
Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cancer Centers of America commercia Darkseid eyes soulpatch creep

Cancer Centers of America commercial,with creepy soul patch father,with creepy Darkseid eyes.This guy come on and he just fucks the whole message.He's like a big,poo gas in the middle of everything.Guys wearing soul patches,always come off as hipster dophist asswhipes and dosen't if his wife is sick.

Friday, September 13, 2013


Tina.smallTina Small the biggest busty model around



Official Names: The Kahunas
Nicknames: Oceanic gods, Polynesian gods, Gods of Polynesia, Gods of Fiji, Hawaiian gods, Gods of Hawaii, Aborigine gods, et al.
Former Aliases: The Atua
Other Current Aliases: None known
First Appearance: Thor #300


Dimension of Origin: Celestial Hawaiki
Habitat: Tropical
Gravity: Earth-like
Atmosphere: Earth-like
Population: 300-500 range
Other Associated Dimensions: Celestial Hawaiki is a large land mass floating in inter-dimensional space resembling an asteroid with a large island surrounded by sea and experiencing periods of night and day. It is protected by an unexplained force which keeps the other edges from eroding and its seas from completely vanishing; these seas dimensionally interfaced with different regions of the Pacific Ocean on earth. Part of this land mass is known as Bullima, a gathering place for a branch of the Oceanic gods worshipped by the Australian aborigines. There is also the underworld of Po, the land of the dead set aside for the shades of mortals who have died. 

The Kahunas or Oceanic gods are a race of superhumanly powerful humanoid beings worshipped by the ancient Polynesian and Maori tribes of Polynesia and Australia since around 2000 BC into recent times. The exact connection between the Polynesian and Australian gods is rather undefined, but some connection exists between the two groups suggesting they share a common ancestor or that one pantheon is originated from the other. The Maori people carried their gods throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean and into Australia; the Australian gods are usually considered a separate pantheon, but there are enough links to suggest both groups of gods are in fact part of a larger splintered pantheon of gods connected by common origins.

The Kahunas dwell in Celestial Hawaiki, a small "pocket" dimension adjacent to Earth; an interdimensional nexus between Hawaiki and Earth exists near Ayer's Rock (also known as Uluru) in Australia whereas the Australian gods dwell in the more arid plains of Bullima, named for a sacred meeting place on Earth. The Kahunas' human worshippers in Polynesia called these gods by different names than those by which the gods were known in the later Hawaiian Islands: for example, the Polynesians called the king of the gods Kane, whereas the Hawaiians called him Tame. The Oceanic gods are still worshipped on earth through the Pacific Islands, most notably in Polynesia, Micronesia, Hawaii and in Australia, but they no longer traffic earth as much as they once did in ancient times.

The precise origin of the Oceanic gods, like that of all of Earth's pantheons of gods, is shrouded in legend. According to ancient myths, the earliest  gods were Papa and Rangi, the primeval parents of all the later Oceanic gods. It is believed that Rangi was actually Gaea, the primordial earth-mother, known as Eingana to the Australian aborigines, who had survived the destruction of the Elder Gods of Earth by infusing her life into the life-giving essence of the Earth. Many of the Elder Gods had degenerated into demonic status and were destroyed by Atum or had fled Earth for other planes of existence. Atum had been born from Gaea by mating with the sentient biosphere of the Earth known as the Demiurge. Atum later departed the earth after shedding the excess demonic energies of the Elder Gods he had slain; some of these energies becoming demonic beings like Mephisto, Surtur, Satannish and Mikaboshi, who became the eternal enemy of the Japanese Gods.
According to ancient myths, Rangi mated with the primal sky-god, Papa, and bore him the Atua, the first generation of the Oceanic gods. Papa so loved Rangi that he held her in a tight embrace, resulting in clouds and darkness on earth suppressing all life on earth. In order to save the earth, their sons took turns trying to separate them, opposed only by Tu, the war-god, who cared for nothing else over the gods themselves. Eventually, the young god, Tame, reached maturity and used an enchanted axe to sever the ties connecting earth and heaven, cleaving the two halves and raising his father to a lofty place in the sky. Designating stars to adorn the heavens, he then decorated earth with trees to lift the vault of heaven. Tame became the most revered of the Oceanic gods and became ruler of the pantheon.
It is from some combination of these deities that the later Australian gods were descended. The ancestors of the Australian gods are believed to have visited Australia at a mythical period of time known as the Dreamtime. (According to all Australian tribes, all history exists in three different time periods. The modern age exists in Real Time when mankind exists, the memories of our ancestors taught to their descendants exist in Past Time and then there is a period of time before mankind existed which is called the Dreamtime. Some references inaccurately refer to Celestial Bullima, the land of the Australia gods, as the Dreamtime.) During the Dreamtime, the ancestors of the Australian gods cleaved mountains and rivers and created trees and forests out of the inhospitable territory to make it suitable for mortals. (Later myths even claimed they created man and animals from the rocks of the earth.) Later Australian gods such as Baiame, Bunjil and Nurunderi became the tutelary deities of the Maori ancestors of the Australian tribes with Baiame becoming lord over all. The exact names of the ancestral Australian gods are unrevealed.
Neither Tame nor Baiame objected to the power or sovereignty of the other, and both of them became beneficent and powerful gods who only saw the potential of human beings on earth. They both became members of the Council of Godheads, formed byOdin, Chieftain of the Asgardian gods, to share information on the threat of the Third Host of the Celestials to earth among other potential threats. Both Tame and Baiame also donated portions of the life-energies to Thor required to restore the Asgardians to life after the destruction of the Destroyer melted during the Fourth Host of the Celestials.
The Oceanic gods still have worshippers on earth, but not as many as they had in ancient times due to the presence of religions such as Protestantism and Roman Catholicism carried by invaders through the islands since the 16th Century.
Body Type: Humanoid
Avg. Height: 6' 0"
Eyes: Two
Hair: Normal
Skin: Normal
Limbs: Two
Fingers: Five with opposable thumb
Toes: Five
Special AdaptationsThe Kahunas or Oceanic gods are exceptionally long-lived, but they are not immortal like the Olympian gods; they age very slowly upon reaching adulthood, but they are not invulnerable to death. They are physically more durable than human beings; their skin, bone and tissue being three times more durable and dense than similar tissue in human beings. 

Avg. Strength LevelAll of the Oceanic gods are superhumanly strong with the average male being able to lift (press) about 30 tons under optimal conditions and the average female being able to lift (press) about 25 tons under optimal conditions. 
Known PowersThe Oceanic Gods possess superhuman strength, stamina , longevity and resistance to harm. They are also inclined to tap and manipulate mystical energies for feats of magic, mostly for altering their appearance, communicating over long distances, teleporting through dimension barriers and casting spells. The scope of their powers mostly limited to one object, idea or field, usually tied into their personality. For example, as the Hawaiian god of the sea, Tangaroa has dominance over the ocean and can create incredible tsunamis, whereas, Thuremlin (aka Daramulum), the Australian god of the moon can see at night and manifest lunar energy.
Known Abilities: All the Oceanic gods are capable fighters, hunters and sailors capable of living and existing well without the use of their mystical powers.

Type of Government: Tribal
Level Of Technology: Magic
Cultural Traits: The Oceanic Gods were worshipped as gods in Ancient Polynesia and Pacific Islands well into Australia. Part of their influence might have extended into the Incan gods of South America.
Names of RepresentativesBaiame, Bunjil, Daramulum, Gnowee, Haumea, Hina, PeleRangi/EinganaTame, Tangaroa, TawhakiTuWhiro, et al.
Names of AlliesMaui
  • Ayer's Rock in Australia's Northern Continent is believed to be the world's largest monolith. It rises 1,100 feet above the land around it and five miles across its base. Known as Uluru to the native aborigines, the mystical site is composed of conglomerate and changes colors with the position of the sun. 
  • Mythologies of the World by Max Shapiro and Rhoda Hendricks
  • World Mythology by Roy Willis
  • Aboriginal Myths by A. W. Reed
  • Pacific Gods by James Parent
==External Links==


Real Name: Tu-mehuta
Occupation: Chieftain of the Oceanic Gods, god of trees and forests, patron god of canoe-builders, protective deity of birds
Legal Status: Citizen of Celestial Hawaiki
IdentityThe general populace of Earth is unaware of the existence of Tame except as a mythological deity. He is well-known in Hawaii.
Other Aliases: Tane, Kame, Kane (Polynesian name), Io (Maori), Ihohio (Tahitian name), Rehua (Samoan), Tame-metua (alternate spelling), Nobu (Hervey name), Quat (Melanesian name),
Place of Birth: Te-Parai-tea (located somewhere in the Fiji Islands on Earth)
Marital Status: Married
Known Relatives: Papa (father), Gaea (mother, alias Rangi), Tangaroa, Tawhiri, Rongo, Tu (brothers), Haumea (sister/wife), Hina-ahu-one, Pele, Lala, Polivah, Namaka, Hiiaka (daughters), Hina-nui-te-po (daughter by Hina-ahu-one), Kai-Tangata, Tinirau, Wahieroa (sons), Mahina, Sina, Tara (nieces), Marama, Oru, Tama (nephews), Baiame (possible cousin), Maui (descendant, possibly deceased)
Group AffiliationsThe Kahunas (The Oceanic gods), The Council of Godheads 
Base of OperationsCelestial Hawaiki
First Appearance: Thor #300
History: Tame is the chieftain of the Kahunas, an extra-dimensional race of beings who were worshipped as gods by the ancient Oceanic aborigines of the Pacific Islands. While the exact origin of the Oceanic gods is unrevealed, as compared to other pantheons of gods such as the Olympians and the Anunnaki, it is believed the Kahunas, also known as the Atua, might have originated somewhere in the vicinity of the Fiji Islands, later extending their worship through Polynesia, Micronesia and the Australian continent. Most of modern-day worship of the Oceanic gods is felt and centered around the Hawaiian Islands believed to have been created by the goddess Pele.
Tame is one of the sons of the primeval earth-goddess, Gaea, known to the Polynesian aborigines as Rangi and her mate, Papa, the ancient sky-father, whose essence filled the biosphere of the earth's atmosphere just as Gaea had infused her life essence into the Earth itself. Papa so loved Rangi that he held her within a tight embrace and refused to let her go. As a result of this tight embrace, clouds and darkness covered the earth and all living things remained stifled between sky and earth. Realizing that nothing on earth would survive unless they could separate sky and earth, each of Tame's brothers took turns trying to separate their parents, but they were largely opposed by their brother, Ku, the war-god. Finally, Tame cleaved a great axe from divine materials and used it to break apart Rangi and Papa, rising his father into a lofty place in the heavens decorated by stars and adorning his mother with trees that reached to the sky. In doing so, Tame reportedly established day and night and the calendar and became ruler over his fellow gods.
When it came time for Tame to claim a wife, he took his sister, Haumea, the food-goddess, to serve by his side over the other gods. His decision was met by dissension by the sea-god, Tangaroa, who possibly desired Haumea as his own. Tangaroa attacked Tame by stirring great storms and winds to lash at the land and wash it away, but he could not keep these storms going consecutively. As he rested, Tame armed mortal man with the ability to create canoes, spears, hooks and nets to invade the sea to catch fish and deplete the life-forms of the sea. Tangaroa continued to attack Tame from time to time over the years until Tame tried to placate his brother by offering him his daughter, Hiiaka, the sea-goddess, as a bride. Tangaroa's anger to his brother was placated by the offer and he took Hiiaka as his wife, but there is still some enmity toward Tame by Tangaroa, who still feels slighted for not being able to be ruler of the gods and storms still lash at the Pacific islands from time to time.
At some point, Tame seduced his daughter, Hina-ahu-one, the dawn-goddess. According to some stories, he had created her from sand to be his lover, but when she discovered he was her father, she fled from the earth and descended down into Po, the underworld, to become goddess of the dead. Her daughter, Hina-nui-te-po, became goddess of death, responsible for escorting mortal souls into the underworld. Hina-ahu-one eventually took Tawhaki, the thunder-god, as her husband and co-ruler of the underworld.
Tame became a kind and beneficent god to his worshippers and imparted wisdom and knowledge to his worshippers, showing them how to create and build homes and tools from trees. Around 1000 AD, he was approached by Odin, monarch of theAsgardian Gods to meet with the heads of the other pantheons of gods who were once worshipped by mortals on earth to discuss the threat of the Third Host of the Celestials. The Celestials were a cosmic extra-terrestrial race which had influenced the evolution of mortal man on earth, and Tame had to pledge along with the godheads not to interfere with the plans the Celestials had with humanity after they had threatened to seal off the gods’ interdimensional passageways connecting the gods’ dimensions with earth. Odin also extracted a pledge from Tame to help defend humanity should the Celestials ever prove to be a threat to earth, and after the Asgardian gods lost their life-forces in battle with the Celestials, Tame granted a portion of the life-energies required to Thor in order to restore the Asgardians to life.  
Tame has not been active on earth as much, preferring his leisure time traveling from modern mortal travel spots through the Pacific Islands, particularly near Hawaii where his daughter Pele has often been felt.

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 445 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black

Strength Level: Tame has superhuman strength to an unknown degree; in his youth, he was capable of Class 100 level strength, enabling him to lift (press) over a hundred tons. In recent times, he might be equal to such gods as Odin and Zeus and can lift (press) only around 80 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: Tame possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Kahunas or Oceanic gods. Like all Kahunas, he is extremely long-lived, but he is not immortal like the Olympian gods. He has aged at an extremely slow rate since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means, but he is not entirely immune to death. He is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If he were somehow wounded, his godly life force would enable him to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of his bodily molecules to cause him a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Baiame, Tangaroa or Tawhiri for a number of Oceanic gods of equal power working together to revive him. Tame also possesses superhuman strength and his Kahuna metabolism provides him with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Kahuna flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Oceanic Gods.)

Tame also has abilities to tap into and manipulate mystical energies for feats of magic. His exact level of power is unknown, but it is believed he is equal to such as gods such as Thor and Odin, capable of controlling the weather, casting spells on ordinary objects, traversing dimensional worlds and altering his form. Despite his great age, he is physically powerful and has the appearance of an old man on earth, but regains his youthful guise in Celestial Hawaiki, the home of the Oceanic gods. 

Abilities: Tame is a kind and beneficent god with the ability to create and carve things from wood. His expertise in crafts is not up to the proficiency of other artisan-gods. 

Weapons: Tame carries a sacred axe with the power to rattle the earth and cut through dimensional barriers.

Pets: Tame is the protector of birds, namely sea-going birds like albatross and sea gulls. He protects all birds whether they are native to the ocean or not.

Base of Operations: Tame rules over the realm of Celestial Hawaiki, named for the ancient name of Hawaii. Resembling a large asteroid floating in other-dimensional space, it resembles an island with regular intervals of night and day protected by an undefined force that protects the edges of it from eroding away. The sea around Celestial Hawaii is connected with the oceans of earth; the sea-gods such as Tangaroa are capable of rowing back and forth between realms. In fact, this realm seems to be adjacent to Earth; an inter-dimensional nexus between both worlds exists on Ayer's Rock (Uluru) in Australia. Celestial Hawaiki is populated by a number of other beings such as the Menehune, which resemble the elves of Asgard and Otherworld, and a race of lizard men descended from both gods and mortals. 

Comments: This bio involves Tame in the Marvel Universe; he has not been seen in the DC Universe.

In Oceanic mythology, Papa is the name of Mother Earth and Rangi is the Sky Father; When Gaea claimed to be Rangi in Thor #301, the writers had switched the genders of the primeval parents. 
Last updated: 06/07/07

Monday, September 9, 2013

How Lucille Ball Made STAR TREK Happen

How Lucille Ball Made STAR TREK Happen
The story of how TV's comedy queen greenlit STAR TREK.
Star Trek debuted on September 8th, 1966, making this week the 47th anniversary of the series. We'll be bringing you some Star Trek-related content all week long to celebrate.
Every fan of the original Star Trek knows that the show was made by Desilu - the big production logo is a familiar part of the end credits of the show, displayed over the head of the alien (puppet) Balok. What few fans know is that Lucille Ball herself, half of the Desilu titular team, pulled the trigger on making the show happen - even though she at first thought it was about a USO tour. 
Desilu is a mash up of the names of Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball, the husband and wife comedy team. They formed the production company when they were trying to sell their radio show, My Favorite Husband, to TV. It eventually became I Love Lucy, one of the all-time greatest shows in the history of the medium, and the source of the money that would later allow Desilu to make Star Trek
Arnaz was an instinctual businessman without much actual training, but he was brilliant. He wanted to shoot I Love Lucy on film using multiple cameras, a huge change from how TV was produced at the time. Shows would be broadcast live from New York, and other time zones would show kinescopes of the broadcast - they would literally film a TV set that was playing the episode and rebroadcast that diminished image. Desi wanted his show to be shown high quality in every market, but this was expensive. CBS network executive thought the expense was wasteful, but Arnaz convinced them to allow Desilu to cover the costs - with the condition that the production company would own the film, and thus the ability to rerun the show. The idea of doing reruns was unheard of at the time, but Arnaz had seen the future. The deal was incredibly profitable. 
If Desi was making the business choices, Lucy was making the artistic ones. She would personally take pitches for shows that Desilu might produce and then sell to networks. The desire to show I Love Lucy in high quality across the country was reflected in Ball's tastes in production - she wanted to make unique shows that had high production value. With the two working in tandem Desilu kept getting bigger and more profitable, and in 1954 the company bought a studio lot in Hollywood. In 1958 they produced their first movie.
But the good times didn't last; Desi and Lucy divorced but stayed together as business partners until 1962, when Lucy bought out her ex-husband. She had become the most powerful woman in Hollywood, and split her time between running the company and starring on The Lucy Show. That same year Desilu's big show, The Untouchables, was canceled. Two new series had failed. The studio had only The Lucy Show on the air, and the only other income came from renting out stages on their lot. Lucy commanded her team to get new shows, and to make them unique.
In 1964 she was brought two concepts by two men. Bruce Geller had an idea called Mission: Impossible, a spy show influenced by Topkapi. It was an expensive concept, but one that Lucy understood. The other man was Gene Roddenberry, who had a show called Star Trek. When the initial contract was signed, Lucy thought the program would be about Hollywood celebrities going abroad to play USO shows - she had no idea the concept was more UFO that USO. 
By the time the pilot script, The Cage, came in, Lucy's top men advised her against it. The show was expensive - so expensive they would lose thousands per episode if they managed to sell it to a studio. And that's if they managed to sell it; Roddenberry's script was full of weird jargon and missing the sort of light-hearted escapism that had passed for science fiction on TV before. This was a show that took the scifi seriously, and that expected the audience to do the same. Talking to Marc Cushman for his exhaustive Star Trek history book, These Are The Voyages, Desilu executive Ed Holly said, 'I told Lucy, 'If we do these [Star Trek and Mission: Impossible] and are unfortunate enough to sell them as series, we're going to have to sell the company and go bankrupt.'
Despite not really being into science fiction, Lucy understood that Star Trek, if it worked, could be big. There had never been anything like it on TV, and if it hit, it would bring in money from merchandising and reruns. It was a gamble, but Desilu had been built on gambles. She made the call. In November of 1964 production began on the first Star Trek pilot. On September 8th, 1966 the first episode of the show, The Man Trap, aired on NBC. And 47 years later the franchise continues, for better or worse.
Lucy's gamble paid off in the long run, but it was not soon enough for Desilu. Ed Holly was right, and in 1967 - before Star Trek was even canceled - Desilu was sold to Paramount. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Keith Tolbert Files

Keith Tolbert FilesI actually knew this asshole Keith Tolbert.Me and brother living the same building.And believe K.C.Tolbert was dum as a brick.He'd steal peoples stuff and blaim them.He once threw a pan away and tried to frame others.He alledgely was studying nursing.Police Headquaters
Theft led to man's death, police say

A crime scene officer brings out pipes from the bathtub in the apartment on 11th Street near Locust as they search for clues to the slaying.A crime scene officer brings out pipes from the bathtub in the apartment on 11th Street near Locust as they search for clues to the slaying.The blue shopping chart,come from Reed House,where Keith Tolbert,shopped at the nearby Pathmark.Struggling senior citizens in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia have a reason to be hopeful, including even those suffering from homelessness, addiction, mental health or other challenging diagnoses.Located in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia,1320 S 32nd St.Philadelphia , PA  19146 the 66 unit Salvation Army Reed House first opened its doors in 1999. A partnership between the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the National Equities Fund and The Salvation Army turned an abandoned and decaying warehouse into an attractive modern facility that helped stabilize the community before the revitalization currently underway in the larger Gray's Ferry area even began.The Salvation Army Reed House provides residents ranging from 20 to 75 years of age with an independent living experience, some for the first time in their lives. Through an official lease signing, regular rent payments and requirements for tenancy which include regular mental health support meetings, residents are held accountable for themselves. A portion of each tenant's rent is covered through a HUD subsidy administered by the Philadelphia Housing Authority. In 2012, the home served roughly 80 individuals..Tolbert lived there,on the Second Floor,just down the end of the hall,on the left side of the building,facing 32nd Street.Offers subsidized single-room-occupancy units for low-income individuals. Case manager must complete a referral form to initiate the application process.Keith Tolbert lived for over five or six years until moved to another location-possibly his Center City residence.

 (STEVEN M. FALK / Staff Photographer)KeithTolbertGALLERY:KeithTolbertAds by Google
By Mike Newall, Inquirer Staff Writer
POSTED: September 06, 2013

prison stripes uniform chain gang
Francis Zarzycki arrived at the dirty, three-room apartment near 11th and Locust Streets in Center City on an August night, believing he was in for a party with a pair of prostitutes known as Angel and Cinderella, police say.
But the ladies' handler, a big guy named Keith Tolbert, whom Zarzycki had dealt with before, had a different plan, police say. They say Zarzycki, 40, who lived with his parents in Northeast Philadelphia, was carrying cash and drugs and represented an easy score. The trio was going to rob him.
They'd use duct tape, rope, and a Taser.

''i'm keith tolbert and i'm studying nursing,but i don't know anything about medicine.i don't what an e knock que lation is.let me sit at the Reed House Kitchen,all night,stoned,while pretending to study.Then I'll sit in the computer room-where i'll cut my rap record with dennis petty.I think bears only eat huney and shit.calvin stold my chicken or so i tried to frame him.i love throw other peoples food.i love to howl like a nut all night in my room.yawhoooo yawhoooo.let me sell guns,while in my car,up in Trenton,New Jersey.''

It was in that apartment, police say, that a robbery became a killing - a crime that ended with Zarzycki's mutilated torso floating in the Schuylkill.One expensive piece of ass.It obviuosly,cost Zarzycki two arms,two legs and a head
A Northeast Philadelphia man who worked in Doylestown as a loan officer was killed by two prostitutes and a man in a robbery gone bad, police said Thursday.
Philadelphia police said Frank Zarzycki, 40, of Endicott Street in Northeast Philadelphia, had gone to a house of prostitution Aug. 26. Capt. James Clark of the city homicide unit said Angel Weston, 21, Stephenie Foulke, 22, and Keith Tolbert, 34, decided to rob him and ended up killing him
"What started out as a planned robbery escalated into a murder by suffocation, and ended with this body being chopped up, bagged, and thrown into the river," Capt. James Clark of the Homicide Unit said Thursday in a news conference at Police Headquarters to announce the arrests of K.C.Tolbert and the two women.While the two women spoke with Zarzycki in the living room, police said, Tolbert, who lived in the apartment, attacked him.
Police said Zarzycki was stunned with a Taser-type weapon, then beaten and strangled to death in the living room of the apartment at 220 S. 11th St. Police believe Tolbert then dismembered Zarzycki’s body in the apartment’s bathroom.
Zarzycki’s family members, who lived with him on Endicott Street, reported him missing to police last week
Clark and other investigators said that in Tolbert's living room on the night of Aug. 26, the girls had entertained Zarzycki. He had worked as a loan officer, records show, and was the son of a retired Philadelphia highway patrolman.
From the bedroom,Keith Tolbert rushed with a Taser, police said. Zarzycki struggled, and the women helped subdue him - the three of them binding him with duct tape and rope as Tolbert pressed his weight into Zarzycki's back.I;m surprised,that he didn"t try to beat him to death with frying pan?
Soon, police said, Zarzycki stopped moving.
Tolbert took care of the body, police said. They think Zarzycki was dragged into the bathroom and Tolbert used a hatchet or ax on him.
Clark detailed the arrests of Tolbert, 34, along with Angel Weston, 21, of Kensington, and Stephanie Foulke, 22. All three were charged Thursday with murder, robbery, and related offenses.
The charges came just two days after a boater found Zarzycki's headless and limbless body wrapped in a plastic bag and floating Tuesday morning in the Schuylkill near Reed Street in Grays Ferry-near the location of Keith Tolberts old residence,known as Reed House-run by the Salvation Army..
Police have yet to recover Zarzycki's head or limbs, the Taser, or the hatchet or ax that police think Tolbert must have used to sever the body; they don't believe the women were involved in that part of the crime. Investigators also don't know how the body was taken to the river, Clark said.
Security cameras captured images of Zarzycki entering Tolbert's apartment building around 7 p.m. on the night of Aug. 26, but investigators were still looking Thursday for footage of Tolbert leaving the building.
"Hopefully, we'll catch him leaving out the apartment with some type of bag," Clark said.
The building has an alleyway entrance that Tolbert sometimes used, investigators said.
Crime scene investigators returned to the apartment Thursday, a day after they removed bags of evidence, including sheets and duct tape. During that initial search, investigators found some blood in the bathroom. On Thursday - after the two women told investigators that Tolbert had cleaned that room after the killing - police conducted a more extensive search, tearing up sections of flooring and pulling out bathroom piping and drains.
At least one of the woman said Tolbert told them he had dismembered the body, police sources said.
Detective Paula Campbell was assigned that case and police determined Zarzycki went to the prostitution business based on information on a computer his family turned over as part of that investigation. Campbell determined Zarzycki’s last call was to the house on 11th Street.
At that point, police searching for Zarzycki set up an undercover sting using the city’s vice unit at the home on 11th Street hoping to locate the missing man, police said. On Saturday, they raided the home, arresting Tolbert, Weston and Foulke, police said.
On Tuesday, police found a torso floating in the Schuylkill River shortly before 8 a.m. They were able to identify the torso as Zarzycki on Wednesday based upon a distinctive tattoo on his back shoulder area, police said. Zarzycki’s head, arms and legs have not been located. Philadelphia police plan to send police boats back into the river in an attempt to locate the rest of the body once they develop more information.
Police said Thursday afternoon they were charging Weston, Foulke and Tolbert with murder, robbery and related offenses. All three were being held on the prostitution charges already. Police said after discovering Zarzycki’s torso Tuesday they interviewed the three and were able to get them to admit to the murder.
Investigators do not believe Aug. 26 was Zarzycki’s first visit to the house of prostitution on 11th Street, but said they do not know how many times he’d been there previously.
The newspaper was unsuccessful in attempts to reach Zarzycki’s family. Until Thursday morning, he was listed as a loan officer with a PNC bank in Doylestown. A PNC spokesperson said they do not confirm the identity of employees publicly.
Investigators had suspected Tolbert in Zarzycki's disappearance before his body was discovered. The trail that led them to Tolbert's apartment began with Zarzycki's parents, frantic over his disappearance.
Zarzycki had struggled with drugs in the past, and his parents had tried to help him.Tolbert was a known drug addict himself,on top of claimming to work at Wawa,
He was in the habit of calling his mother, Stella, if he wasn't coming home at night. When more than a day went by without his calling or turning up, she filed a missing-person report with police on Aug. 28, said Capt. Francis Bachmayer of Northeast Detectives.
His father, whose name is also Francis and who retired from the Police Department in 1989 after more than 20 years on the force, searched Zarzycki's computer and phone records. He saw clues that his son had gone to a website with personal ads,, and made calls to an unknown number, police sources said.

Detective Paula Campbell, Bachmayer said, realized the case had "urgency to it."
Tracing Zarzycki's phone records, investigators zeroed in on the 11th Street apartment.
They worked the case through the Labor Day weekend. On Saturday, Northeast Detectives and the Citywide Vice Unit conducted a prostitution sting at Tolbert's apartment, arresting him and Weston.
On Sunday, police found Zarzycki's 2004 Chevrolet TrailBlazer in a parking garage a block from the apartment.
The homicide Special Investigations Unit took over the case when the torso was discovered. It identified the remains by tattoos - wings and a bull - on Zarzycki's back. Investigators interviewed Weston on Tuesday, then tracked Foulke down in Glenolden, Delaware County, on Wednesday.

The women both described the killing, police said - and their stories matched.
Tolbert isn't talking, police said. He has two prior arrests in New Jersey, according to court records.
Joan Taylor, 65, lives in the apartment next to Tolbert's. He moved there six months ago, she said.
"He had lots of girls running in and out of there," Taylor said, sitting on her couch along the wall she shared with Tolbert. "They looked like crackheads."
The police, she said, showed her pictures of Zarzycki this week, but she did not recognize him.
No one answered Thursday at the Zarzycki family's home in Northeast Philadelphia.
John McNesby, head of the city's Fraternal Order of Police lodge, said that he had never worked with Zarzycki's father, but that the union would reach out to the family in the coming days.
"It's just sad," McNesby said.

Contact Mike Newall at 215-854-2759 or led to man's death, police say
Francis Zarzycki arrived at the dirty, three-room apartment near 11th and Locust Streets in Center City on an August night, believing he was in for a party with a pair of prostitutes known as Angel and Cinderella, police say.

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Police Charge Pimp, Two Hookers in Slaying of NE Resident Francis ZarzykciPhiladelphia Police say a pimp and two prostitutes killed a Northeast Philadelphia man, chopped up his body and tossed it into the Schuylkill River after a botched robbery.

Keith Tolbert, Angel Weston and Stephenie Foulke were charged Thursday with the murder of Frank Zarzycki, police said.
Zarzycki's torso was found by fishermen near the 1300 block of Schuylkill Avenue in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. The 40-year-old's head, arms and legs had been chopped off and were missing.
Using a distinctive tattoo on Zarzycki's upper back, investigators on Wednesday were able to identify the man who had been reported missing by family a week before.
Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit Capt. James Clark said Zarzycki, who lived in the Somerton section of the city, went to Apartment 26 inside 220 South 11th Street last Monday, August 26 to have a sexual encounter with prostitutes.
The man allegedly began a sexual act with Weston, 21, and Foulke, 22, in the second-floor apartment's living room when Tolbert, the 34-year-old alleged pimp, came in to rob Zarzycki.
During the struggle, Zarzycki was beaten, tasered and then suffocated. He died as a result of the fight.
Capt. Clark said investigators believe the trio panicked and dragged the man's lifeless body to the bathroom. There, Tolbert allegedly used a hatchet to dismember Zarzycki.
His torso was then placed into a bag and thrown into the river, police said.
Investigators are still searching for Zarzycki's other body parts and are leaning on the suspects to share where and how they were disposed.
"We're still talking to them," Capt. Clark said of the suspects. "We have detectives back out at the scene. We will probably still have the Marine Unit go back out to certain locations along the river. The investigation is still on going."
The trio were arrested on Saturday, before Zarzycki's body was found, after the department's Vice Unit held a sting at the apartment.
The housing unit, which is listed in Tolbert's name, is located in Center City, just south of busy Market East near the campus of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. The apartment building has a mix of Section 8 and mixed-income units inside. Investigators say Tolbert paid only $30 a month in rent to live there.
Capt. Clark said the home was a known prostitution spot and that phone and computer records showed the victim had frequented the place.
"My understanding is he had been there before and obviously he wasn't robbed, but for whatever reason, this time they chose to rob him and it escalated to him being killed," Capt. Clark said.
Neighbors who live in the apartment building tell they saw plain clothed officers visit the same apartment last week and arrest a man and woman for alleged prostitution.
Since then, a police officer had been guarding the apartment, neighbors say. Investigators then came back to apartment on Wednesday to collect evidence.
Capt. Clark said crime scene investigators were back out at the apartment on Thursday to search for additional evidence.
Sources close to the investigation tell NBC10 crime scene techs found large pieces of flesh inside a bathtub drain pipe. That pipe was removed and taken into evidence.
NBC10 visited Zarzycki's family in Northeast Philadelphia on Thursday, but they did not want to speak with the media.
Tolbert, Weston and Foulke have been charged with murder, robbery and related offenses and all, police say, have criminal histories.
Philadelphia Police say a pimp and two prostitutes killed a Northeast Philadelphia man, chopped up his body and tossed it into the Schuylkill River after a botched robbery.
Keith Tolbert, Angel Weston and Stephenie Foulke were charged Thursday with the murder of Frank Zarzycki, police said.
Zarzycki's torso was found by fishermen near the 1300 block of Schuylkill Avenue in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. The 40-year-old's head, arms and legs had been chopped off and were missing.
Using a distinctive tattoo on Zarzycki's upper back, investigators on Wednesday were able to identify the man who had been reported missing by family a week before.
Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit Capt. James Clark said Zarzycki, who lived in the Somerton section of the city, went to Apartment 26 inside 220 South 11th Street last Monday, August 26 to have a sexual encounter with prostitutes.
The man allegedly began a sexual act with Weston, 21, and Foulke, 22, in the second-floor apartment's living room when Tolbert, the 34-year-old alleged pimp, came in to rob Zarzycki.
During the struggle, Zarzycki was beaten, tasered and then suffocated. He died as a result of the fight.Keith Tolbert,was the kind of guy,people like Salvation Army Director Marcus Christmas and Manado-Marmaduke Bakooko thought highly of ,because,he was black and going to school.Obviously,all Tolbert learned was drugs,pimping,robbery and murder.
Capt. Clark said investigators believe the trio panicked and dragged the man's lifeless body to the bathroom. There, Tolbert allegedly used a hatchet to dismember Zarzycki.
His torso was then placed into a bag and thrown into the river, police said.
Investigators are still searching for Zarzycki's other body parts and are leaning on the suspects to share where and how they were disposed.
"We're still talking to them," Capt. Clark said of the suspects. "We have detectives back out at the scene. We will probably still have the Marine Unit go back out to certain locations along the river. The investigation is still on going."
The trio were arrested on Saturday, before Zarzycki's body was found, after the department's Vice Unit held a sting at the apartment.
The housing unit, which is listed in Tolbert's name, is located in Center City, just south of busy Market East near the campus of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. The apartment building has a mix of Section 8 and mixed-income units inside. Investigators say Tolbert paid only $30 a month in rent to live there.
Capt. Clark said the home was a known prostitution spot and that phone and computer records showed the victim had frequented the place.
"My understanding is he had been there before and obviously he wasn't robbed, but for whatever reason, this time they chose to rob him and it escalated to him being killed," Capt. Clark said.
Neighbors who live in the apartment building tell they saw plain clothed officers visit the same apartment last week and arrest a man and woman for alleged prostitution.
Since then, a police officer had been guarding the apartment, neighbors say. Investigators then came back to apartment on Wednesday to collect evidence.
Capt. Clark said crime scene investigators were back out at the apartment on Thursday to search for additional evidence.
Sources close to the investigation tell NBC10 crime scene techs found large pieces of flesh inside a bathtub drain pipe. That pipe was removed and taken into evidence.
NBC10 visited Zarzycki's family in Northeast Philadelphia on Thursday, but they did not want to speak with the media.
Tolbert, Weston and Foulke have been charged with murder, robbery and related offenses and all, police say, have criminal histories.
Keith Tolbert (L) and Angel Weston (R) pictured. A mugshot for Stephenie Foulke was not available.

Keith Tolbert (L) and Angel Weston (R) pictured. A mugshot for Stephenie Foulke was not available.

Frank Zarzycki pictured in this undated phot

Philadelphia Police say a pimp and two prostitutes killed a Northeast Philadelphia man, chopped up his body and tossed it into the Schuylkill River after a botched robbery.
Keith Tolbert, Angel Weston and Stephenie Foulke were charged Thursday with the murder of Frank Zarzycki, police said.
Zarzycki's torso was found by fishermen near the 1300 block of Schuylkill Avenue in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. The 40-year-old's head, arms and legs had been chopped off and were missing.
Using a distinctive tattoo on Zarzycki's upper back, investigators on Wednesday were able to identify the man who had been reported missing by family a week before.
Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit Capt. James Clark said Zarzycki, who lived in the Somerton section of the city, went to Apartment 26 inside 220 South 11th Street last Monday, August 26 to have a sexual encounter with prostitutes.
The man allegedly began a sexual act with Weston, 21, and Foulke, 22, in the second-floor apartment's living room when Tolbert, the 34-year-old alleged pimp, came in to rob Zarzycki.
During the struggle, Zarzycki was beaten, tasered and then suffocated. He died as a result of the fight.
Capt. Clark said investigators believe the trio panicked and dragged the man's lifeless body to the bathroom. There, Tolbert allegedly used a hatchet to dismember Zarzycki.
His torso was then placed into a bag and thrown into the river, police said.
Investigators are still searching for Zarzycki's other body parts and are leaning on the suspects to share where and how they were disposed.
"We're still talking to them," Capt. Clark said of the suspects. "We have detectives back out at the scene. We will probably still have the Marine Unit go back out to certain locations along the river. The investigation is still on going."
The trio were arrested on Saturday, before Zarzycki's body was found, after the department's Vice Unit held a sting at the apartment.
The housing unit, which is listed in Tolbert's name, is located in Center City, just south of busy Market East near the campus of Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. The apartment building has a mix of Section 8 and mixed-income units inside. Investigators say Tolbert paid only $30 a month in rent to live there.
Capt. Clark said the home was a known prostitution spot and that phone and computer records showed the victim had frequented the place.
"My understanding is he had been there before and obviously he wasn't robbed, but for whatever reason, this time they chose to rob him and it escalated to him being killed," Capt. Clark said.
Neighbors who live in the apartment building tell they saw plain clothed officers visit the same apartment last week and arrest a man and woman for alleged prostitution.
Since then, a police officer had been guarding the apartment, neighbors say. Investigators then came back to apartment on Wednesday to collect evidence.
Capt. Clark said crime scene investigators were back out at the apartment on Thursday to search for additional evidence.
Sources close to the investigation tell NBC10 crime scene techs found large pieces of flesh inside a bathtub drain pipe. That pipe was removed and taken into evidence.
NBC10 visited Zarzycki's family in Northeast Philadelphia on Thursday, but they did not want to speak with the media.
Tolbert, Weston and Foulke have been charged with murder, robbery and related offenses and all, police say, have criminal histories.

Keith Tolbert (L) and Angel Weston (R) pictured. A mugshot for Stephenie Foulke was not available.

Frank Zarzycki pictured in this undated phot

Since police found Francis Zarzykci’s dismembered torso in the Schuylkill earlier this week, police had been working to ID his killers. They announced a break today with the arrest of hookers Stephanie Foulke and Angel Weston, along with their alleged pimp, Keith Tolbert.K.C.Tolbert.-businessman,nursing aid student,football watcher,pan thrower,chicken stealler,battlestar galactica talker,Banker,drug addict,gun seller,pimp,strangler,murderer and body chopper.
Evidently, Zarzykci had been to the trio’s apartment-cum-bordello before, but his visit on August 26 ended fatally after the group attempted to rob him and he fought back. From there, Tolbert and his girls allegedly stun-gunned Zarzykci before suffocating him and dismembering his body in a bathtub with a hatchet.
Police, following tips from Zarzykci’s computer and call phone, tracked down Tolbert’s operation at 220 S. 11th street and arranged a successful sting. Police are still currently searching for the rest of Zarzykci’s remains.
And with that, Philadelphia has officially become a real-world version of a ’70s exploitation filmPHILADELPHIA — A Delaware County woman is one of the three people charged with the horrific murder and dismemberment of a Northeast Philadelphia man whose dismembered body was found in the Schuylkill River Tuesday.

Ridley Township resident Stephanie Foulke, 22, was arrested early Thursday morning in connection with the murder of Frank Zarzycki, a 40-year-old bank employee whose dismembered corpse was found floating in the Schuylkill River earlier this week.

Police say Foulke, who resided in the New Orleans apartment complex in the 900 block of South Avenue, is one of two prostitutes who was having sex with the victim in an apartment in the 200 block of South 11th Street near Thomas Jefferson University Hospital last Monday. During the sexual encounter their alleged pimp, Keith Tolbert,KC to freind like Dennis Petty, 34, tried to rob Zarzycki, police said. A struggle ensued, and Zarzycki was killed, police said.

Foulke, Angel Weston, 21, and Tolbert allegedly dragged the victim into the bathroom, where Tolbert used a hatchet to dismember Zarzycki’s body, police said.

“The struggle happened in the living room area,” said Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit Capt. James Clark. “We believe he was chopped up and bagged in the bathroom area.”

A fisherman found Zarzycki’s torso in a trash bag in the Schuylkill River on Tuesday. His head, legs and arms have not been recovered, police said.

The three suspects were taken into custody on Thursday. Foulke, Weston, of the 2000 block of East Monmouth Street, Philadelphia, and Tolbert, who resides in the apartment where Zarzycki was killed, are each charged with murder, conspiracy, robbery, abuse of a corpse, false imprisonment and related offenses.

A man who did not want to be identified said he had seen Foulke, whom he described as “the bald-headed girl,” at the apartment complex on South Avenue several times, but didn’t know her personally.

Officials confirmed that Foulke attended the Girls Preparatory Class at the Delaware County Academy in Collingdale last year. It is an alternative school for girls in grades eight through 11 operated by the Delaware County Intermediate Unit. She graduated in June with a diploma from her home district, Interboro.

Ridley Township police said their only contact with Foulke was earlier this year when she reported her bicycle missing.A check of online court dockets show that Foulke had only three other contacts with law enforcement, all for summary offenses of disorderly conduct and harassment.

She is tentatively scheduled to appear in Philadelphia Municipal Court on Sept. 25 for a preliminary hearing.

The search begins

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Teresa Crazycatlady Edwards what a fucking loser..10 hours ago via mobile · HEY Marcus Christmas what do you think you best pal now?
10 hours ago · Like
Joe Thompson Oh he was
10 hours ago · Like
 Man's body chopped up with hatchet after botched sexual tryst, robbery: police
25 minutes ago · Like Philadelphia Police say three people killed a Northeast Philadelphia man, chopped up his body and tossed it into the Schuylkill River after a botched robbery.

Keith Tolbert, Angel Weston and Stephenie Foulke were charged Thursday with the murder of Frank Zarzycki, police said.
Zarzycki's torso was found by fishermen near the 1300 block of Schuylkill Avenue in the Grays Ferry section of Philadelphia around 8 a.m. Tuesday morning. The 40-year-old's head, arms and legs had been chopped off and were missing.
Using a distinctive tattoo on Zarzycki's upper back, investigators on Wednesday were able to identify the man who had been reported missing by family a week before.
Philadelphia Police Homicide Unit Capt. James Clark said Zarzycki, who lived in the Somerton section of the city, went to Apartment 26 inside 220 South 11th Street last Monday, August 26 to have sex with prostitutes.
The man allegedly began an act with Weston, 21, and Foulke, 22, in the apartment's living room when Tolbert, 34, came in to rob Zarzycki.
During the struggle, Zarzycki was beaten, tasered and then suffocated. He died as a result of the fight.
Capt. Clark said investigators believe the trio panicked and dragged the man's lifeless body to the bathroom. There, Tolbert allegedly used a hatchet to dismember Zarzycki.
His torso was then placed into a bag and thrown into the river, police said.
Investigators are still searching for Zarzycki's other body parts and are leaning on the suspects to share where and how they were disposed.
"We're still talking to them," Capt. Clark said of the suspects. "We have detectives back out at the scene. We will probably still have the Marine Unit go back out to certain locations along the river. The investigation is still on going."
The trio were arrested on Saturday, before Zarzycki's body was found, after the department's Vice Unit held a sting at the apartment. The housing unit is listed in Tolbert's name.
Capt. Clark said the home was a known prostitution spot and that phone and computer records showed the victim had frequented the place.
"My understanding is he had been there before and obviously he wasn't robbed, but for whatever reason, this time they chose to rob him and it escalated to him being killed," Capt. Clark said.
Neighbors who live in the apartment building tell they saw plain clothed officers visit the same apartment last week and arrest a man and woman for alleged prostitution.
Since then, a police officer had been guarding the apartment, neighbors say. Investigators then came back to apartment on Wednesday to collect evidence.
Capt. Clark said crime scene investigators were back out at the apartment on Thursday to search for additional evidence.
NBC10 visited Zarzycki's family in Northeast Philadelphia on Thursday, but they did not want to speak with the media.
Tolbert, Weston and Foulke have been charged with murder, robbery and related offenses and all, police say, have criminal histories.
NBC 10 Philadelphia
24 minutes ago · Like
Joe Thompson says at TolbertWorked at TD Bank Financial GroupStudied at Temple UniversityLives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania23 minutes ago · Like · Remove PreviewJoe Thompson says K.C.Tolbert claims to have Worked at TD Bank Financial Group-NOT ANYMORE-DIDN'T KILL ANYBODY YET
Studied at Temple University-NOT ANYMORE
Past: Willingboro High School
Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
From Trenton, New Jersey
Followed by 9 people

Studied at Temple University-NOT ANYMORE
Past: Willingboro High School
Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
From Trenton, New Jersey
Followed by 9 people
19 minutes ago · Like
Joe Thompson says K.C.Tolbert claims to have Worked at Tolberts history

Studied at Temple University-NOT ANYMORE
Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-NOT ANYMORE-DIDN'T KILL ANYBODY YET

Studied at Temple University-NOT ANYMORE
Lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-NOT ANYMORE-DIDN'T KILL ANYBODY YET
16 minutes ago · Like
 CEO & President at Bossette Clothing Co.
2011 to present
Studied at La Salle University
Past: Willingboro High School

2011 to present
Studied at La Salle University
Past: Willingboro High School
11 minutes ago · Like
 CEO & President of Keith Tolbert Pimping,Robbery and Murder,Inc>
9 minutes ago · Like TolbertCEO & President at Bossette Clothing Co.Studied at La Salle UniversityLives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania9 minutes ago · Like · Remove PreviewBossette™ Clothing Co. is a fashion line that provides women's high fashion clothing to the upscale urban woman. We also offer more merchandise (body wash, lotions, scrubs, fragrances) to our loyal customers. 
Bossette™ is a vision that ask all women to empower & motivate themselves to want better and do better through fashion.
8 minutes ago · see this happened Center City.There is Safe Neighborhood or Bad one.You can have a nut in the best area,just ready to off someone.Tolbert was a neighbor and very creepy weirdo at that.
Joe Thompson Next job_20 YEAR IN JAIL
a few seconds ago · Like