
Friday, November 18, 2011


(Even) worse than John Jakes' Brak the Barbarian.

two books in the "Llarn" series; five books about the barbarian swordsman Kothar (starting in 1969 with the anthology Kothar—Barbarian Swordsman[16]) and four books about the adventures of "Kyrik," starting with Warlock Warrior (1975).[1 Comic book hack Gardner F Fox applies his dubious talents to sword & sorcery to cash in on the success of the Conan paperbacks.
Titles Order
Kothar: Barbarian swordsman by Gardner F. Fox Book 1
Kothar of the Magic Sword by Gardner F. Fox Book 2
Kothar and the wizard slayer by Gardner F. Fox Book 3
Kothar and the Demon Queen by Gardner F. Fox Book 4
Kothar and the Conjurer's Curse by Fox Gardner F
Kothar the Cumberian. With a name like that you might suspect that this character is a Conan knockoff. Well, in this case, if you thought that, you would pretty much suspect-o correct-o.

He leads a defensive force against an invading wizard and narrowly loses.

One difference is that he has a magic sword. A lich offers it to him to use to save the queen whose army has just been destroyed. He'd rather keep the sword than have the princedom she offers him for rescuing her wizard.

He also gets paid to go treasure hunting, and finds a minotaur, and deals with a witch woman in a wood, and actually gets to go sword to sword with a sorcerous baron.

The 17 Most Awesome Sword-And-Sorcery Movies Ever Made

Here is my list...although some mayt not agree that a few of these films do not fall under the GENRE of Sword and's list based on my humble opinion....lets have some folks share their own favorites.
DROP and give me 20!

1-Conan the barbarian 1982.If Conan is number one and not a very good portrayal,whats that say about the rest ?

2-Conan the Destroyer

3-Conan the barbarian 3D 2011

4-Sword and the sorcerer

5-Death Stalker-a piece of shit,one has to go to prison to see.Yes,it is that bad.



8-LOTR trilogy ( Counts as one )

9-Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger

10-The Vikings starring Kirk Douglas

11-Prince Valiant starring Robert Wagner

12-Jason and the Argonauts (Harryhausen )

13-Hawk the slayer

14-Fugitive from the empire – TV movie


16-the 13th warrior


19-Rob Roy

Brak The Barbarian

main image

Real Name: Brak

Identity/Class: Human;
citizenship: Unidentified region/nation in the north of a parallel Earth in an extradimensional realm (Earth-73012).

Occupation: Traveler, mercenary

Group Membership: None

Affiliations: Friar Jerome, Jonel, Tyresias

Enemies: Ariane, Darters, Septegundus, Valena, Yob-Haggoth

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Mobile;
active in several towns and nations whose level of civilization is similar to the one during the early Roman Empire, Earth-73012.

First Appearance: Chamber of Chills#2 (January, 1973);
reprinted in Savage Tales#5 (July, 1974);
{for Italian readers: Thor#78/4 Editoriale Corno (9 aprile 1974)}

Powers/Abilities: Brak was a strong and courageous man, able to use a broadsword and to ride a horse. He did not have superhuman or supernatural abilities, but his natural physical skill and his training put him over the average of the warriors of his era. He was used to living in cold lands and could bear low temperatures even only wearing an animal skin around his waist.

Weaknesses: His sense of honor and charity put him in situations of disadvantage against tricky, sinister and evil encounters. However, his instinct let him perceive hidden danger and counteract them.
head shot

History: (Savage Tales I#7/2 (fb) - BTS) - Brak lived in the north. He was strong, blonde, stout and correct as many of his people, but unlike them, he didn't worship the gods of war. Brak didn't worship any god.
One day, a wandering shaman passing from Brak's village told him about the rest of the world, and in particular, about the golden city of Khurdisan under a golden sun. Brak was dazzled from visions of rich kingdoms and cities, and in him the desire for the golden city grew strong. So, when Brak's people banished him for his blasphemy, Brak knew where to go, and started his long trek to south, dreaming about Khurdisan.

The tail(Savage Tales I#7/2) - When Brak reached the Ice Marches he saw, for the very first time in his life, a city, Kamda Kai, capital city. The clash with the civilization was nauseating and fetid and became even worse when he met the worshippers of an abominable god, Yob-Haggoth.
During the night, tricked by a sinister beggar who proclaimed the death of the nameless god, Brak found himself surrounded by a group of dreadful, apparently blind children, acolytes of Yob-Haggoth, who called themselves Darters. Brak's status as an unbeliever of any god made him interesting for the group of silver-eyed boys, so when he firmly refused their offer to bow to their god, he found out that the hellish youths had chosen him as sacrificial victim for Yob-Haggoth. Brak unsheathed his broadsword only to be crippled by the sparkling power of the children, who launched silver streams of light to Brak. His skin was so stung by myriads of lances of fire that he almost became blind for the pain. Still fighting against the burning light, Brak was pushed in a vast courtyard and managed to slam the door, cutting the demonic boys out. A woman of fascinating beauty welcomed, smiling, an admiring Brak, but the real surprise was the hellboy after the woman thanking and calling her Ariane. The darter boy's fingers flashed again and this time the painful light brought darkness to Brak.
Brak was transported through the snowy land outside the city, then, after few hours, awakened in a prison, his body frozen, his mind still astonished, but somehow aware that an awful creature, with two red, huge, multi-faceted eyes, was observing him from his lair in the thick webs stuck to the ceiling. The creature became a glowing sphere, floating down, approaching Brak's immobilized body. When the pulsating light faded, Ariane appeared, her eyes full of lust and desire for the barbarian. While sliding into unconsciousness, two voices commented his soul's atrocious fate.

(Savage Tales I#8/2) - At his sudden awakening, Brak met the other two prisoners: Friar Jerome, a believer of the unnamed god, and Tyresias, he who once believed. Brak was the third of the triad, the unbeliever. Brak learnt that their common fate was to be slain at dawn, in a rite intended to transfer Yob-Haggoth's power to his emissary: Septegundus, a wizard and Ariane's father. Brak learnt that Tyresias, too, had been chosen by Ariane, in the past, and that she had stolen his soul and his eyes. But the talking among the prisoners didn't last long, a glowing sphere appeared and engulfed Brak, transporting him outside the temple-idol, till Brak awakened again in the skies, on a chariot led by Ariane and hauled through the clouds by a couple of hell horses.
During the ride, Ariane offered to spare Brak's life, in change of his soul. She tempted Brak with the vision of Khurdisan the Golden, and Brak was almost bonded to the girl's beauty. But, even if the barbarian didn't understand what was his soul, even if he didn't realize he even had a soul, he knew that the price was too high; he took heed of the taste of evil and rot coming from his instinct, rejecting the offer. Ariane, trusting in the human weaknesses, donated a necklace to Brak. With it, he could summon her simply by whispering her name, and she was sure that he would do it in the moment of his sacrifice.
Brak awakened from darkness, again in company of Tyresias and Friar Jerome. This time, laying on the sacrificial altar, watching a revolting sorcerer approaching and exulting: Septegundus! A barbarian's rage coursed through his veins, and Brak shook of the weakness which crippled his body and jumped on the sorcerer, hitting him then reaching his broadsword. He could then wreak his revulsion upon the Darters surrounding him, spreading death, panic and chaos. Septegundus, however, continued his summoning chant, and a rain of toads, lizards, rats and spiders fell from the scarlet skies: the stone idol of Yab-Haggoth then came to life! Kicking and slashing, Brak made his way to the stone statue, and while the chest of the idol was glowing of a scarlet light, Brak sunk the blade in it. The living flesh turned stone, as the idol of Yob-Haggoth had been slain. Septegundus grabbed the sacrificial dagger, pointing at Brak's chest, ready to launch it. Brak, instead, grabbed Ariane's necklace and shouted her name. The beautiful Daughter of Hell appeared instantaneously before Brak, ready to kiss him, but the kiss she received was a cold, metallic one, from the enchanted dagger thrown by her father. She fell, Septegundus shouted his rage, and a thunder from the sky shattered the idol into pieces and powder. Still stunned, Brak saw Septegundus walking away carrying his slain daughter, and he heard a voice in his mind, a promise, that at the end of his road in Khurdisan, he would have been there.
Refusing Friar Jerome's stone-cross, Brak left alone.

The dragon(Chamber of Chills#2 (fb) - BTS) - More to south, in more temperate regions, Brak was hired by the people of a village to kill the dragon which sometime raided the village. Warned that the dragon was cursed and that steel wasn't enough to kill it, the villagers suggested to Brak to seek Valena, an old woman who hated them, but who was also a witch.

(Chamber of Chills#2) - Valena accepted Brak's coins and taught him the way to bypass the spell of the dragon, and kill it forever. Waiting for the midday of the day after, Brak spent the rest of the day with Jonel, the village chief's daughter. He also had her warn her people that nobody was to be present when he had killed the dragon, or the spell of the dragon would have renewed.
Near midday, under a stifling, torrid sun, riding his white horse through the valley of the dragon, Brak sensed the monster's presence: the ground thundered under the beast's steps and air was pregnant of its awful breath stench. Meanwhile, in her temple, Valena the witch started to spell her enchantment. The horrible cursed creature appeared before Brak, taller than three men. Roaring, it approached Brak, who, with a single, desperate shove, hit the creature's chest, killing it.
Brak didn't rejoiced, he was told by the witch that her enchantment would have forced him to kill any person who had been seen by his eyes, in the hour after the kill, so stood still before the dragon, firmly staring at it. Suddenly, Jonel's voice had him turn back and look at her.
Less than an hour later, Brak was again in Valena's temple, a bandage on his eyes. Valena recognized the band, it was the waist-band used by Jonel. Brak took it off and Valena understood that her enchantment was still effective and that Brak was there to kill her. She tried to invoke Yob-Haggoth but Brak's blade was faster than her words of sorcery.
Outside the house, Jonel waited for Brak, thanking the fate, because the sun, before, had blinded Brak when he had looked at her. Brak left the village with a doubt: was the witch's enchantment which helped him to kill the dragon, or was it only his arm?

Comments: Brak was created John Jakes.
Adapted to comics by John Jakes (plot), Dan Adkins (script), Val Mayerik (pencils), Joe Sinnott (inks).

Brak wore a lion skin with a tail, a little uneasy during a fight.

The story in Chambers of Chills is very similar to the legend of the Worm of Lambton. Here are some elements:

* a monster, a giant reptyle, raided the country around a village;
* a warrior decided to fight the monster;
* the warrior asked for help to an old sorceress;
* the sorceress gave him a suggestion about the weapon to use;
* the sorceress put a curse over him; he could dispel the curse only killing the first living being the warrior had seen after having killed the monster;
* the living being planned to be killed was not the first living being seen by the warrior.

Brak the Barbarian first appeared in the magazine Fantastic by Ziff-Davis with some novels:

* Devils in the Walls (1963);
* When the Idols Walked (1964).

Fan fiction depicting Brak vs. the ManwormSome books dedicated to him are

* Brak the Barbarian (Avon, 1968);
* Brak the Barbarian vs. the Sorceress (Paperback Library, 1969);
* Brak the Barbarian vs. the Mark of Demons (Paperback Library, 1969)
* The Fortunes of Brak (1980).

As far as I know, there is not an official chronology of Brak's stories or a map of his world. An attempt to put an order in his wanderings can be found at this site.
I only read a little part of his stories, such as "The Sorceress" and "Ghoul's Garden" (Flashing Swords#1 or #2, 1979), which can be chronologically placed after "Devils in the Walls". Here is a little summary.

(The Barge of Souls) - Brak saved a young woman from the waters of the river Phrixos. The black haired woman, Rhea, was the heir to the throne of Phrixos and Brak also defended her from the usurpers. He worked for half year in the caves of granite of the Great City, and when gathered enough money, had the Shield of the Horned Lady rebuilt. It was a gift for Rhea, the woman he had loved. But the two separated, Rhea joined to her people and Brak resumed his journey to Khurdisan.

(The Sorceress) - Brak was forced by an unnatural landslide to passing through the lands of Strann, the Mountains of the Four Winds. There, he saved a girld from the Manworm and was hired by lord Strann to fight against Nordica, the wicked daughter of a disappeared alchemist, and her demon-dog. Brak saved Pemma, Strann's son, and was captured by the sorceress, Nordica. After killing the Manworm and founding the mad alchemist, Brak, with the help of another follower of the nameless god, managed to defeat the sorceress who was revealed to be only a body possessed by Ariane, back from hell, thanks to her father's powers.

(Devils in the Walls (fb)) - Brak passed through the City of Gems in Quran, in the desert of Logol. Wounded, managed to flee from the city in flames.
The old Hadrios and his daughter cured him for a month, in Samerind. Even weakened, Brak dedided to leave. In his weakened status Brak was attacked by slavers led by Zaldeb. He managed to kill three of them but he was finally captured.

(Devils in the Walls) - Mirande, daughter of Hamur, dead Prince of the Thousand Fangs, bought Brak and convinced him to search Hamur's treasure. The treasure, lying in the broken manor had been cursed by a wizard killed by Hamur, and was defended by Hamur's leopards and demons. The citizens knew of the treasure, but who tried to steal anything from the castle never returned. Brak accepted, in exchange of his freedom.
Friar Benedic, a Nestorian, tried to convince him not to enter, but Miranda forced Brak to do it. In the castle, Brak had to fight against the tentacular fogs. He gashed the Nestorian cross on the walls and forced back the curse to possess the six leopards. Brak killed them all defeating the curse. The castle crumbled. In the debris, Brak picked up seven pieces of the treasure and presented the Nestorian with them. Miranda was killed by Zaldeb. Yorah the Bull and the villagers run to search teh rest of the treasure and Brak left the village with Yorah's horse.

(Ghoul's Garden) - Three moons after, Brak met a couple of travelers, Friar Hektor of the order of Nestoriamus and Shana, a girl who had a dangerous admirer. The admirer was the son of a powerful wizard, and Brak would save her from the "Ghoul's" lusting desire entering in his "garden in the magic carpet".

(Storm in a Bottle) - Not far from the Eastern Mountains which passes led to south, believed to be one of the Sons of the Smoke, Brak was captured in the land of Magnus. A kingdom where Magnus, the Crusher of the World, battled the Sons of the Smoke, a kingdom which a curse denied rain and water. To have his life spared, Brak had to accept a pact with the king: to break the curse, to open the skies and to bring the rain. Almost finding a friend in Captain Xeraph, Brak's investigations let him guess the real identity of Ool, the court shaman, and his schemes. Almost betraying Xearph's trust, Brak fled and sneaked into Ool's mansion, where he had to kill some of his lackeys and also had to fight the eunuch shaman and his illusions. Brak succeeded in freeing the "storm in the bottle" and in killing Ool. But he did not gain freedom.

Profile by Spidermay.

Brak the Barbarian has no known connections to:

* Major Brackett, World War II, US Army, killed by Col. Walker Price when he took command of Camp Cathart, @ Truth: Red, White, & Black#2
* or any other "barbarian" character.

Jonel has no known connections to

* Jor-el, Kryptonian, father of Kal-el of the DC Universe
* or any other character with a similar name.

Valena has no known connections to:

* Valiana, of the Hyborian era, slain by Conan in the form of a lion, @ Savage Sword of Conan#69
* Velanna of Weirdworld, elf, partner of Tyndall, @ Marvel Premiere #38
* Velanna Bride of Dracula, @
* Velena-Than, Galadorian, High Command, Commander-in-Chief of Vanguard, @ Spaceknights#4
* Venom, Edward "Eddie" Charles Brock, Spider-Man's foe, @ Web of Spider-Man#18
* Venomm, Horatio Walters, former ally of Killmonger, later allied with Black Panther after reformed by Taku, @ Jungle Action#7
* or any other "barbarian" character.



Jonel was a normal girl, daugter of the village chief. She met Brak when he passed through the village in his trek to Knurdisan and was attracted by him.
She cared Brak, and waited for him when he visited Valena, knowing that the witch was evil, and dangerous. Brak warned her that Valena's enchantement would have empowered his blade, but would also have forced him to kill anyone seen by him in the hour after the death of the dragon, so Jonel informed her father and all the other villagers.

The day after, while Brak was riding in the valley of the dragon, Valena went to Jonel's house and, lying, told her that the barbarian was seriously wounded and needed her help. Jonel run to the valley regardless of the monster and the curse. She shouted at Brak, who, surprised, looked at her but, fortunately, was blinded by the sun, and the spell didn't trigger the homicide effect. Swiftly, the barbarian grabbed Jonel's waist-band and covered his eyes, then let Jonel lead him to the witch's lair.
There, Jonel saw Brak enter in the house and heard the old woman scream: the enchantement worked.

Brak continued his trek to for Knurdisan, and Jonel remained to her village.

--Chamber of Chills#2


Valena was an old woman, well-known to be a witch. She worshipped the Unnameable God, Yob-Haggoth. Her powers were mostly unknown, but surely could she perform some enchantements and sorceries, invoking Yob-Haggoth's name, involving evil actions, blood and homicide.

Valena lived in a temple-house of stone, a little far from a little village. She hated the young beautiful women, and sometime performed evil actions against them. She wore a medallion depicting a four-eyed, four-tentacled head, which image was also on the circular glass window of her temple.

One day, a barbarian named Brak, led to her house by Jonel, the village chief's beautiful daughter, asked Valena's help to kill a dragon. Valena knew about the spell of the dragon, and accepted half of the barbarian's hire, to help him killing the cursed monster. She revealed to Brak that steel wasn't enough to kill the dragon, and that even if the monster had been slain, it could rose again, if his killer would have seen another person in an hour after the kill. So, the sword and the sorcery had to act together. They agreed to act at midday of the day after. Brak left, but Valena plotted something more... somehow, she knew about the friendship relation among Jonel and Brak.

The day after, before midday, Valena went to Jonel's father's house telling to the girl that Brak had been wounded and needed her help, luring Jonel to run to the valley of the dragon. To fulfil the second part of her plan, Valena went back to her temple and invoked Yob-Haggoth, casting her spell, which had to give Brak's sword the power to slay the dragon (perhaps) and also had to force Brak to kill everybody his eye posed their sigth upon, till an hour after the monster's death. Thus, Valena had tricked Brak, who was supposed to kill the girl when she would have showed up on the scene of the fight.
Less than an hour later, Valena saw Brak on the sill of her house. The barbarian had a red bandage on his eyes, and while she recognized that it was the girl's waist-band, she also realized that Brak was tooking it off, and that the girl wasn't dead and that the first person to be seen by the enchanted Brak's eyes was herself! Sudden fear and rage filled Valena, who invoked Yob-Haggoth to destroy that man. A whirl, a presence started concretizing... but the barbarian's sword was faster than her (or was it the spell?). Valena's death scream reached Jonel's ears outside the temple, and the summoned presence vanished.

--Chamber of Chills#2

images: (without ads)
Savage Tales I#7/2, p1, pan1 (Logo)
Chamber of Chills#2, p2, pan4 (main image)
Chamber of Chills#2, p8, pan1 (head shot)
Savage Tales I#7/2, p4, pan3 (Brak, back view)
Chamber of Chills#2, p5, pan3 (Dragon)
Fan fiction drawing (Brak vs. the Manworm)
Chamber of Chills#2, p8, pan6 (Jonel)
Chamber of Chills#2, p1, pan1 (Valena)

Savage Tales I#7 (November, 1974) - John Jakes (plot), Doug Moench (script), Steve Gan (pencils and inks)
Savage Tales I#8 (January, 1975) - John Jakes (plot), Doug Moench (script), Steve Gan (pencils and inks)

Last updated: 03/27/08

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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All other characters mentioned or pictured are ™ and © 1941-2099 Marvel Characters, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you like this stuff, you should check out the real thing!
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Science fiction and fantasy
[edit] Brak the Barbarian series

* Brak the Barbarian (1968)
* Brak the Barbarian: The Mark of the Demons (1969)
* Brak the Barbarian: The Sorceress (1969)
* Brak: When Idols Walked (1978)
* The Fortunes of Brak (1980)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Incredible Hulk vol. 2 #156“Holocaust at the Heart of the Atom!”

Incredible Hulk vol. 2 #156

Title: “Holocaust at the Heart of the Atom!”

Writer: Archie Goodwin

Penciller: Herb Trimpe

Inker: Sal Trapani

Editor: Roy Thomas

Hulk’s trip through the sub-atomic cosmos stops. Though the Hulk’s body stands among vegetation, it is Bruce Banner’s brain that says, “M-my thoughts, my speech…! I still have the Hulk’s body, but… with Bruce Banner’s mind! How can it be? Unless … this world is Jarella’s world! And the spell cast to make me understand the language, to function this way… is still in effect!”

Bruce says that it took Pym’s size-reduction serum, the power of the Shaper, and a lot of strife from the big black beyond. Bruce says to return to the one place where both he and the Hulk peacefully co-existed was worth it. Bruce says that this time he is there to stay. Bruce says that he will remember and miss Betty, Jim Wilson, and the others that tried to help the Hulk, but that they will be happier free of the shadow of the Hulk. Bruce says that if this trail leads where he thinks it leads, to a city called K’ai and a woman named Jarella, that maybe some of that happiness will come his way. Bruce recognizes the spot where the Hulk battled the Warthos. He looks down to the city of K’ai and finds it destroyed.

Sky rider’s silhouettes cross the moon’s bright face. One swoops down and spears the Hulk from behind. He tells the others to join him and that K’ai’s ruins yield another traitor to Lord Visis. He says that all of Jarella’s followers are the same in that they have no taste for battle. Bruce tells “Baldy” that he caught him short. He says that he forgot who he was and what he’d become. Hulk hits the rider. Bruce says that a few hits to the head tend to remind you. He says that Bruce Banner’s civilized mind not withstanding that he is still very much the Hulk. Hulk upends one of the flying beasts. Bruce says that he won’t forget it ever again. The other sky riders flee and Bruce asks them if they suddenly remembered a previous engagement. Bruce thinks to himself that while it is fun for him to harass some bad guys that it doesn’t face the big problem.
Bruce wonders what is happening on this planet that he was so happy to return to. Bruce says that there was a war between Jarella and Visis. He says that he should have remembered that from Jarella’s visit to Earth. Bruce says that it seems the war has ended for the worse. Bruce hears footsteps behind him. He turns ready for battle again, but this time he only finds a happy Torla.

Torla asks Bruce Banner if he doesn’t remember the Chief Sorcerer of their gracious lady. Bruce embraces Torla and says that before they talk about anything else that he wants to know what has happened to Jarella. Torla says that Bruce asks him to speak of shameful situations. Torla motions to the few around him and says that this motley band and a scattered few others are all that remains of K’ai’s legions. Torla says that the Queen has been taken by the wreaker of this havoc. Bruce says, “Visis!” Torla says that he holds her in his mountain stronghold.

In Visis’ mountain stronghold, Visis asks Jarella is refusing him again. He says that he grows weary of this game. Jarella says to end it and her life as well. Jarella says that she chooses death over marrying Visis and legitimizing his usurping her throne. Visis says that the only choices that exist in this matter are his to make. He tells her to come on a walk with her.

Visis shows Jarella the dungeons and says that they are not as nice as hers. He says that all within were once her subjects and that they will all be put the death with her next refusal. Visis says that this isn’t the only pit either. He says that some of them have women and children in them. He says that with every no she gives him that he will empty another one. He says that a yes will free all of them. Jarella cries and says that she will be his bride, but that the dowry she brings is a bitter one. She says that her dowry is hatred and contempt for him as well as laughter for the day he draws his final breath.

Back on Earth at the beach, Betty says that she needed this time to relax and think about her and about Bruce. She tells Glenn that she is glad that he took some leave time to join her. Glenn says that he is sorry it couldn’t be longer, but that before they return to the base that there is something he must ask her, but that he is worried it is too soon after what happened to Banner.

Betty says that even before everyone gave up Bruce as lost that everything seemed to change between them… maybe permanently. Glenn says, “Betty, des that mean…?” Betty says that it means that what is past is past. She says that she doesn’t regret what she almost had with Bruce, but that it’s time to think of the future and that if that future means marriage for the two of them. Glen says that it does. Glenn and Betty kiss.

Back on Jarella’s world, Bruce spots a group of warthos and leaps into them. Hulk starts smacking them around until he gets to the leader of the pack. Bruce grabs the warthos’ tusk and pins it against the ground.

Hours pass. At the palace, Jarella enters dressed in her wedding gown. Before she gets close enough to hear, Visis tells the guards to recapture or kill all the prisoners that were released that morning. Visis compliments Jarella on her beauty. He says that in the dungeons that he may have been overly political, but that for all his rough and ready ways that he is not blind to beauty.
Tears toll down Jarella’s face. Visis says that she will come to love him. Jarella says that Visis kept his end of the bargain releasing the prisoners. She says that she will keep her end. Suddenly the entire hall starts to tremble. Hulk bursts through the courtyard wall on the back of the lead Warthos. Other Warthos follow behind them. Bruce leans down and scoops up Jarella. Jarella calls Bruce her champion and her love. She starts to ask how he got there, but Bruce says that it is a long story and that they are too busy for the telling. He says that now that they are back together that they have a world to win back.

In the days that follow there are battles that minstrels will sing songs about. The legions of troops are inspired and are ready to take up lances against tyrants.

A man tells Torla that the spells of his adepts have broken the defensive enchantment placed by Lord Visis on the river Elb. Torla says Bruce Banner’s attack force may strike the traitor’s flank by ship. He says that Visis will have no option but retreat.

Jarella stands with Bruce before the soldiers. She tells them that they have fought well and with fine purpose. She says that before the night is out that they will make camp before Castle Visis and wage their final battle. The men hail Jarella and hail Hulk.

Elsewhere, Visis rides in his chariot with Corsairs. He tells Corsairs to be ready to sail the instant he stands on the deck. He says that the war, and Corsairs’ head, depends on it. He says that they will be sailing east to Pitill Pawob… the isle of assassins.

Pitill Pawob was once a continent. Now all but a tip of it has sunk beneath the waves. It is the planet’s oldest civilization… pre-dating magic when technology reigned.

At Pitill Pawob, Visis asks Krylar, steward of all assassins, why he hesitates at what he suggests. Krylar says that maybe he is thinking of the Pawob division Visis once had and managed to lose. He says that the skilled assassins and their irreplaceable weapons were lost. He says that chiefly his offer to them disturbs him. He says that for them to become full allies is intriguing, but that it smacks of a defeated man grasping at his last straw of hope. Visis tells Krylar that he is arrogant. He asks him how he thinks he and his mercenaries will fare. He asks who in Jarella’s world of peace will hire them when she and her invincible man monster the Hulk insures that peace will go forever unbroken.
Krylar says that it is a point well made, but says that it does raise another obstacle of such an alliance. He says that there is truth in Visis calling Hulk invincible. He tells Visis to come with him to the reconstruction ships. He says that he would have his opinion. Krylar says that Visis is familiar with their force blasters and levitational bands, but that if those things could stop the Hulk that he wouldn’t be there. Krylar shows Visis a machine that was found amid an ancient city a century ago. He says that it has taken that long to learn its purpose and make it function. Visis says that he has never seen so mighty an engine. He asks Krylar what the instrument is. Krylar tells Visis to stand where he is. He says that he will demonstrate what none outside these walls have witnessed.
Krylar pushes a button and a giant serpent beast appears to Visis. Visis says that it is the very image of the monster the nearly slew him as a child. He says that it couldn’t exist in a climate like this, but that he can feel its breath. Visis calls out in the name of all demons for someone to save him. Krylar says that he will. He says that Visis has stood where few men could. He says that wasn’t some mere monster, but something that has long haunted him. He says that it is what he fears the most and that is the machine’s power.
It can take any being’s ultimate fear and give it life. Visis reaches out to where the serpent was and says that it vanishes as though it were never there. Krylar says that it was, and that it was quite capable of destroying him. Visis says that such sorcery could defeat any foe… even the Hulk. Krylar says that it was technology, not sorcery, but that was the opinion that he wanted to hear. Krylar and Visis shake hands as they become allies. Krylar thinks that they will be allies until victory and wonders why Visis should rule when the Pitil Pawob could do it better.

Visis and Krylar return to Visis’ keep just before Jarella, Hulk, and the others arrive to make camp. Jarella asks Bruce if he has to leave her side so soon. She says that this night, above others, there is much she would say to him. Bruce says that they attack at dawn. He says that she should rest and tells her to try and sleep.

Outside the Queen’s tent, Torla approaches Hulk. He says that he knows the Queen’s mind well and that it seethes with concern. He says that once the hand of the gods took him from her, and that no one knows what the morrow will bring. He says that she would have one night of happiness. Bruce says that she wants Torla to marry them. He says that he knows and that it tempts him. He says that he wants happiness too, but not for one night. Bruce says that he has had that, and that the hurt that follows when it turns to ashes. He says that Jarella deserves something better and that can only come when the battle ends and there is peace.

Daybreak and Bruce exits his tent. A messenger says that it is to be their champion against Visis’ champion, and that whoever triumphs decides the battle and the war. Bruce says that if he didn’t know any better that he would swear Visis had seen too many movies. Bruce says that corny or not that it would save a lot of lives. Jarella says that Visis doesn’t have a man that is Bruce’s equal and that he plans treachery. She says that they will carry the say without such a risk. Bruce asks if they can tell that to a widow or an orphan. He says that he is going.

Krylar and Visis watch Hulk approach. Krylar says that they judged their man well. Visis says that his skin may be green like theirs, but that he is not a man… only a misshapen brute. Bruce calls out to Visis. He says that he knows it won’t be Visis, but to send out whoever he has. Bruce says that they are holding his breakfast back at the camp. Visis says that they have this for him. The machine fills the doorway. Bruce realizes that it was a trap, but that the ray isn’t hurting him. Out of the center of the rays, the savage Hulk appears. Bruce says that it can’t be. The savage Hulk says, “You! Who are you? You have Hulk’s face… but speak with voice of puny Bruce Banner! And Hulk hates Bruce Banner!” The savage Hulk hits Bruce. Hulk says that he hates him enough to smash him and kill him. The Hulk from Bruce’s fears is totally free… unchecked by the small strain of Bruce’s personality. He’s berserk. He hits Bruce again with both fists to Bruce’s back. He kicks Bruce in the chest and knocks him to the ground. The savage Hulk is on Bruce and is about to pound Bruce, but Bruce flips him over. Hulk says that hurt him and made him mad. Hulk says that the madder he gets the stronger he gets. Hulk charges into Bruce again and knocks him to the ground. He wraps his hands around Bruce’s throat and says that now Hulk with Banner’s voice dies. Bruce’s arms flail wildly as his world swims around him.

Jarella spots what is happening. She understands and tells Torla that they need to form the sorcerers’ triad swiftly. She says that the spell that they first cast to let Hulk understand their language also gave Hulk Bruce’s mind. She says that if they were to revert him to the way he was when he first came to their world that he might have a chance against his foe. The sorcerers begin their chant.

The Hulk has Bruce over his head. Bruce thinks to himself that he is dead and that there is no way to break free. He feels something touching his mind and suddenly the savage Hulk is gone. “Bruce” falls to the ground, but he is no longer Bruce Banner… he is the savage Hulk. Hulk asks where the one he was fighting has gone. The Hulk knows no fear and so is unopposed.

Visis asks Krylar what treachery this is. He says that victory was theirs and asks what base treachery made him turn off the machine. Krylar calls Visis a simpleton and says that the weapon still functions. Visis says that he would be a fool to think that the monster suddenly no longer possessed any fear. He says that he thinks that Krylar has betrayed him to Jarella, and that he must die for it. Krylar calls to him men and says that Visis has gone mad. Visis stabs Krylar with his sword and says that his guards dispatched his men while he was manning the machine. He says that he may have prematurely anticipated his treachery, but that he didn’t disappoint him.

Hulk asks where the foe that looked like him went. Hulk leaps toward the big house remembering enemies from there, but as he leaps toward the big house he starts to grow. Pym’s unstable formula is starting to wear off. As Hulk lands from his leap he smashes through the top of a mountain. Jarella runs toward the gigantic Hulk and says that this can’t be happening again. She says that she must not lose him as she did before. Torla says that it is beyond their helping and that the Hulk is growing with such erratic force. Hulk’s head is literally in the clouds. He looks down at Jarella and says that he has searched for her, but that now that he has found her that it is only to lose her again. For a second Hulk can still see Jarella. A tear rolls down her face as Hulk grows and grows. Hulk is so large that as he is thrust into the void his foot knocks the planet from its orbit and he doesn’t even feel the jolt.

Hulk returns to Earth. His memory seemingly seems to have been wiped clean save for a dimly perceived sense of loss. A tear rolls down the Hulk’s cheek.It is a shame,that the Hulk couldn't stay there on Jarella's World,as could on Sakaar.
"Planet Hulk" is a Marvel Comics storyline that ran primarily through issues of The Incredible Hulk started in 2006. It dealt primarily with the Marvel heroes' decision to send the Hulk away, his acclimation to and conquest of the planet where he landed, and his efforts to return to Earth to take his revenge.
No Excuses rating: 9 out of 10
This issue has it all. Hulk finds Jarella again and for one of the few times in their lives Bruce and the Hulk are at peace. And yet Krylar’s machine reveals and makes real Bruce’s worst fear… a savage Hulk. It’s Hulk against Hulk and Bruce is in big trouble. Betty is seemingly engaged to Glenn Talbot and Bruce is without Jarella. Herb Trimpe does another great job with the art. Hulk against Hulk is a monumental occasion. 4 out of 5 for the art.

Review and pictures by The Leader




Black and White Wednesday: Rampaging Hulk + Starlin + Nino= Far Out!

Black and White Wednesday: Rampaging Hulk + Starlin + Nino= Far Out!

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The Christ like Hulk being crusified on Adam Warlocks cross was very memmorable one for my young teenage mind.And story inside wasn't usual Hulk is tricked by somebody/Hulk smash everything done by everyone else at the time.It was the sort of stuff,Jim Starlin was giving us everywhere else,from Captain Marvel,Adam Warlock and Darklon the Mystic,and for the Hulk this was fresh break from traditions-current Marvel might learn that after the Planet Hulk storyline went back the usual Hulk smash everyone,in World War Hulk material.“Holocaust At The Heart Of The Atom!” was one of Marvels early attempts to mix the Hulk with Sword and Sorcery material as was a What If story years later,when the Hulk desided to stay on Jarella's World,as her husband.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Jim Starlin and Alex Nino's Rampaging Hulk

While I've taken shots at some issues of Rampaging Hulk magazine, if there is any one issue that you must have in your collection--surely it is issue #4.

Rampaging Hulk 5 cover painting by Jim Starlin

This beautiful cover painting by Jim Starlin is your first indication that it is very special. The Hulk, held captive on a mystical cross, while a skeleton head spews magic in the foreground. Starlin not only did the cover, but plotted and penciled the lead story inside. Was it inked by Al Milgrom? Steve Leialoha? I say thee nay, true believers!

Starlin Nino opening splash in Rampaging Hulk 4

Alex Nino was the inker for this story. I never would have thought that Nino's inks over Starlin would work, but the combination of the two was wonderful. You can tell that the poses and faces are essentially Starlin, but the details and the world belong to Nino. Look at this opening splash page. That Hulk is unmistakably a Starlin Hulk through a Nino prism. It's like...Starlin on acid. As if he wasn't already cosmically aware!

Jim Starlin Alex Nino collaboration in Rampaging Hulk 5

In the story, a wizard named Chen K'an transports the Hulk to his world, which has been overrun by demon hordes. He needs the Hulk attain a mystical object of power called the Star of Catalax, but he finds the "Hulk smash" persona quite irritating. Chen K'an attempts to merge this personality along with Banner's, and winds up with a wise guy "Mr. Big" Grey Hulk persona. Years before the Peter David arc in Las Vegas, it's great fun as you see this Hulk battle demon hordes.In someways,this another story,that showed the Hulk in a Sword and Story setting,just those Jarella stories did and was a precursurer to the Planet Hulk material much later on.

Jim Starlin Alex Nino double page splash in Rampaging Hulk 5

Starlin's layouts provided the perfect avenue for Nino to showcase his style. Take a look at this double page spread where the Hulk and Chen K'an fight the second wave of demons.

As far as I recall, this was Alex Nino's only collaboration with a notable Marvel artist? Check out Man-Gods From Beyond the Stars if you want more Nino. Nuff said.
Here ya go, Groove-ophiles! The past couple of Black and White Wednesdays have been leading to this: Jim Starlin and Alex Nino's legendary artistic pairing on "The Other Side of Night" from Rampaging Hulk #4 (cover dated August, 1977). One of the greatest fill-in/inventory issues ever, the story was plotted and laid out by Starlin, scripted by John Warner (who at the time was the editor of Marvel's black and white line), and inked/finished by the incomparable Alex Nino.

Two of my favorite artists paired in a once-in-a-lifetime 30 page epic! I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined teaming Starlin with Nino, but man, did their styles ever work well together. You can still see the power of Starlin's figures (as well as their Ditko-esque poses), his mind-bending layouts, and his trade-mark freaky aliens, but Nino gives it all the otherworldly, hallucinatory edge that perfectly complements Starlin's pencils. I'm not gonna explain the whole story (it's another of Starlin's cosmic, self-destructive, end-of-the-world fables); if you wanna read it, pick up the Essential Rampaging Hulk--you'll be glad you did! Nope, I'm just picking out a dozen pages that demonstrate the power and cosmic-awesomeness of the Starlin/Nino team.The stories drawback is is far too short.Jim Starlin does a few story shortcuts to get toward the stories conclusion.Another shame,is the Hulk's relationship Chen K'an is an interesting-all far too breif.You might wanna have a friend nearby so they can put your eyeballs back into their sockets when ya get through!

Friday, May 1, 2009
Rampaging Hulk #4 - Jim Starlin / Alex Nino, Marshall Rogers art, Starlin cover

Rampaging Hulk (magazine) #4, 1977 - Jim Starlin's powerful cover is followed by the story of an alien sorcerer. Alex Nino's inks are are distinctive, but Starlin's pacing and layouts keep the art grounded. Surprisingly the styles of these two artists are extremely compatible, and their two page spread of the Hulk battling aliens is impressive. This comic also includes four single pages by Keith Giffen and a Bloodstone ad by Marshall Rogers.The art was great,but the character stunk. This is 1 of 3 Rampaging Hulk issues with Starlin art and/or covers and number 1 of 1 Rampaging Hulk issues with Nino art and/or covers. See today's posts or more Nino, Starlin, Rampaging Hulk or Incredible Hulk issues. See also this blog's Marshall Rogers checklist, Jim Starlin checklist, Alex Nino checklist, -
Starlin painted cover = ***
"The Other Side of Night" Starlin pencils / Nino inks 28 pages = ****
Bloodstone ad Rogers pencils and inks 1 page = ***

Real Name: Chen K'an
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Universe-7711) extraterrestrial ("Warnlin") Magic-user
Occupation: Sorcerer
Group Membership: Former king of "Warnlin"
Affiliations: Hulk (Bruce Banner);
    formerly unidentified lover
Enemies: Gyrahn and the Behemoths, LyissaTynjo and the Trolls, cannibalsdemonsextradimensional horde
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: The mage
Base of Operations: Currently unrevealed;
    formerly a castle on "Warnlin," (a planet "half a galaxy" away from Earth), Universe-7711
First Appearance: Rampaging Hulk I#4 (August, 1977)

Powers/Abilities: Chen K'an was a powerful sorcerer, able to fire powerful mystic blasts, form shields, open dimensional or space portals, project his astral self, observe distant events, and perform a number of spells. He could access greater power using magic talismans such as the Book of Eternity and the Star of Catalax.

(Rampaging Hulk I#4 (fb)) - "Warnlin" was once "the most magnificent jewel to adorn the crown that is our galaxy." It was a dream world of perfection; its people's every need tended to, leaving their vital energies for exploring higher mind. Chen K'an was the world's king, and he was made whole by his lover. He knew there were dark forces that wished evil upon his kingdom, but it had been so long since they had tried anything that his guard was down. During the deepest astral meditation he had ever achieved, the dark mage Lyissa and her allies struck, severing the divine spinal light that allowed Chen K'an's astral and mundane forms to reunite. For what seemed like eons, he searched the endless astral corridors, at last finding the Book of Eternity. Within it he found the spell by which he could bridge the worlds above and below and recall the cloak of his corporeal form.
    Chen K'an was devastated to find that his world had become a land of savage barbarians, ravaged by mutations and unholy cannibals, and that his lover was dead.

(Rampaging Hulk I#4) - Chen K'an cast a spell, asking the gods to show him what he needed to save "Warnlin." He glimpsed Bruce Banner working in one of his Desert Labs and transported him to his palace, placing Banner's intellect in control of the Hulk's form, though the Hulk retained his brash personality (a close approximation of the gray Hulk), and asked him to help recover the Star of Catalax (and reminding the Hulk he was his only means of returning home). Chen K'am led the Hulk towards her base, Tyroc, explaining his past history en route. They were attacked by a winged demon horde, which the Hulk swiftly dispatched, while Chen K'an conserved his power for the final battle. Continuing on, they encountered a monstrous cannibal, and Chen K'an was so disgusted that he obliterated the cannibal with an energy blast, squandering his power.

    As they approached what was once a beautiful lake, now a dank swamp, and they were assaulted by the behemoth Gyrahn. After Gyrahn punched down the Hulk, Chen K'an tried to use only a small amount of his power against their foe, but found it utterly useless. Ultimately the Hulk pulled Gyrahn into the swamp and apparently slew him. As they approached Tyroc, Lyissa opened a portal and summoned "those who lurk in those black worlds," and -- endless in number, incapable of dying, and unquestioningly obeying Lyissa who controlled the seals (portals?) -- they attacked Chen K'an and the Hulk. The Hulk fought relentlessly, occupying them and allowing Chen K'an to confront Lyissa.
    Though he had led everyone to believe his powers had been stripped, Chen K'an revealed he had just been feigning this so he would not be perceived as a real threat and so he could test Lyissa to see her power; he further explained that he had chosen the Hulk because he was incorruptible and incapable of surrender. Harnessing his might, Chen K'an then slew Lyissa (her last remaining ally, the troll Tynjo, was slain in the blast as well) and then banished the extradimensional hordes to "the dimensions beyond the dimensions."  Chen K'an then led the Hulk to the Star of Catalax and told him that his world was beyond saving, and that he was going to use the Star to obliterate his homeworld to free its soul and let it fly to be born again. Sending the Hulk back home, Chen K'an also restored his normal brutish state, clouding his memory of recent events, though he allowed him to remember that somewhere he had been respected and cherished. Mouthing silent names, Chen K'an then violently melded his mind with the Star of Catalax and then screamed, the force of which spread until it shattered the planet.

Comments: Created by Jim Starlin, John Warner, and Alex Nino.
    This story was part of Bereet's "The Life and Times of the Incredible Hulk," which was a techno-art fiction intended to take place during the early months of the Hulk's existence, shortly after Incredible Hulk I#6. That story parallels reality on Earth-7711.
    I'm tired of characters with apostrophes in their names. It's a distraction while typing.
Profile by Snood.
No KNOWN connections to:
  • Chtylok the Che-K'n Kau - ancient creature formerly dormant in bowels of Monster Isle, worshipped by Fall People, battled Hulk inconclusively, slew Gerald Roth when he attempted to escape after trying to flood the Savage Land--Sensational Spider-Man#13
  • other sorcerers or Chen characters

Book of Eternity

    Located on some unidentified astral plane, it was located by Chen K'an and enabled him to return to his physical form despite his connection having been severed long ago by Lyissa.
--Rampaging Hulk I#4 (4 (b)


    Following the devastation of "Warnlin," unholy cannibals roamed the land. One was encountered by Chen K'an and the Hulk en route to Tyroc. Disgusted by what had become of his world, Chen K'an squandered some of his much needed power in obliterating the cannibal.

--Rampaging Hulk I#4 (4 (fb) - BTS, 4


    The demons were part of Lyissa's union of dark forces, and the character shown in the headshot was their leader, "fiercest of his ancient race." The leader was allied with Lyissa in ambushing Chen K'an and severing his connection to the mortal plane. They presumably ran rampant over the world thereafter, contributing to its corruption and degradation.
    When Chen K'an summoned the Hulk and approached Tyroc, the demons were the first to confront them, but the Hulk dispatched them in short order.

--Rampaging Hulk I#4 (4 (fb), 4


    Gyrahn was leader and "fiercest of his ancient race" of behemoths who were part of Lyissa's union of dark forces.  Gyrahn was presumably (he wasn't pictured) allied with Lyissa in ambushing Chen K'an and severing his connection to the mortal plane. Gyrahn and the Behemoths presumably ran rampant over the world thereafter, contributing to its corruption and degradation.
    After the Hulk had dispatched the demons, Lyissa sent Gyrahn after him and Chen K'an. Arising from a dank and polluted swamp, Gyrahn swatted the Hulk down and shrugged off a blast from Chen K'an who was trying to conserve his power for a later fight. After a fierce battle, Gyrahn was eventually pulled into the swamp, overpowered, and left for dead by the Hulk.

    He was about 15' tall and strong and durable enough to go toe-to-toe with the Hulk
--Rampaging Hulk I#4

    Lyissa was a sorceress, descended of the North-Elders. She was the leader of the dark forces that ambushed Chen K'an and severing his connection to the mortal plane. She allowed her forces to run rampant over the world thereafter, contributing to its corruption and degradation. She saw the beauty in evil and thought that any creative process must first be synthesized through suffering.
    With Chen K'an's return and summoned the Hulk, she realized that he wished to destroy everything she had worked for. She gathered the leaders of her dark forces to Tyroc, including Gyrahn of the Behemoths, Tynjo of the Trolls, and the demon-leader, and sent them against her foes, who triumphed and approached Tyroc nonetheless. Lyissa then opened a dimensional portal and summoned extradimensional hordes to attack them, but the Hulk occupied them while Chen K'an, having lulled her into believing he was virtually bereft of power, confronted her directly and obliterated her.

    Lyissa was a powerful sorceress, able to project blasts, form shields, open dimensional portals, and sever the connections between the astral self and the mortal body.

    That's Tynjo by her feet.

--Rampaging Hulk I#4 (4 (fb), 4

Star of Catalax

    A powerful magical energy source of unknown origin, it was held by Lyissa within the castle Tyroc. After slaying Lyissa and defeating her forces, Chen K'an used it to destroy his world, which was beyond saving.
    Mouthing silent names, Chen K'an then violently melded his mind with the Star of Catalax and then screamed, the force of which spread until it shattered the planet.

    --Rampaging Hulk I#4

    Tynjo was leader and "fiercest of his ancient race" of trolls who were part of Lyissa's union of dark forces.  Tynjo was allied with Lyissa in ambushing Chen K'an and severing his connection to the mortal plane. Tynjo and the Trolls presumably ran rampant over the world thereafter, contributing to its corruption and degradation.
    After the Hulk had dispatched the demons and Gyrahn, Lyissa discussed with Tynjo how they would destroy Chen K'an. Tynjo noted his and the Hulk's approach, but mostly just cowered behind Lyissa, and he was apparently slain by the energy released when Chen K'an obliterated her.
    Tynjo's full body can be seen in the Lyissa sub-profile.
--Rampaging Hulk I#4


    Also known as the Citadel of Terror, it was Lyissa's base. It was nearly leveled as Chen K'an slew her and banished her forces, and was subsequently destroyed when Chen K'an destroyed the whole planet.

--Rampaging Hulk I#4

Rampaging Hulk (1977 Magazine) #4 "The Other Side of Night"

In a distant galaxy, the mage Chen K'an recites an incantation over a mystical pool. Splashing water from the pool forms a puddle that, in turn, casts the reflections of Dr. Banner and Bereet. At that moment, Dr. Banner, Rick Jones and Bereet are in an underground cave in Europe where they've discovered a grand supply of Krylorian equipment that has apparently been abandoned for some time. Dr. Banner and Bereet speculate on the condition and purpose of this equipment when Banner is suddenly zapped away in a ball of energy. As it turns out, Banner has been transported to Chen K'an's castle. Upon seeing Bruce Banner materialize, Chen K'an apologizes then explains that it's not Banner he wants, but rather "--the monster locked within." Chen K'an transforms Banner into his raging alter ego but quickly tires of the Hulk's threats to "smash," so he bestows upon the goliath just enough of Banner's mind to allow for a crude but moderate level of reasoning and craftiness. Chen K'an explains that he wants the Hulk's help in acquiring something called the Star of Catalax. Hulk is reluctant to help until Chen Khan explains that his world was once a magnificent place where its inhabitants spent their energies exploring gifts of the higher mind. The mage recounts how he was once attacked during a meditative spell by demons controlled by his enemy, a sorceress named Lyissa. The attack had, for a time, separated the mage's physical and astral forms. By the time Chen K'an had heeled himself, he found his world left in ruins. His own words condemn it as "--a land of savage barbarians, ravaged by mutations and unholy cannibals." The Hulk agrees to help. Using monstrous leaps, he carries Chen K'an across the land toward Tyroc, Citidel of Terror, where resides Chen K'an's enemy, Lyissa. On the way, the pair is attacked by a horde of winged demons, which are dispatched by The Hulk easily enough. Next, Chen K'an observes a cannibal feeding upon a dead corpse, and the sight disgusts him, reminding him how far his world has fallen. Chen K'an dispatches the cannibal, but it's not long before the pair is attacked again by a larger and more formidable demon. The Hulk engages the creature in battle. Both tumble into a murky body of water; after a period of time, only the Hulk resurfaces. In her own citadel, Lyissa pouts and postures until Chen K'an arrives with the Hulk. The mage demands that Lyissa surrender the Star of Catalax. The sorceress responds by opening a mystical doorway to a fearsome, dark dimension. A horde of vile creatures of every shape and size come pouring through. Fighting side-by-side, the Hulk and Chen K'an battle courageously against overwhelming odds until Chen K'an steps away to directly engage Lyissa in battle. After a trying conflict, Chen K'an manages to banish the demons and their mistress away. Having now gained the Star of Catalax, Chen K'an expresses his gratitude for the Hulk's help. The Hulk asks how the Star will save the mage's fallen world. Chen K'an explains that nothing can save his world; instead, he wants to use the star's power to destroy it. Chen K'an transports the Hulk out of harm's way then proceeds to destroy the planet. The planet endures various stages of physical upheaval before exploding into fragments. The Hulk reappears somewhere in France, speaking out loud in his standard dim & brutish manner again. He claims to feel very sad, only he cannot remember why.The story is a remmorable tale.It's only flaw is first,despite Marvel Fictional history,you wish Chen K'an and the Hulk stay together longer.Their relationship is much like Remo Willian and Chun.Second,the story is too short.More pages might given more more explore the elements,that tell the story.It's written on knowledge,if you know the kind of stuff Jim Starlin write ok,otherwise a new reader might not get it.Also,the Hulk has forget the story,in it's not apart of future Hulk history-future,being the Hulks early 1960's future history.Nobody,but us readers witness the events and thats ashame,since a tale should change the protagonist-in this case the Hulk,but it dosen't he's dum and forgot it,as if it never happenned.Much of the story,like with Captain Marvel,Adam Warlock,Darklon,Dreastar and others revolves about death and suicide,a major element of Mister Starlins own mental thoughts. cover art by Jim Starlin (pencils) and Daina (inks); Great Moments in Hulk History article by Doug Moench, art by Ed Hannigan; Hulk Prologue, script by Doug Moench, art by Jack Kirby; The Other Side of Night, script by Jim Starlin (plot) and John Warner (script), Pencils by Jim Starlin, Inks by Alex Nino; Gallery of Villains Hulk article by David Kraft, art by Keith Giffen; and Return from Oblivion, Script by John Warner, Pencils by Val Mayerik, Inks by Sonny Trinidad. 68 pgs. Cover price $1.00. 

images: (without ads)
Rampaging Hulk I#4, story page 2, panel 1 (full body)
    p6, panel 6 (face)
    p7, panel 1-5 (Tyroc, Lyissa & Tynjo full bodies, Tynjo face, demon-leader face, Gyrahn face
    p8, panel 3 (Warlin)
    p9, panel 1 (Chen K'an as king)
        panel 5 or so (Book of Eternity)
    p12 (demons vs. Hulk)
    p14, panel 4 (cannibal)
    p16, panel 4 (Gyrahn vs. Hulk)
    p19, panel 2 (Lyissa face)
    p22 (Chen K'an vs. extradimensional forces)
    p27, panel 7 (Star of Catalax)

Rampaging Hulk I#4 (August, 1977) - Jim Starlin (plot & penciling), John Warner (scripting & editing), Alex Nino (inking & finishing)

Last updated: 12/29/07
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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