
Monday, December 31, 2018

John Holmes – A Life Measured in Inches

about John Holmes – A Life Measured in Inches
8 inches
Anecdote:  In 1985, John jokingly described how he would like to dedicate his memoir that was eventually published posthumously as ”Porn King” in 1998:  “I would like this book dedicated to the only woman I’ve ever loved.  Because there’s about two thousand of them out there who are gonna go, ‘Ah… wasn’t that wonderful?’” – John Holmes
John Curtis Holmes was born in Pickaway County, Ohio, on August 8th, 1944.  John’s biological father is Carl Estes. 
John’s mother, Mary Holmes (nee Barton), was estranged from her alcoholic husband, Edward Holmes, at the time of John’s birth.  The couple had three older children.  Mary and Edward would eventually (permanently) separate and she would later marry Harold Bowman before giving birth to another child, David.
John and his siblings were raised in the Baptist faith; as a child, John had perfect Sunday school attendance.
At age nine, after some experimentation with a babysitter, John engaged in his first sexual experience with a childhood girlfriend.
In 1960, at age 16, John joined the Signal Corps to escape his physically abusive step-father, Harold Bowman.  He was stationed in Nuremberg, Germany for a period of three years before settling in Southern California.
Kirdy Stevens directed John in his first short in 1964, a non-sex nudist film, along with his (longtime) girlfriend, auburn-haired, adult film starlet, Sandy Dempsey.
While working as an ambulance driver, in December 1964, John met his first wife of 19 years, Sharon Gebenini.  Sharon was employed as a registered nurse.  The couple were married in Fort Ord, California, in August 1965.
By the late 1960s, John had appeared in several simulated and also hardcore loops with various female co-stars.  John occasionally appeared in soft and hardcore loops with other males.  Directors were impressed with his exceptionally large, uncircumcised, all-natural endowment.
After dropping his pants, John was hired by Johnny Wadd creator and director, Bob Chinn, to star in the very first of the nine-part series that showcased Holmes as the lusty private detective, Johnny Wadd.  The film was simply titled, Johnny Wadd (1970).  
In 1975, Freeway Films, based in Los Angeles and owned by Armand Atamian, produced the highly profitable feature, Tell Them Johnny Wadd is Here (and four more) in a financial maneuver that secured John Holmes as the first male superstar in the adult film genre.  The last film of the Johnny Wadd series, Blonde Fire, was released in 1978.
During his reign as the first male icon of X-rated movies, John, along with Sharon, co-managed the Glendale apartment complex where they resided in their own home on the property.  John also worked as a handy man on the grounds – repairing roofs, plumbing, painting, gardening, restoring wood and mowing the lawn.
WaikikiW.jpg.w300h200In 1976, John, who had abstained from drugs and alcohol during the early years of his career (but started smoking marijuana in the early part of the 1970s) began to indulge in the frequent use of cocaine.  By 1980, freebase became the root of Holmes’ downward spiral in his professional and private lives.
On July 1st, 1981, two days after the robbery of an L.A. nightclub owner, Ed Nash, four people were murdered and one severely injured on Wonderland Avenue in Laurel Canyon.  John had helped to orchestrate the robbery that led to the retaliation homicide(s). 
In August 1981, John fled Los Angeles with girlfriend, Dawn Schiller, and was apprehended by police four months later in Florida.  While John was on the lam, the first documentary about his life titled, Exhausted: John C. Holmes, The Real Story, produced and directed by Holmes’ girlfriend, Julia St. Vincent, debuted to a highly successful theatrical release.
In June 1982, John Holmes was acquitted of first degree murder charges but later held in contempt of court for four months for his refusal to divulge to the Supreme Court what he knew about the murders.
In December 1982, John Holmes returned to work in his first post-Wonderland movie titled Marathon.  It was on this set where he met his second wife, nineteen-year old Laurie Rose (aka Misty Dawn).  John would become step-father to Laurie’s young son.
In 1983, John starred in his first gay feature film titled The Private Pleasures of John Holmes.  Three of his co-stars eventually died of AIDS.
In 1985, John, along with friend and business partner Bill Amerson, formulated his own production company, Penguin.  The successful business venture produced several films including The Return of Johnny Wadd (1986) whereby Holmes reprised his role as the private dick.
On February 7th, 1985, John cemented his hand and foot prints in front of the Pussycat Theater on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood.  John Holmes was the very first adult film star to be inducted in the XRCO Hall of Fame on February 14th, 1985.
In the fall of 1986, a few months after testing positive for HIV, John appeared in his final two films in Italy: The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empress and The Devil in Mr. Holmes.  There are no reports of anyone contracting the virus from Holmes.
John Holmes died of AIDS-related causes on March 13th, 1988, at the Veteran’s hospital on Sepulveda Boulevard in Los Angeles.  His obituary was published in the New York Times, the L.A. Times and in other major news publications. 
At the time of his death, John was survived by his widow Laurie and her son; his mother Mary; his four siblings; several nieces and nephews, and also by his three godchildren: Sean, Denise and Shannon Amerson.
During John’s life his many hobbies included sketching, sculpting, writing, gardening, woodworking and fishing.  According to many, John was an expert poker player and he loved the game of Roulette.
Throughout the height of John’s fame, reports of his length while erect ranged from 10 to 14 inches, depending on the day and his level of sexual excitement. 
The precise number of sexual partners throughout John’s life and career is still contested, but it is estimated that the amount of women he slept with ranges between 4-7000.
Combining the total of his loops and features, John Holmes appeared in well over 1000 sexually erotic scenes from 1964 to 1986, and is known as ‘The King’ of adult cinema. 
In 1989, freelance journalist, Mike Sager, wrote the critically acclaimed piece, The Devil and John Holmes, for Rolling Stone Magazine.
In 1998, Holmes’ widow, Laurie Holmes, released John Holmes’ autobiography, Porn King, compiled from audiotapes that John had recorded during the last few years of his life.
Including Exhausted (1981), several documentaries have been made about John Holmes.  Most notable is the award-winning WADD: The Life & Times of John C. Holmes (1998) directed by Cass Paley.  Also popular is The Man, The Myth, The Legend (2004) directed by Mark Novick.  Two Hollywood feature films have been inspired by the life of John Holmes: Boogie Nights (1997) directed by P.T. Anderson and Wonderland (2003) directed by James Cox. 
The first and definitive biography, John Holmes: A Life Measured in Inches by Jennifer Sugar and Jill C. Nelson was published on August 8th, 2008 by BearManor Media.
And his legendary 13 inches was measured by the Bullshit he told.Fuck what you heard,John Holmes was under ten inches-maybe 8 or 9 inches.Ron Jeremy was only 7 inches.Being nines myself,I can tell you neither was a big as reported.So fuck you heard on Family Guy.
* Please check out “Inches” Book Articles and Critic Reviews *

Monday, December 17, 2018

That's Not Normal!" The Statistics of Penis Size

"That's Not Normal!" The Statistics of Penis Size

*Geek alert: cumulative distribution function values for 13 and 13.5 inches were so close to 1 as to be indistinguishable by Excel and the Apache Commons Math library, due to numerical precision issues.
Assuming you accept these numbers (and you’d have reason not to, as we’ll see), if you’re a guy sporting a respectable if not eye-popping (unless you have terrible aim) 6-inch member, over half the men you meet should bow to your kingly scepter, though you probably shouldn’t actually tell them so, because of how they might pop you in the eye. But: the unofficial world’s largest penis observed (by, I’m sure, quite a few people) is about 13 ½ inches. Despite a technical issue (solvable with a bit of effort, which is why I didn’t solve it) that prevented an exact-enough calculation of the numbers for men with 13 and 13.5 inch penises, we see that even a 12-inch penis should only, according to these calculations, occur once in 17,321,537,028,348 guys, or about 5,000 times the world’s population of men, and 320 times the number of guys who have ever lived on earth. So clearly, at least with respect to the more tripodal males, dick-size is not normally distributed; we find far too many anacondas among the trouser-snakes. In the middle, our numbers look a bit more believable, and as for the pubically stubby, well, they can continue buying SUVs and guns.
Difficulties abound in collecting data on this emotionally-fraught subject. In what might represent the best example of science tending to demonstrate the incredibly bleeding obvious (which I like to call, rather obviously, the “no shit, Sherlock” effect), we note that self-reported penis sizes tend to be rather larger than—in the immortal words of Wikipedia’s article on penis size—“staff-measured” penis sizes. I feel confident that, asked to participate in a self-measurement survey, I would immediately demand a yardstick. Tell no small lies about how not-small you are.
On the subject of penile veracity, the prevalence of 8- and 9-inch dicks self-attributed to Web commenters would seem far higher than we expect from the distribution. Three explanations for this effect suggest themselves: 1) even in the middle, penis size does not follow the normal distribution, B) Internet commenters have far larger penises than the population as a whole (certainly the commenters on my articles do, even the women), or iii) Internet commenters are giant lying liars who lie. Comments on porn videos featuring men of average endowment frequently heap scorn on these performers, leading us to suspect that a mechanism similar to the “he who smelt it dealt it” law familiar from the field of fart-attribution might be at work: he who mocked it has a tinier cock...than it. (I am a statistician, not a poet. And well I know it.) (And by “statistician” I mean: guy that took a statistics class and got an “A”.) (Well, a “B”, but close to an “A”.) (Fine: it was a “B-“.) I think we might take as a kind of psychological rule of thumb that the more expansive your claims for the pipe-wrench-like proportions of your tool, the more likely we are to be discussing one of those screwdrivers used to adjust eyeglasses.
Returning to our discussion of the penis-size distribution, debate abounds, especially on adult message boards frequented by gay statisticians, about this larger-than-expected number of larger-than-expected penises. As we’ve noted, with respect to more edificial penises, more exist than the normal distribution would predict. (I found the most interesting—and mathematically astute—discussion of this topic on this Web forum.) We observe many more large penises (especially while watching porn) than can be accounted for by the means and standard deviations in the surveys. Even if the normal distribution describes well the majority of dick-sizes in the middle, we see too many big dicks, and not just on Wall Street. I cannot say definitively that normality fails with respect to the size of men’s junk, but I can say that gay men seem very invested in the existence of a large number of men with big dicks. No shit, Sherlock.
We can perhaps find in evolutionary theory the reason for the rarity of both cocktail-weenie- and kielbasa-sized tube-steaks. Humans have the largest penises of all the primates, considered both as a proportion of body size and absolutely. (If you think yourself lacking, consider dating orangutans—they will swoon with admiration for your giant schlong, or perhaps hit you with a coconut.) Scientists speculate that walking upright provides the explanation: the rearrangement of the human vagina that resulted from the hominid switch in posture favored longer penises; smaller ones fell short and their owners failed to reproduce. But, as the human vagina ranges in depth from only about 3 to 6 inches (very approximately; data on this measure are much harder to come by—you should excuse the expression—than data on penis size), too much length could present an evolutionary challenge too: painful coitus, perhaps resulting in the woman giving it up as a bad job, with the same result as Mr. Shorty: no Little Big Men for you. Sure, the human vagina possesses a remarkable elasticity and during childbirth stretches to an astonishing degree—but not without extreme pain and a vastly different set of circumstances from those obtaining during intercourse. So, while visually interesting, the ten-inchers of song and story (not to mention that 1-in-17-trillion 13.5-incher) present their owners with a reproductive challenge, though not one as severe as that faced by those on the other side of the curve; they are largely, as we used to say about a gentleman’s pocket hankie, for showing, not for blowing. Thus, my sincerest sympathy to all you commenters about to tell us about your 99.99997th percentile boy-bits.
A couple of notes to stats geeks (i.e., those of you who got an A in statistics and/or took more than one stats class): as might be expected from such noisy data, sample means from different studies vary quite a bit (from 5.1 inches to 5.9, with a 95% confidence interval from 4.23 inches to 7.53) as do standard deviations. Data from the Ansell study show a positive skew, with a median below the mean; at least one other study skews negatively. Put the graphing calculators back in your pocket protectors, boys and girls; we’re just having fun here.
Also, like Frank Burns in Robert Altman’s M*A*S*H, if I made any mistakes in this article, they are God’s will or someone else’s fault.
Fuck Frank Burns

Is 9 inches too big?

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Is 9 inches too big?

I've always heard bigger is better! But I have a 9" dick and I've never been completely satisfied in bed. I could never put it all in either in a girl's pussy or while oral. Is there something wrong with me or is it the girls that I've been with? Can anybody help me?

Moreover because of the big size ut takes too long to cum and my partner usually gets tired


Most Helpful Girl

  • The big problem is very few girls can take 9 inches. The average is about 6 inches. Your extra 3 inches is a total waste. It ain't gonna go in!

    As far as I am concerned, I would rather have one below average, as a bad lover with above average is gonna hurt.


    • So if you had a choice btwn 4" or 9" what would you do and why?
    • Show All
    • Thank you for MHG!
    • I am actually that big... not many can take it at first

Most Helpful Guy

  • That's to much for a woman. Only a few of them can take 9 inches and those are queen size, but I think that if you get involve in a serious relationship there are certain thing you can do to normalize your sexual life, for example use positions that wouldn't let you go deep, or aloud your partner to use positions that will help her control the dept. If you want to go deep wrap a towel around your buddy, or something that will limit the amount of lenght. Use tons of lube and foreplay, always communicate with your partner. Now, if the girth is also extremely above average, you'll more problems. From 5.5 inches your partner may feel more pain than pleauser.


    Women this is sensitive 9 inches too big for most women or is it juust right?

     4 answers


    Angel of Death
     Best Answer:  9 inches is the large side for guys and most women will not be able to get all of it in. Just make sure that you are gentle with the woman and let her adjust to you if she hasn't had someone that large before. Make sure she is really turned on by the time you get to intercourse so that her vagina can stretch to accommodate your size.
    Angel of Death · 10 years ago
    • Well considering that most woman only have a cervix of about 3 to 5 inches, when aroused it jumps to 6 or 7 inches.....what would you do with the other 3 or 2 inches? I would say it is a lot, but hey some woman like them huge.

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What Guys Said5

  • None of these statements are founded in reality. A woman's cervix is like 16 inches up in there. I'm 11" and never had any problems like that even with women that are 5 feet tall you just start to touch the cervix. Maybe if you were 20" this could be a problem. I've seen a woman take every inch of a 2 and a half foot horse penis. Finally size and stamina are unrelated.


  • Oral usually doesn't go further then vagina to begin with so , or you should just own that dick and be like HOLY SHIT LOOK AT ME , its bigger then your face or something like that , Wrong why do people say that so quick all the time on here , like damn.


  • 9 not massive, with enough forplay you should be fine


  • It's all in your head, there's lots that can take it, especially at the right angle.


    • Like?
    • I go for doggy, they tend to be able to take more that way.
  • It's all in your head.


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