
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Incredible Hulk vol. 2 #156“Holocaust at the Heart of the Atom!”

Incredible Hulk vol. 2 #156

Title: “Holocaust at the Heart of the Atom!”

Writer: Archie Goodwin

Penciller: Herb Trimpe

Inker: Sal Trapani

Editor: Roy Thomas

Hulk’s trip through the sub-atomic cosmos stops. Though the Hulk’s body stands among vegetation, it is Bruce Banner’s brain that says, “M-my thoughts, my speech…! I still have the Hulk’s body, but… with Bruce Banner’s mind! How can it be? Unless … this world is Jarella’s world! And the spell cast to make me understand the language, to function this way… is still in effect!”

Bruce says that it took Pym’s size-reduction serum, the power of the Shaper, and a lot of strife from the big black beyond. Bruce says to return to the one place where both he and the Hulk peacefully co-existed was worth it. Bruce says that this time he is there to stay. Bruce says that he will remember and miss Betty, Jim Wilson, and the others that tried to help the Hulk, but that they will be happier free of the shadow of the Hulk. Bruce says that if this trail leads where he thinks it leads, to a city called K’ai and a woman named Jarella, that maybe some of that happiness will come his way. Bruce recognizes the spot where the Hulk battled the Warthos. He looks down to the city of K’ai and finds it destroyed.

Sky rider’s silhouettes cross the moon’s bright face. One swoops down and spears the Hulk from behind. He tells the others to join him and that K’ai’s ruins yield another traitor to Lord Visis. He says that all of Jarella’s followers are the same in that they have no taste for battle. Bruce tells “Baldy” that he caught him short. He says that he forgot who he was and what he’d become. Hulk hits the rider. Bruce says that a few hits to the head tend to remind you. He says that Bruce Banner’s civilized mind not withstanding that he is still very much the Hulk. Hulk upends one of the flying beasts. Bruce says that he won’t forget it ever again. The other sky riders flee and Bruce asks them if they suddenly remembered a previous engagement. Bruce thinks to himself that while it is fun for him to harass some bad guys that it doesn’t face the big problem.
Bruce wonders what is happening on this planet that he was so happy to return to. Bruce says that there was a war between Jarella and Visis. He says that he should have remembered that from Jarella’s visit to Earth. Bruce says that it seems the war has ended for the worse. Bruce hears footsteps behind him. He turns ready for battle again, but this time he only finds a happy Torla.

Torla asks Bruce Banner if he doesn’t remember the Chief Sorcerer of their gracious lady. Bruce embraces Torla and says that before they talk about anything else that he wants to know what has happened to Jarella. Torla says that Bruce asks him to speak of shameful situations. Torla motions to the few around him and says that this motley band and a scattered few others are all that remains of K’ai’s legions. Torla says that the Queen has been taken by the wreaker of this havoc. Bruce says, “Visis!” Torla says that he holds her in his mountain stronghold.

In Visis’ mountain stronghold, Visis asks Jarella is refusing him again. He says that he grows weary of this game. Jarella says to end it and her life as well. Jarella says that she chooses death over marrying Visis and legitimizing his usurping her throne. Visis says that the only choices that exist in this matter are his to make. He tells her to come on a walk with her.

Visis shows Jarella the dungeons and says that they are not as nice as hers. He says that all within were once her subjects and that they will all be put the death with her next refusal. Visis says that this isn’t the only pit either. He says that some of them have women and children in them. He says that with every no she gives him that he will empty another one. He says that a yes will free all of them. Jarella cries and says that she will be his bride, but that the dowry she brings is a bitter one. She says that her dowry is hatred and contempt for him as well as laughter for the day he draws his final breath.

Back on Earth at the beach, Betty says that she needed this time to relax and think about her and about Bruce. She tells Glenn that she is glad that he took some leave time to join her. Glenn says that he is sorry it couldn’t be longer, but that before they return to the base that there is something he must ask her, but that he is worried it is too soon after what happened to Banner.

Betty says that even before everyone gave up Bruce as lost that everything seemed to change between them… maybe permanently. Glenn says, “Betty, des that mean…?” Betty says that it means that what is past is past. She says that she doesn’t regret what she almost had with Bruce, but that it’s time to think of the future and that if that future means marriage for the two of them. Glen says that it does. Glenn and Betty kiss.

Back on Jarella’s world, Bruce spots a group of warthos and leaps into them. Hulk starts smacking them around until he gets to the leader of the pack. Bruce grabs the warthos’ tusk and pins it against the ground.

Hours pass. At the palace, Jarella enters dressed in her wedding gown. Before she gets close enough to hear, Visis tells the guards to recapture or kill all the prisoners that were released that morning. Visis compliments Jarella on her beauty. He says that in the dungeons that he may have been overly political, but that for all his rough and ready ways that he is not blind to beauty.
Tears toll down Jarella’s face. Visis says that she will come to love him. Jarella says that Visis kept his end of the bargain releasing the prisoners. She says that she will keep her end. Suddenly the entire hall starts to tremble. Hulk bursts through the courtyard wall on the back of the lead Warthos. Other Warthos follow behind them. Bruce leans down and scoops up Jarella. Jarella calls Bruce her champion and her love. She starts to ask how he got there, but Bruce says that it is a long story and that they are too busy for the telling. He says that now that they are back together that they have a world to win back.

In the days that follow there are battles that minstrels will sing songs about. The legions of troops are inspired and are ready to take up lances against tyrants.

A man tells Torla that the spells of his adepts have broken the defensive enchantment placed by Lord Visis on the river Elb. Torla says Bruce Banner’s attack force may strike the traitor’s flank by ship. He says that Visis will have no option but retreat.

Jarella stands with Bruce before the soldiers. She tells them that they have fought well and with fine purpose. She says that before the night is out that they will make camp before Castle Visis and wage their final battle. The men hail Jarella and hail Hulk.

Elsewhere, Visis rides in his chariot with Corsairs. He tells Corsairs to be ready to sail the instant he stands on the deck. He says that the war, and Corsairs’ head, depends on it. He says that they will be sailing east to Pitill Pawob… the isle of assassins.

Pitill Pawob was once a continent. Now all but a tip of it has sunk beneath the waves. It is the planet’s oldest civilization… pre-dating magic when technology reigned.

At Pitill Pawob, Visis asks Krylar, steward of all assassins, why he hesitates at what he suggests. Krylar says that maybe he is thinking of the Pawob division Visis once had and managed to lose. He says that the skilled assassins and their irreplaceable weapons were lost. He says that chiefly his offer to them disturbs him. He says that for them to become full allies is intriguing, but that it smacks of a defeated man grasping at his last straw of hope. Visis tells Krylar that he is arrogant. He asks him how he thinks he and his mercenaries will fare. He asks who in Jarella’s world of peace will hire them when she and her invincible man monster the Hulk insures that peace will go forever unbroken.
Krylar says that it is a point well made, but says that it does raise another obstacle of such an alliance. He says that there is truth in Visis calling Hulk invincible. He tells Visis to come with him to the reconstruction ships. He says that he would have his opinion. Krylar says that Visis is familiar with their force blasters and levitational bands, but that if those things could stop the Hulk that he wouldn’t be there. Krylar shows Visis a machine that was found amid an ancient city a century ago. He says that it has taken that long to learn its purpose and make it function. Visis says that he has never seen so mighty an engine. He asks Krylar what the instrument is. Krylar tells Visis to stand where he is. He says that he will demonstrate what none outside these walls have witnessed.
Krylar pushes a button and a giant serpent beast appears to Visis. Visis says that it is the very image of the monster the nearly slew him as a child. He says that it couldn’t exist in a climate like this, but that he can feel its breath. Visis calls out in the name of all demons for someone to save him. Krylar says that he will. He says that Visis has stood where few men could. He says that wasn’t some mere monster, but something that has long haunted him. He says that it is what he fears the most and that is the machine’s power.
It can take any being’s ultimate fear and give it life. Visis reaches out to where the serpent was and says that it vanishes as though it were never there. Krylar says that it was, and that it was quite capable of destroying him. Visis says that such sorcery could defeat any foe… even the Hulk. Krylar says that it was technology, not sorcery, but that was the opinion that he wanted to hear. Krylar and Visis shake hands as they become allies. Krylar thinks that they will be allies until victory and wonders why Visis should rule when the Pitil Pawob could do it better.

Visis and Krylar return to Visis’ keep just before Jarella, Hulk, and the others arrive to make camp. Jarella asks Bruce if he has to leave her side so soon. She says that this night, above others, there is much she would say to him. Bruce says that they attack at dawn. He says that she should rest and tells her to try and sleep.

Outside the Queen’s tent, Torla approaches Hulk. He says that he knows the Queen’s mind well and that it seethes with concern. He says that once the hand of the gods took him from her, and that no one knows what the morrow will bring. He says that she would have one night of happiness. Bruce says that she wants Torla to marry them. He says that he knows and that it tempts him. He says that he wants happiness too, but not for one night. Bruce says that he has had that, and that the hurt that follows when it turns to ashes. He says that Jarella deserves something better and that can only come when the battle ends and there is peace.

Daybreak and Bruce exits his tent. A messenger says that it is to be their champion against Visis’ champion, and that whoever triumphs decides the battle and the war. Bruce says that if he didn’t know any better that he would swear Visis had seen too many movies. Bruce says that corny or not that it would save a lot of lives. Jarella says that Visis doesn’t have a man that is Bruce’s equal and that he plans treachery. She says that they will carry the say without such a risk. Bruce asks if they can tell that to a widow or an orphan. He says that he is going.

Krylar and Visis watch Hulk approach. Krylar says that they judged their man well. Visis says that his skin may be green like theirs, but that he is not a man… only a misshapen brute. Bruce calls out to Visis. He says that he knows it won’t be Visis, but to send out whoever he has. Bruce says that they are holding his breakfast back at the camp. Visis says that they have this for him. The machine fills the doorway. Bruce realizes that it was a trap, but that the ray isn’t hurting him. Out of the center of the rays, the savage Hulk appears. Bruce says that it can’t be. The savage Hulk says, “You! Who are you? You have Hulk’s face… but speak with voice of puny Bruce Banner! And Hulk hates Bruce Banner!” The savage Hulk hits Bruce. Hulk says that he hates him enough to smash him and kill him. The Hulk from Bruce’s fears is totally free… unchecked by the small strain of Bruce’s personality. He’s berserk. He hits Bruce again with both fists to Bruce’s back. He kicks Bruce in the chest and knocks him to the ground. The savage Hulk is on Bruce and is about to pound Bruce, but Bruce flips him over. Hulk says that hurt him and made him mad. Hulk says that the madder he gets the stronger he gets. Hulk charges into Bruce again and knocks him to the ground. He wraps his hands around Bruce’s throat and says that now Hulk with Banner’s voice dies. Bruce’s arms flail wildly as his world swims around him.

Jarella spots what is happening. She understands and tells Torla that they need to form the sorcerers’ triad swiftly. She says that the spell that they first cast to let Hulk understand their language also gave Hulk Bruce’s mind. She says that if they were to revert him to the way he was when he first came to their world that he might have a chance against his foe. The sorcerers begin their chant.

The Hulk has Bruce over his head. Bruce thinks to himself that he is dead and that there is no way to break free. He feels something touching his mind and suddenly the savage Hulk is gone. “Bruce” falls to the ground, but he is no longer Bruce Banner… he is the savage Hulk. Hulk asks where the one he was fighting has gone. The Hulk knows no fear and so is unopposed.

Visis asks Krylar what treachery this is. He says that victory was theirs and asks what base treachery made him turn off the machine. Krylar calls Visis a simpleton and says that the weapon still functions. Visis says that he would be a fool to think that the monster suddenly no longer possessed any fear. He says that he thinks that Krylar has betrayed him to Jarella, and that he must die for it. Krylar calls to him men and says that Visis has gone mad. Visis stabs Krylar with his sword and says that his guards dispatched his men while he was manning the machine. He says that he may have prematurely anticipated his treachery, but that he didn’t disappoint him.

Hulk asks where the foe that looked like him went. Hulk leaps toward the big house remembering enemies from there, but as he leaps toward the big house he starts to grow. Pym’s unstable formula is starting to wear off. As Hulk lands from his leap he smashes through the top of a mountain. Jarella runs toward the gigantic Hulk and says that this can’t be happening again. She says that she must not lose him as she did before. Torla says that it is beyond their helping and that the Hulk is growing with such erratic force. Hulk’s head is literally in the clouds. He looks down at Jarella and says that he has searched for her, but that now that he has found her that it is only to lose her again. For a second Hulk can still see Jarella. A tear rolls down her face as Hulk grows and grows. Hulk is so large that as he is thrust into the void his foot knocks the planet from its orbit and he doesn’t even feel the jolt.

Hulk returns to Earth. His memory seemingly seems to have been wiped clean save for a dimly perceived sense of loss. A tear rolls down the Hulk’s cheek.It is a shame,that the Hulk couldn't stay there on Jarella's World,as could on Sakaar.
"Planet Hulk" is a Marvel Comics storyline that ran primarily through issues of The Incredible Hulk started in 2006. It dealt primarily with the Marvel heroes' decision to send the Hulk away, his acclimation to and conquest of the planet where he landed, and his efforts to return to Earth to take his revenge.
No Excuses rating: 9 out of 10
This issue has it all. Hulk finds Jarella again and for one of the few times in their lives Bruce and the Hulk are at peace. And yet Krylar’s machine reveals and makes real Bruce’s worst fear… a savage Hulk. It’s Hulk against Hulk and Bruce is in big trouble. Betty is seemingly engaged to Glenn Talbot and Bruce is without Jarella. Herb Trimpe does another great job with the art. Hulk against Hulk is a monumental occasion. 4 out of 5 for the art.

Review and pictures by The Leader




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