
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

10 States That Rank Lowest on a Brain Health Index

10 States That Rank Lowest on a Brain Health Index
A nationwide index determined by 21 brain-healthy factors ranks these states at the bottom.
By Zach Miners, U.S. News & World Report
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* Slide Show: 11 Best Fish for You and the Environment
* Photos: 10 Booziest U.S. Cities—and 10 Most Sober
* America's 11 Most Literate Cities

Not every state in the union can be full of geniuses, right? At least that's what, at first glance, one might conclude after seeing the results of the "life'sDHA Index of Brain Health," an assessment that ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia according to what its creators consider to be factors supporting brain health.

Washington, D.C., and nine brain-healthy states made the top 10 list. Here are the 10 lowest-ranking states: Indiana, North Dakota, South Carolina, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Oklahoma and, dead last, Louisiana.

The brain health evaluations, performed by researchers at Martek Biosciences Corp., were determined through an analysis of third-party data on the diet, physical health, mental health and social well being of the residents of each state.

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"The results show that the majority of the top-10-ranked states border or are near the Atlantic or Pacific oceans," says Michael Roizen, author and adviser to the Martek index. "One hypothesis is the accessibility of fish with its healthy fats and protein." Martek manufactures products fortified with DHA, a form of health-promoting omega-3 fat found naturally in certain fish.

Louisiana, the "least brainy" state, tied with Mississippi and Utah for the highest rate of involvement in religious and spiritual activities—something Martek considers a positive indicator for brain health. That measure determined 5 percent of each state's total brain health score. In addition to its low sales of fish and DHA-fortified foods, and moderately low fruit and vegetable consumption rates, the Bayou State, along with Kentucky, has the lowest breast-feeding rate in the nation. Breast-feeding naturally provides DHA omega-3, which Martek's report on the index cites as "important for brain development of infants."

Outside medical experts are hesitant to put too much stock in the rankings but still recognize their significance.

"If you spent your entire life in Louisiana and you move to New Hampshire, next thing you know are you going to be 'brain healthy'? Of course not," says James Giordano, director of the Center for Neurotechnology Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Va.

But, he says, "I think what the researchers are saying is [high-ranked states] are the states where we find a number of different factors, in combination, that have the potential to contribute to a healthier brain."

David Perlmutter, a neurologist, points out that many of the states with the highest obesity rates are ranked among the least brain healthy. In the calculations that produced the index, a high obesity rate counted against a state.

"The fundamentals of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are damaging inflammatory chemicals in the brain," he says. So being overweight or having diabetes, both of which contribute to inflammation in the body, sets a person up for these diseases, he says.

Interestingly, a closer look at how various states fare on the individual measures of brain health might weaken the authority of the rankings.

For example, Washington state, the third-best brain-healthy state in the country, also has one of the highest rates of deaths due to Alzheimer's disease. And somewhat bizarrely, Louisiana, the country's least brain-healthy state, had one of the lowest incidences of "poor mental health days," according to data compiled by Martek.

It's important to note that a state's score on each of the 21 brain health indicators was weighted against the national average. And on some metrics, like sleep, no state does well, Roizen says. So just because D.C. and Mississippi, for instance, received top marks on sleep, that doesn't mean people there get eight hours of shut-eye a night.

America's 10 Brainiest States
Even lower is Tursiville,Chicken Falls,USA.

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America's 10 Brainiest States

Diet & Fitness: Nutrition
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America's 10 Brainiest States
A new study ranks the 'brain health' of all 50 states, with a heavy emphasis on a healthful omega-3 fat.
By Zach Miners, U.S. News & World Report
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* Photos: 10 Booziest U.S. Cities—and 10 Most Sober
* 11 Most Literate Cities
* 10 Smokiest U.S. Cities

If you sometimes find it difficult to concentrate or experience the occasional "senior moment," don't be too hard on yourself. It might just be the state you live in.

To raise awareness about the state of the nation's "brain health" and to encourage people to take action toward improving their own brain function, researchers released an index that purports to rank the "brain smarts" of all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Diet represented 36 percent of each state's score. Of several factors used to calculate the brain-healthfulness of the foods each state eats, sales of fish and DHA-fortified foods were weighed most heavily; they made up 10 percent and 12 percent, respectively, of the diet score. Measures of the population's physical health accounted for 25 percent of each state's overall score; mental health accounted for 24 percent; and social well-being 15 percent. In all, 21 measures went into calculating each score. The creators of the index examined existing data on these metrics for all the states and the District of Columbia. The data came from agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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You don't have to be a genius to understand why the index, dubbed the "life'sDHA Index of Brain Health," was based partly on DHA consumption. Its developer and sponsor, Martek Biosciences Corp., produces dietary supplements and products rich in DHA omega-3 fatty acids, including the life'sDHA brand. Studies suggest omega-3s can be important to healthy brain development.

"Our goal was to draw attention to the fact that your brain health isn't solely genetic—that you get to modify it," says Michael Roizen, a doctor of internal medicine and anesthesiology, author and adviser for the index.

The District of Columbia was at the top of the pack, thanks to the high amounts of fish and DHA omega-3-fortified foods and supplements consumed there, the quantity of fruits and vegetables its residents eat and the fact that many of the capital's residents are bookworms. (Interestingly, Alaska tied with D.C. in the rate at which residents read for personal interest.)

Also receiving high marks were Connecticut (ranked fifth brainiest overall), thanks in part to the quality of its education system; Massachusetts (ranked seventh), for its high rates of health insurance coverage; and New Jersey (ranked eighth), for having one of the lowest rates of psychological distress in the nation. The complete top 10:

1. Washington, D.C.
2. Maryland
3. Washington state
4. Vermont
5. Connecticut
6. Colorado
7. Massachusetts
8. New Jersey
9. Maine
10. New Hampshire

Medical experts who are unaffiliated with the index echoed the importance of taking proactive, preventive steps to protect brain function, but some pointed out that Martek might have a special interest in promoting DHA omega-3.

"It's curious that they're focusing on DHA," says John Ratey, an associate clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He cites studies that suggest another kind of omega-3, EPA, may be more important to brain health than DHA. Yet DHA—better known for its heart-health benefits than its brain-boosting powers—was the only form of omega-3 that factored into the index's methodology.

Elizabeth Zelinski, a professor of gerontology and psychology at the University of Southern California, says the behaviors most prized by the index—a proper diet and aerobic exercise—are certainly factors in vascular health. But whether an absence of those healthful behaviors contributes independently to cognitive problems is another issue, she says.

Still, she says, "vascular health and healthy brain function are very much connected. The brain gets everything it needs to function—oxygen, glucose, the removal of waste—from the vascular system, so it does make sense" that the index considers those behaviors.

Other experts say there is no solid consensus about what "brain health" actually means. Some, like Martek's team of scientists, see it as maintaining cognitive function and reducing the risk of long-term neurological diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Others see it from a neurological standpoint and stress the importance of keeping the brain's "network membranes" healthy, because the membranes are the mechanism by which the brain carries out most of its electrochemical communication.

"We used to think of the brain as a machine, with Part A doing Function A and Part B doing Function B," says James Giordano, director of the Center for Neurotechnology Studies at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Va., which provides analysis, public advocacy and private funding for neurotechnology research. "But the brain is actually a bidirectional hierarchical network. We can't say that one particular brain area 'does something.'" In other words, each area of the brain participates with the rest of it to evoke different levels of sensation, cognition, emotion, and consciousness.

Medical experts also define brain health in terms of the brain's ability to learn new things or to perform certain behavioral tasks.

What you can do

Although there may not be a clear definition of what brain health is, there is plenty you can do to keep your brain healthy. U.S. News has covered this aspect of fighting the effects of aging. Lifestyle habits also can help boost your brain smarts.

Medical experts recommend 30 minutes of physical activity a day; teaching the brain new things by playing games, learning new languages or taking up hobbies; and eating a diet rich in brain-enhancing nutrients—including omega-3s—and fruits and vegetables.

But taking too much omega-3 or other nutritious foods, such as almonds or flaxseed oil, could pose a health risk, experts say.

David Perlmutter, a neurologist and expert in the field of nutritional influences in neurological disorders, praises the index but says it leaves out two key tests that people should take to assess their risk of two cognitive ailments. One is a homocysteine blood test, which he says can indicate risk for Alzheimer's disease. The other, he says, is sensitivity to gluten, also known as celiac disease.

"For people that are gluten sensitive, if they eat gluten-containing foods, which are wheat, barley and rye, it can be a strong cause of dementia," Perlmutter says.

The index's Web site includes a quiz that will test your own brain health and offers individualized recommendations for what you can do to improve it. In addition, it has a U.S. map with easy-to-access information on the reasons behind each state's "brain health" ranking.

10 States That Rank Lowest on a Brain Health Index

Find More on MSN Health & Fitness:

* Manage Your Health Online
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* Worried About Swine Flu? Resources to Make Informed Decisions.
* 5 Power Foods That Make Your Mind Younger
* Bing Search: Keeping Your Brain Young

Courtesy of U.S. News & World Report

Monday, September 14, 2009

Philadelphia Library closing

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Republican National Committee

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I consider the Library closing obseen.Far as I'm concerned if you ran your Libraries better-not let bums hang in there all day-fix damaged books,maybe nor of this would be happening.I've gotten books,with pages falling out-torn pages,pages drawn on-like a Batman Graphic Novel,books go missing,that reserved,that were on the Library Catalog.Books and DVD's take months to get sent to your library,where you reserved them and you find upon shelves sitting there,because nobody bothered to look for them.Books catalogued are mislabelled like the Conan Graphic novels.Hire more compentant people,who can check in books without losing them-this might not be happening.Some -not all like the Nicetown Branche,Independence Branche and Philadelphia Institute,have problem staff losing books.Maybe when or if you guys re-open,you'll consider that.
As a result of the state budget crisis and legislation impasse, the entire Free Library of Philadelphia system is set to close October 2nd. Follow the steps below and help us keep the Free Library open to all!

CALL: If a phone number is provided, call your legislator and encourage them to do everything they can to keep the libraries open in Philadelphia.
WRITE: Download our suggested letter (you can enter your legislator's address on the letter), print it out and sign it. Don't forget to mail it today!
For more information please visit our We Need Action Now! page.

Learn more about our closings

From: Joseph Thompson (
Sent: Sun 9/13/09 9:52 PM
To: Philadelphia Library (

Thank you for submitting your question to Free Libr of Philadelphia (PA)
Question ID: 4807810
Your question:
We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspendedWe regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspended on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. This is nuts.They money for all sorts of stupid crap,but reading get thrown by the morons.You can tell gorilla moron,we elected Govern-he stinks.Hope he dosen't plan on running for anything next time-because I'd vote in Hitler before him.

You will receive acknowledgement of question receipt and an answer to your question at the e-mail address you provided:

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Pennsylvania Governor's Mail - Thank You!
Thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania state government. As your Governor, I am committed to working tirelessly to bring positive change to our Commonwealth, and appreciate your input.
If you are writing about a particular piece of legislation, your comments will be included as I consider each bill that reaches my desk.
If you are writing about a concern that needs to be handled by an agency under my jurisdiction, your email will be forwarded to the appropriate state agency after being reviewed in my office.
Thank you again for sharing the thoughts and concerns that are important to you and your family. By working together, we will improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians.
Governor Edward G. Rendell
P.S. To receive the Governor's weekly newsletter detailing his recent visits, conferences, speeches, current press releases and photos, please visit,

Send E-mail to Rep. Johnson
Dear Representative Johnson,
Shared via AddThis From: Joseph Thompson ( Sent: Sun 9/13/09 9:52 PM To: Philadelphia Library ( Thank you for submitting your question to Free Libr of Philadelphia (PA) Question ID: 4807810 Your question: We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspendedWe regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspended on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. This is nuts.They money for all sorts of stupid crap,but reading get thrown by the morons.You can tell gorilla moron,we elected Govern-he stinks.Hope he dosen't plan on running for anything next time-because I'd vote in Hitler before him. You will receive acknowledgement of question receipt and an answer to your question at the e-mail address you provided: Pennsylvania Governor's Mail - Thank You! Thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania state government. As your Governor, I am committed to working tirelessly to bring positive change to our Commonwealth, and appreciate your input. If you are writing about a particular piece of legislation, your comments will be included as I consider each bill that reaches my desk. If you are writing about a concern that needs to be handled by an agency under my jurisdiction, your email will be forwarded to the appropriate state agency after being reviewed in my office. Thank you again for sharing the thoughts and concerns that are important to you and your family. By working together, we will improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians. Sincerely, Governor Edward G. Rendell P.S. To receive the Governor's weekly newsletter detailing his recent visits, conferences, speeches, current press releases and photos, please visit, Return to: . hansome.artis - And now this sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric. Joseph Gilbert Thompson. DOC THOMPSON.YE EDITOR AND CREATIVE ART DIRECTOR OF MAVERIC COMICS INC,STUDIOS 1320 SOUTH 32ND STREET,PHILA,PA.19146 maveric lion production,Maveric Comics Studios. 2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertaainment. Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group. P.O Box 22505 Landtitle Station/Building.Philadelphia,Pa,19110. joe thompson -room 229.1320 south 32 street.Philadelphia,Pa,1946 Productions Entertainment. Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group. - - trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions Productions Entertaainment. Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group. > Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 13:40:31 -0400 > From: > To: > Subject: Library Question [Question #4799700] > > Thank you for submitting a question to the Free Library of Philadelphia. We will respond to your query within 2 business days > > > [Question]: Sat 9/05/09 9:33 PM > To: > > Saturday, September 5, 2009 Central Library1901 VINE ST19103 JOSEPH, G THOMPSON1221 RACE ST.PHILADELPHIA, PA19107 Dear JOSEPH, G THOMPSON,"PICKUP NOTICE" The item you requested is available for pickup from the Library. Contact the Circulation Desk to check out the item. The item will be held for 10 days. Please visit the agency above to resolve this issue Thank you. 1 Green Lantern Corps. The dark side of green / Dave Gibbons, KeithChampagne, writers ; Patrick Gleason, Dave Gibbons, Tom Nguyen, pencils.Gibbons, Dave, 1949-call number:GRAPHIC NOVEL copy:1 hold pickup library:Central Library > Went to the Library,no one could find my graphic novel I was supposed to come in and pick up.They looked around,but no where was it.So now I don't know where it is or if it's anywhere at all.I'm hoping you'll find and give me time to come in to get it. > > Hey people-vote out the legistlators behind-we presume the Repulblican Party line or whoever-vote strait democrate and let me know it. > Doc Thompson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

You can reply to me at:

PHILA, PA 19146

I have selected the following as topics that I'm interested in:

Joseph Thompson


Return to: hansome.artist
- And now this
sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric.
Joseph Gilbert Thompson.


maveric lion productionMaveric Comics Studios.

Maveric Entertainment Group.
trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.
P.O Box 22505 Landtitle Station/Building.Philadelphia,Pa,19110.

joe thompson -room 229.1320 south 32 street.Philadelphia,Pa,1946

6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,19135-3718.
Be kind or don't bother sending.
Latest News: Tina Small is Goddess Earth Mother
if you think a thing is impossable, and then you'll make it imposable.
trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.
- - trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 13:40:31 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Library Question [Question #4799700]
> Thank you for submitting a question to the Free Library of Philadelphia. We will respond to your query within 2 business days
> [Question]: Sat 9/05/09 9:33 PM
> To:
> Saturday, September 5, 2009 Central Library1901 VINE ST19103 JOSEPH, G THOMPSON1221 RACE ST.PHILADELPHIA, PA19107 Dear JOSEPH, G THOMPSON,"PICKUP NOTICE" The item you requested is available for pickup from the Library. Contact the Circulation Desk to check out the item. The item will be held for 10 days. Please visit the agency above to resolve this issue Thank you. 1 Green Lantern Corps. The dark side of green / Dave Gibbons, KeithChampagne, writers ; Patrick Gleason, Dave Gibbons, Tom Nguyen, pencils.Gibbons, Dave, 1949-call number:GRAPHIC NOVEL copy:1 hold pickup library:Central Library
> Went to the Library,no one could find my graphic novel I was supposed to come in and pick up.They looked around,but no where was it.So now I don't know where it is or if it's anywhere at all.I'm hoping you'll find and give me time to come in to get it.
> Hey people-vote out the legistlators behind-we presume the Repulblican Party line or whoever-vote strait democrate and let me know it.
> Doc Thompson

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------September, 2009
In July, Mayor Nutter announced the possible closing of our public libraries if the State does not
end the budget impasse very soon.
Philadelphia’s 54 Free Libraries are in every one of our neighborhoods and provide essential
services in these communities. Usage of the Library’s resources has increased dramatically this
year as job seekers use the free public computers for job searches, and very shortly, children
will be depending on their libraries for homework help in our safe environment after school
(most Philadelphia public schools have no libraries!). Seniors use the libraries to access
information about social security and other federal benefits—information now found only
Almost half of Philadelphians are without internet access at home. This crucial resource cannot
and should not be taken away!
I urge you to pass the two provisions for Philadelphia and the State budget and restore the cut
to library services. Now more than ever, we need libraries to serve the underserved and those
challenged by the economy. Please keep our vital libraries open!
Joseph Gilbert Thompson.

maveric lion productionMaveric Comics Studios.

Maveric Entertainment Group.
trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.
P.O Box 22505 Landtitle Station/Building.Philadelphia,Pa,19110.

Free Libr of Philadelphia

From: Joseph Thompson (
Sent: Sun 9/13/09 9:52 PM
To: Philadelphia Library (

Thank you for submitting your question to Free Libr of Philadelphia (PA)
Question ID: 4807810
Your question:
We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspendedWe regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, no new holds will be accepted after 11:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 10, 2009. All existing holds will be suspended on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. on Wednesday, September 23, 2009. The last hold pickup notices will be sent on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, with a final pick up date of Monday, September, 28, 2009. Visit our catalog. Interlibrary Loan Effective September 10, 2009, no Interlibrary Loan orders will be processed. We regret to inform you that until the state legislature passes the necessary budgetary legislation, we cannot fulfill requests for materials from other institutions. If you place a new request, it will be put on hold until operations return to normal. We are very sorry for this inconvenience. Visit the Interlibrary Loan page. This is nuts.They money for all sorts of stupid crap,but reading get thrown by the morons.You can tell gorilla moron,we elected Govern-he stinks.Hope he dosen't plan on running for anything next time-because I'd vote in Hitler before him.

You will receive acknowledgement of question receipt and an answer to your question at the e-mail address you provided:

To submit another question:

Pennsylvania Governor's Mail - Thank You!
Thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania state government. As your Governor, I am committed to working tirelessly to bring positive change to our Commonwealth, and appreciate your input.
If you are writing about a particular piece of legislation, your comments will be included as I consider each bill that reaches my desk.
If you are writing about a concern that needs to be handled by an agency under my jurisdiction, your email will be forwarded to the appropriate state agency after being reviewed in my office.
Thank you again for sharing the thoughts and concerns that are important to you and your family. By working together, we will improve the lives of all Pennsylvanians.
Governor Edward G. Rendell
P.S. To receive the Governor's weekly newsletter detailing his recent visits, conferences, speeches, current press releases and photos, please visit,


Return to: hansome.artist well hung-about 9 inches stud
- And now this
sincerely yours-Upward Onward Maveric.
Joseph Gilbert Thompson.


maveric lion productionMaveric Comics Studios.

Maveric Entertainment Group.
trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.
P.O Box 22505 Landtitle Station/Building.Philadelphia,Pa,19110.

joe thompson -room 229.1320 south 32 street.Philadelphia,Pa,1946

6142 Torresdale Avenue.Philadelphia,Pa,19135-3718.
Be kind or don't bother sending.
Latest News: Tina Small is Goddess Earth Mother
if you think a thing is impossable, and then you'll make it imposable.
trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.
- - trademark[copyright-2006.Mavereic Lions
Productions Entertaainment.
Maveric Comics Studios.Maveric Entertainment Group.

> Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 13:40:31 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Library Question [Question #4799700]
> Thank you for submitting a question to the Free Library of Philadelphia. We will respond to your query within 2 business days
> [Question]: Sat 9/05/09 9:33 PM
> To:
> Saturday, September 5, 2009 Central Library1901 VINE ST19103 JOSEPH, G THOMPSON1221 RACE ST.PHILADELPHIA, PA19107 Dear JOSEPH, G THOMPSON,"PICKUP NOTICE" The item you requested is available for pickup from the Library. Contact the Circulation Desk to check out the item. The item will be held for 10 days. Please visit the agency above to resolve this issue Thank you. 1 Green Lantern Corps. The dark side of green / Dave Gibbons, KeithChampagne, writers ; Patrick Gleason, Dave Gibbons, Tom Nguyen, pencils.Gibbons, Dave, 1949-call number:GRAPHIC NOVEL copy:1 hold pickup library:Central Library
> Went to the Library,no one could find my graphic novel I was supposed to come in and pick up.They looked around,but no where was it.So now I don't know where it is or if it's anywhere at all.I'm hoping you'll find and give me time to come in to get it.
> Hey people-vote out the legistlators behind-we presume the Repulblican Party line or whoever-vote strait democrate and let me know it.

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