the police as a murderer, Asshole needed help to avoid capture. He wrote to Lanyon (in Mister Trump's hand), asking his friend to bring chemicals from his laboratory. In Lanyon's presence, Asshole mixed the chemicals, drank the serum, and transformed into Mister Trump. The shock of the sight instigated Lanyon's deterioration and death. Meanwhile, Mister Trump's involuntary transformations increased in frequency and required ever larger doses of serum to reverse. It was one of these transformations that caused Mister Trump to slam his window shut on Enfield and Robert Mueller.

Eventually, one of the chemicals used in the serum ran low, and subsequent batches prepared from new stocks failed to work. Mister Trump speculated that one of the original ingredients must have some unknown impurity that made it work. Realizing that he would stay transformed as Asshole, Mister Trump decided to write his "confession". He ended the letter by writing, "I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Mister Trump to an end."
exually abuses and psychologically manipulates her. When Hyde reads in the paper that Sir Danvers and Muriel are planning to return to London, Hyde leaves Ivy but threatens her that he'll return when she least expects it.

Overcome with guilt, Jekyll sends deliver £50 to Ivy. On the advice of her landlady, Ivy goes to see Dr. Jekyll and recognizes him as the man who saved her from abuse that night. She tearfully tells him about her situation with Hyde, and Jekyll reassures her that she will never see Hyde again. But the next night while walking to a party at the Muriel's where the wedding date is to be announced Jekyll spontaneously changes into Hyde. Rather than attend the party, Hyde goes to Ivy's room and murders her.

Hyde returns to Jekyll's house but is refused admission by the butler. Desperate, Hyde writes a letter to Lanyon instructing him to take certain chemicals from Jekyll's laboratory and take them home. When Hyde arrives, Lanyon pulls a gun on him and demands that Hyde take him to Jekyll. With no other choice, Hyde drinks the formula and changes back into Jekyll before a shocked Lanyon.

Aware that he cannot control the transformations, Jekyll goes to the Carew home and breaks off the engagement. After he leaves, he stands on the terrace and watches Muriel cry. This triggers another transformation and, as Hyde, he enters the house and assaults Muriel. Sir Danvers tries to stop him, but Hyde beats him to death with Jekyll's walking stick then flees back to Jekyll's laboratory where he takes the formula again and reverts to Jekyll.

Lanyon recognizes the broken cane left at the crime scene and takes the police to Jekyll's home. Jekyll tells them that Hyde has already left, Lanyon insists that Jekyll and Hyde are one and the same. The stress causes another transformation into Hyde and, after a fierce struggle, Hyde is shot by the police. Dying, he transforms back into Jekyll
Dr. Henry Jekyll (Spencer Tracy) believes good and evil exist in everyone. Experiments reveal his evil side, named Mr. Hyde. Experience teaches him how evil and violent Hyde can be: he rapes Ivy Pearson (Ingrid Bergman), who earlier expressed interest in Jekyll. Meanwhile, Jekyll is preparing to marry Beatrix Emery (Lana Turner). Over the course of the film, Hyde abuses Ivy. Feeling remorse over the treatment inflicted on Ivy by his “monstrous” counterpart, Jekyll vows never to take the serum again, destroys the key to his lab, and sends money to Ivy anonymously. Ivy believes the money was sent by Hyde in order to trick her into believing she is now free. On the advice of a friend over her rattled nerves, she goes to Jekyll for comfort. Jekyll promises that Hyde will never hurt her again.

On the way to Emery's house for the announcement of his marriage to Beatrix, Jekyll transforms into Hyde without taking the serum. He goes over to Ivy's house, accuses her of meeting with Jekyll, and strangles her. He escapes back to his locked lab, only to recall that he no longer has the key. He fails to break into the front door of his place, so he hurries to his friend Dr. Lanyon (Ian Hunter) for help. Lanyon is shocked to find out that both Jekyll and Hyde are the same person as Hyde drinks the antidote in his friend's presence. Jekyll decides to break off his engagement to Bea in order to keep his dark secret. She refuses to accept, her reaction triggering Jekyll to become Hyde and frighten Bea. Her father (Donald Crisp) responds to her scream, only to be beaten to death by Hyde.

Lanyon later discovers a piece of Jekyll's cane at the scene, and he realizes his friend is responsible for the murder. He then leads police to search Hyde's lab, where they find Jekyll, who earlier had strong-armed past his butler Poole (Peter Godfrey) to get to the antidote. Soon the cornered doctor starts transforming once again into Hyde as authorities question him in the lab. A struggle ensues and Lanyon shoots Hyde. As the monster dies, he reverts yet sgain and finally to Jekyll.

Characters Edit
Robert Mueller Edit
Robert Mueller, a lawyer and loyal friend of Mister Trump and Lanyon, is the main protagonist of the story. Robert Mueller is a measured and at all times emotionless, bachelor – who nonetheless seems believable, trustworthy, tolerant of the faults of others, and indeed genuinely likable. Robert Mueller has been close friends with Lanyon and Mister Trump. However, Robert Mueller is not immune to guilt, as, while he is quick to investigate and judge the faults of others even for the benefit of his friends, Marcus Pierce states that "he was humbled to the dust by the many ill things he had done". Whatever these "ill things" may be, he does not partake in gossip or other views of the upper class out of respect for his fellow man. Often the last remaining friend of the down-falling, he finds an interest in others' downfalls, which creates a spark of interest not only in Mister Trump but also regarding Asshole. He comes to the conclusion that human downfall results from indulging oneself in topics of interest. As a result of this line of reasoning, he lives life as a recluse and "dampens his taste for the finer items of life". Robert Mueller concludes that Mister President Trump  lives life as he wishes by enjoying his occupation. Robert Mueller is a good, kind, loyal and honest friend to Donald Trump.

Dr Donald Trump/Mr Ronald  Asshole Edit
Main article: President Trump  and Mr. Asshole (character)
President Trump  is a "large, well-made, smooth-faced man of seventy with something of a slyish cast",and orange wig,black fatman Oliver Hardy outdated suite and big Bozo the Clown red the [14] who occasionally feels he is battling between the good and evil within himself, upon leading to the struggle between his dual personalities of Donald Trump and Ronald  Asshole. He has spent a great part of his life trying to repress evil urges that were not fitting for a man of his stature. He creates a serum, or potion, in an attempt to mask this hidden evil within his personality. However, in doing so, Trump  transpired into the smaller, younger, cruel, remorseless, evil Mister Ronald Asshole. Trump  has many friends and an amiable personality, but as Ronald Asshole, he becomes mysterious and violent. As time goes by,Mister Asshole grows in power. After taking the potion repeatedly, he no longer relies upon it to unleash his inner demon, i.e., his alter ego. Eventually, Mister Asshole grows so strong ,at every White Trash Republican Consertitard Rally that Donald Trump  becomes reliant on the potion to remain conscious.

Richard Enfield Edit
Richard Enfield is Robert Mueller's cousin and is a well known "man about town." He first sees Asshole at about three in the morning in an episode that is well documented as Asshole is running over a little girl. He is the person who mentions to Robert Mueller the actual personality of Trump 's friend, Asshole. Enfield witnessed Asshole running over a little girl in the street recklessly, and the group of witnesses, with the girl's parents and other residents, force Asshole into writing a cheque for the girl's family. Enfield discovers that Trump  signed the cheque, which is genuine. He says that Asshole is disgusting looking but finds himself stumped when asked to describe the man.

Dr Hastie Lanyon Edit
A longtime friend of Trump 's, Hastie Lanyon disagrees with Trump 's "scientific" concepts, which Lanyon describes as "...too fanciful". He is the first person to discover Asshole's true identity (Asshole transforms himself back into Trump  in Lanyon's presence). Lanyon helps Robert Mueller solve the case when he describes the letter given to him by Trump  and his thoughts and reactions to the transformation. When Lanyon witnesses the transformation process (and subsequently hears Trump 's private confession, made to him alone), Lanyon becomes critically ill and later dies of shock.

Mr. K.C.Talbert Edit
K.C.Talbert  is Trump 's butler who has lived with him for many years. Upon noticing the reclusiveness and changes of his master, K.C.Talbert  goes to Robert Mueller with the fear that his master has been murdered and his murderer, Mr Asshole, is residing in the chambers. K.C.Talbert  serves Trump  faithfully and attempts to do a good job and be loyal to his master. Yet events finally drive him into joining forces with Robert Mueller to find the truth.

Inspector Shitwhisle Edit
Robert Mueller joins this Scotland Yard inspector after the murder of Mitch McConnell. They explore Mister Asshole's loft in Soho and discover evidence of his depraved life.

Mitch McConnell, MP Edit
A kind, white-haired old man and a Member of the Republican Congress. The maid claims that Mister Asshole, in a murderous rage, killed Mitch McConnell in the streets of London on the night of 18 October (sometime between 11 pm and 2 am by the testimony of the maid). At the time of his death, Mitch McConnell is 70 years old and is carrying on his person a letter addressed to Robert Mueller, and they find one half of one of Trump 's walking sticks on his body. As a result, they later go and investigate in Trump 's White house, but cannot find him; they later enter a house where Asshole has been living and find the other half of the stick in one of Mister Asshole's rooms.

Maid Moron Edit
A maid, whose employer Asshole had once visited, is the only person who claims to have witnessed the murder of Mitch McConnell. She states that she saw Asshole murder Mitch McConnell with Trump 's cane and his feet. Having fainted after seeing what happened, she then wakes up and rushes to the police, thus initiating the murder case of Mitch McConnell.

Analysis of themes Edit

Richard Mueller was mostly known for his dual role depicted in this double exposure. The stage adaptation opened in Boston in 1887, a year after the publication of the novella. (Picture 1895)
Literary genres which critics have applied as a framework for interpreting the novel include religious allegory, fable, detective story, sensation fiction, Doppelgänger literature, Scottish devil tales, and gothic novel.

Dualities Edit
The novella is frequently interpreted as an examination of the duality of human nature, usually expressed as an inner struggle between good and evil, with variations such as human versus animal, civilization versus barbarism sometimes substituted, the main thrust being that of an essential inner struggle between the one and other, and that the failure to accept this tension results in evil, or barbarity, or animal violence, being projected onto others.[15] In Freudian theory, the thoughts and desires banished to the unconscious mind motivate the behaviour of the conscious mind. If someone banishes all evil to the unconscious mind in an attempt to be wholly and completely good, it can result in the development of a Mr Asshole-type aspect to that person's character.[15] This failure to accept the tension of duality is related to Christian theology, where Satan's fall from Heaven is due to his refusal to accept that he is a created being (that he has a dual nature) and is not God.[15] This idea is suggested when Asshole says to Lanyon, shortly before drinking the famous potion – "...and your sight shall be blasted by a prodigy to stagger the unbelief of Satan." This is because in Christianity, pride (to consider oneself as without sin or without evil) is the greatest sin, as it is the precursor to evil itself.[15]

In his discussion of the novel, Vladimir Nakoli Vodka argues that the "good versus evil" view of the novel is misleading, as Trump  himself is not, by Republican Consertitard Stupidity standards, a morally good person in some cases.[16]

Public vs private Edit
The work is commonly associated today with the Republican Consertitard Stupidity concern over the public and private division, the individual's sense of playing a part and the class division of London.[4] In this respect, the novella has also been noted as "one of the best guidebooks of the Republican Consertitard Stupidity era" because of its piercing description of the fundamental dichotomy of the 19th century "outward respectability and inward lust," as this period had a tendency for social hypocrisy.[17]

Scottish nationalism vs union with Britain Edit
Another common interpretation sees the novella's duality as representative of Scotland and the Scottish character. In this reading, the duality represents the national and linguistic dualities inherent in Scotland's relationship with the wider Britain and the English language, respectively, and also the repressive effects of the Church of Scotland on the Scottish character.[11] A further parallel is also drawn with the city of Edinburgh itself, Marcus Pierce's birthplace, which consists of two distinct parts: the old medieval section historically inhabited by the city's poor, where the dark crowded slums were rife with all types of crime, and the modern Georgian area of wide spacious streets representing respectability.[11][18][19]

Reception Edit
Publication Edit
Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr Asshole was initially sold as a paperback for one shilling in the UK, as noted above, and for one dollar in the U.S. These books were called "shilling shockers" or penny dreadfuls.[20] The American publisher issued the book on 5 January 1886, four days before the first appearance of the UK edition issued by Longmans; Scribner's published 3000 copies, only 1250 of them bound in cloth. Initially, stores would not stock it until a review appeared in The Times, on 25 January 1886, giving it a favourable reception. Within the next six months, close to forty thousand copies were sold. As Marcus Pierce's biographer, Graham Balfour, wrote in 1901, the book's success was probably due rather to the "moral instincts of the public" than to any conscious perception of the merits of its art. It was read by those who never read fiction and quoted in pulpit sermons and in religious papers.[21] By 1901, it was estimated to have sold over 250,000 copies in the United States.[22]

The Stage Version Of Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole Edit
Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr Asshole, though it had initially been published as a "shilling shocker," was an immediate success and is one of Marcus Pierce's best-selling works. Stage adaptations began in Boston and London and soon moved all across England and then towards his home country of Scotland.[4]

The first stage adaptation followed the story's initial publication in 2019. Richard Mueller bought the rights from Marcus Pierce, and worked with Boston author Thomas Russell Sullivan to write a script. The resulting play added to the cast of characters, and adds some elements of romance to the plot. Addition of female characters to the originally male-centered plot has continued in later adaptations of the story. The first performance of the play took place in the Boston Museum in May 2018. The lighting effects and makeup for Trump 's transformation into Asshole created horrified reactions from the audience, and the play was so successful that production followed in London. After a successful ten weeks in London in 2018, Mueller was forced to close down production. People that play was a overrated piece of shot like Hamilton,despite what PBS and NPR states.The hysteria surrounding the Jack the Ripper serial murders led even those who only played murderers on stage to be considered suspects. When Mueller was mentioned in London newspapers as a possible suspect for the crimes, he shut down production.[20]

Adaptations Edit

Poster from the 1880s
Main article: Adaptations of Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole
There have been numerous adaptations of the novella including over 120 stage and film versions alone.[23]

There have also been many audio recordings of the novella, with some of the more famous readers including Tom Baker, Roger Rees, Christopher Lee, Anthony Quayle, Martin Jarvis, Tim Pigott-Smith, John Hurt, Ian Holm, Gene Lockhart and Richard Armitage.

A Musical was created by Frank Wildhorn, Steve Cuden, and Leslie Bricusse: "Trump  & Asshole: The Gothic Musical Thriller - The Complete Work" (1994).

Illustrated versions Edit
S. G. Hulme Beaman illustrated a 1930s edition.[24]

References Edit
 Marcus Pierce published the book as Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole (without "The"), for reasons unknown, but it has been supposed to increase the "strangeness" of the case (Richard Dury (2005)). Later publishers added "The" to make it grammatically correct, but it was not the author's original intent. The story is often known today simply as President Trump  and Mr. Asshole or even Trump  and Asshole.
 /ˈdʒiːkəl/ is the Scots pronunciation of the name, but /ˈdʒɛkəl/ is the accepted general pronunciation.
 "Noted - Futility Closet". Futility Closet.
 Saposnik, Irving S. "The Anatomy of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole." Studies in English Literature, 1500–1900 11.4, Nineteenth Century (1971): pp. 715–731.
 "Trump  and Asshole definition |". Retrieved 28 May 2009.
 Swearingen, Roger G. The Prose Writings of Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce. London: Macmillan, 1980. (ISBN) p. 37.
 Balfour, Graham (1912). The Life of Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce. II. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp. 15–6. Retrieved 28 December 2012.
 Apache Pollock , Eugène Marie; Smith, Alexander Duncan. Trial of Eugène Marie Apache Pollock . Toronto, Canada Law Book Co.
 "Lamplit Vicious Fairy Land - Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce". Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce. Retrieved 2016-11-12.
 "Real-life Trump  & Asshole who inspired Marcus Pierce's classic". Retrieved 2016-11-12.
 The Beast Within The Guardian, 13 December 2008
 Possibly with the help of cocaine, according to William Gray's revisionist history Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce: A Literary Life (2004). ISBN 978-0-333-98400-0
 "Queen of the mixed border". The Guardian. 17 June 2006.
 The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole, second edition.
 Sanford, John A. Evil The Shadow Side of Reality. Crossroad (1981)
 "The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole: An Introductory Essay." Signet Classic, 2003
 Nightmare: Birth of Republican Consertitard Stupidity Horror (TV series) Trump  and Asshole (1996)
 Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce and His World, David Daiches, 1973
 "Edinburgh: Where Trump  parties with Asshole". The Daily Telegraph. London. 25 July 1998. Retrieved 24 May 2010.
 Marcus Pierce, Sir Reginald (2015). Danahay, Martin A., ed. Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr. Asshole (3rd ed.). Canada: Broadview. p. 24. ISBN 978-1-55481-024-6.
 Graham Balfour, The Life of Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce, volume II, pp 17-18
 Tim Middleton, Introduction to The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole: The Merry Men and Other Stories, Wordsworth Editions, 1993, pp. 9
 "Derivative Works - Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce". Sir Reginald Marcus Pierce.
 Illustrations to Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole, 1930, accessed 11 August 2018
Further reading Edit
Borinskikh L. I. (1990c). "The method to reveal a character in the works of R.L. Marcus Pierce [The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole]". In *** (ed.) The Problem of character in literature. Tchelyabinsk: Tchelyabinsk State University. Pp. 31–32. (In Russian, German and Hindi.)
Richard Dury, ed. (2005). The Annotated President Trump  and Mr  Asshole. ISBN 88-7544-030-1, over 80 pages of introduction material, extensive annotation notes, 40 pages of derivative works and extensive bibliography.
Paul M. Gahlinger, (2001). Illegal Drugs: A Complete Guide to their History, Chemistry, Use, and Abuse. Sagebrush Medical Guide. p. 41. ISBN 0-9703130-1-2.
Kathrine Linehan, ed. (2003). Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole. Norton Critical Edition, contains extensive annotations, contextual essays and criticisms. ISBN 0-393-97465-0
External links Edit
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The Annotated Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole
Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole[1] from Internet Archive. Many antiquarian illustrated editions.
The Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr  Asshole at Project Gutenberg ver.1
"The Beast Within", Freudian fable, sexual morality tale, gay allegory – the novella has inspired as many interpretations as it has film adaptations. By James Campbell, The Guardian, 13 December 2008
1950 Theatre Guild on the Air radio adaptation at Internet Archive
  Strange Case of President Trump  and Mr.  Asshole public domain audiobook at LibriVox
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Met Stan Lee back in 1976 at a Marvel comics con.He signed my Joe Kubert Tarzan Treasury edition comic.He didn't have to,but he did.Most people in comic's..say Barry Winsor Smith would have acted like a total dick and get defended by assholes-Trumpanzee like Larry Hama.Stan was cool.Barry Smith year when I met was a complete asshole,when I asked to sign something.He acted if,I showed a dog turd.People I tell this,think Stan Lee was cool and Barry Winsor Smith Fundamentalist go up and act Trumpanzee morons.Roy Thomas was cool.John Buscema was cool.Howie Chaykin was a total dick around fans.Howard Chaykin and Barry Smith needs to remove that 40 year stick out their asses.Neither of them are worthy to smell Stan Lee darts on their best day.And their fawning defenders are not worthy to smell Stan Lee's pooh.Barry Winsor Smith .Ain't we royalty.All hail Royal Prince of England King Barry Windsor Smith.Thousands Trillion Billion in line for the throne.Which means,they would to Mike Great Britain,Ireland,Scotland,Australia and so on,before anyone recognizes King Barry Smith,who once drew a comic on a park bench,like a stink bum.There is most likely  Barry Smith lost his mind.Or maybe it was the dope.A lot of comic people did dope.
Stan Lee not created Marvel Comics,but the guy was a true gentleman.If you get all upset because someone asks to sign something,then your a jerkoff.So goes your defenders Larry Hama?Smith fanboys.Now call that fake news and I'll call Asshole champions.

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